Chapter Twenty One

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  I enter a hallway as I walk through the doorway. I see a boarded up door next to me but I ignore it, I need to stay focused on one task. Find Mono and get out of this city. I walk into a room with a elevator shaft, a tv that's turned off, and a vent hole next to me. The lever for the elevator is broken, but maybe I can us the vent to get lower and use the elevator from there. I turn on the tv sitting in the chair next to the elevator shaft before going over to the vent.

  I pull myself up into it and fall down onto some garbage stuck in the shoot. I jump on the garbage a few times before it slides down the rest of the shoot. I land in a pile of nasty, rotting garbage and I pinch my nose as I walk away. I walking into the adjoining room and I see the elevator. The lever down here thankfully isn't broken, but it's too high up to reach.

  I see a package I could drag over to the lever and I go over to it. I start dragging it towards the lever, I wonder where the elevator will lead. I see a tv inside of the elevator, confusing. I finish dragging the package over to the lever and I climb up onto it, pulling down the lever. The doors open some and I squeeze through them getting into the elevator. I see a lever in here I could use to make the elevator go up.

  My attention turns to the tv, I use my remote to turn it on before teleporting through it. I come out of the tv that's sitting on the chair.

Interesting. Maybe I have to get on top of the elevator to get somewhere.

  I teleport back through the tv and I look up at the lever. I quickly use the tv to climb up to it, I pull the lever, teleport through the tv, jump down the elevator shaft, and land on top of the rising elevator. We come to a floor that's below the one I was just on. I quickly jump off the elevator and watch it rise away from me.

I sure hope I supposed to do that, otherwise I just made a big mistake.

  I turn, walking down a hallway, I come across a box with a creepy doll on it. It looks like there's a vent behind the box, I grab the handle of the box and pull it away from the wall to reveal the vent behind it. I quickly go around the box and crawl through the vent. I come out the other side into a bathroom with water everywhere, there's sparks flying from the water so it must be electrified.

  I climb up onto the toilet next to me and I jump across the bathroom to the dry doorway. I see an old Veiwer staring at a tv, hopefully I won't have to worry about her. I see a door on the other side of the room and the handle is too high up for me to reach. I see a stool by the lady Veiwer.

Great just great.

I look at the electrified bathroom and I get an idea. I bring out my remote and turn of the Veiwer's tv. She grunts in surprise and turns around facing me. I quickly sprint into the bathroom, jump over the water and grab the edge of the toilet. The Veiwer stumbles into the bathroom and gets electrified as I pull myself onto the toilet seat.

  The power goes out as the Viewer drops to the ground, dead. I jump down and go back into the living room, I see the tv's busted. I don't need it though, I need the stool. I drag it over to the door and use it to open it. The door opens up to the outside and when I let go of the handle I fall into an overflowing dumpster. As I jump out of the dumpster I see a bunch of Veiwers all gathered around a tv playing a broadcast.

  I ignore them and continue on with my journey. I crawl through a window into a toy store.


  I watch Six as she's about to go through the electrified store. "Heh, have fun with that." I click of the tv I watch her through and I go into the room I have her Mono in. He glares at me as I walk into the room. "JUST YOU WAIT! SIX WILL SAVE ME!" "Hey. Shut up!" He whimpers and sits down wrapping his arms around his knees. "Don't you get it boy?!" I ask as I walk over to him. "She betrayed us! When she comes to save you we should just kill her!" He shakes his head silently.

  I groan, I was always stubborn. "Listen. Six never cared for us. She only pretends to. She always, always, drops us. So why don't we give her a taste of her own medicine?" Mono stays silent. I sigh and walk out of his room. Turning on my TV I watch Six move the shopping cart over in front of the tv. She is pretty smart, figuring out these puzzles quickly.

  "Hey." I turn to see Mono standing in the doorway of his room. "Is she really as bad as you say she is?" I nod, finally, he's falling for my trap. I turn of my tv forgetting about Six, I need to manipulate her Mono so he'll drop her. "Yes. She's evil. She drops us to turn us into a monster. And then somehow, after turning into that monster we are reborn, as a new version of ourselves. A naive version, one who helps her escape the Hunter's shack."

  Mono looks at the floor. "But, she saved me from the Hunter." I sigh. "I created this world. Made her experience what happened to us. Now, will you help me?" Mono looks up at me and smiles. "Of course."

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