Chapter Twelve

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  We walk past the two slots for the batteries and figure the other side of this room will give us another battery.

Please don't make me fight more hands.

  Me and Mono walk past and mannequin with no head and I walk a little faster scared that the hands on it will come to life. I see another battery slot up ahead and I go over to it. I put the battery in the slot and a loud buzz fills the room. We walk past some corn on a plate and into the next room. I go to the left and see a room with a electric chair and more importantly a battery in a slot. There's bars in my way and I sigh.

Not getting through that way.

  I run to the other end of the room and see a small window on a barred door that Mono could boost me through. "Hey, can you boost me up?" I ask. He nods and crouches under the window cupping his hands. He boosts me up and I jump down from the window into the room. There's a lever on the wall and a mannequin blocking my way to the next room.

I swear to god if that thing comes to life-

  "Six!" I turn and see Mono on the other side of the bars. "Yeah?" I walk over to him. He reaches through the bars and gives me a hug. "For good luck." He whispers. I smile and give him a thumbs up. "I'll be waiting at the room with the chair." I nod and he runs in the direction of the room with the chair. I smile and turn towards the mannequin. "Okay, just you and me." I go over to the lever and pull it down. The lights flicker and I swear the mannequin jerks.

  I pull out my flashlight and click it on. "No way in hell!" The lights flicker some more and eventually the light bulb breaks. The mannequin jerks and runs towards me. In an act of desperation I point my light at it and it stops moving.

Ah, you don't like lights do you?

  I go around the mannequin keeping my light on it and when I reach the door and squeeze through it taking my light off of the mannequin. It runs forward and I scramble backwards as it reachs for me. Luckily the light hits its arm and freezes it. I breathe a sign of relief and walk away from it. I walk past what must be a dead mannequin and go down another hallway. I see three mannequins frozen in some light and it's scary.

  I turn and walk through a broken door into a dark hallway. I see a bunch of mannequins in the room ahead.

Please don't let all of them be alive.

  I see some beds not to far away and I decide to run. I hear some shuffling come from my right and as I pass one mannequin it reachs for me. I dodge it's hands and slide under the bed. I drop my flashlight and it rolls back out into the room.


  I quickly dart out and grab it shining it onto the two mannequins. They freeze and walk backwards. My back hits the bottom of a bed and turn crawling away from the mannequins. I come out from under the bed to see another room filled with mannequins.


  I walk forward and when a mannequin near me moves I shine my light on it. It freezes and I walk backwards. I hear movement of the my side and swing the flashlight around freezing another mannequin. I hear shuffling behind me and I swing my flashlight around towards that. I see a door behind the frozen mannequin and I hear shuffling behind me. I quickly dart past the frozen mannequin and jump through the broken window into a room with light.

  A mannequin reachs out but when the light hits it it freezes. I run away from that and see a cart I can climb up to get into a vent. I climb up the cart and crawl into the vent. I sit down and take a few breaths. If I know anything after this vent there will be a whole lot of stuff I have to run from without a break. I need to get back with Mono but I'm so tired. Maybe after this we can take a small break, catch a nap maybe. I crawl forward and fall down onto a bed.

  I jump down and walk out of the room into a hallway full of doors.

Oh this will end well.

  I decide to just run. I run forward and suddenly a bunch of arms reach through slots on the doors trying to grab me. I dodge all of the and turn down another hallway only to have the door behind me bust open. I run as fast as I can and shine my flashlight onto a mannequin crawling towards me. I run into another room and swing my flashlight around freezing all the mannequins crawling after me. I crouch under some bed and crawl backwards. I hear something move behind me and I swing my light around freezing another mannequin crawling towards me.

  I run to some shelves and climb up them. I crawl through a vent hole and land in a dark room. I shine my light and see a lever I pull it turning on lights and I catch my breath.

That was chaos.

  Not sure what to do I look around. I see a box over in the corner and it looks like it's covering a vent hole. "Interesting." I go over to it and pull it away from the wall. Sure enough there's a vent hole. I start crawling through and I hear buzzing echo through the vent. "Why is there so much buzzing?" I whisper. I crawl through the other side and get my answer. In a bathtub there's some feet sticking out of organs. So many organs. Bile rises in my throat and this time I can't keep it down.

  I fall to my knees and throw up the little food in my stomach. After I finish throwing up I wipe my mouth on my sleeve and crawl back through the vent into the shower room. "Never going back there." I mutter. I look around the room and walk towards another box of soap. There's some soap laying on the floor and I see a button on the wall. There's a barred door and behind it I see a mannequin in a wheelchair.

Another one?! I hope this one is the last one.

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