Chapter Ten

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  We go over to a door and I boost Mono up so he can open the door. We walk through what looks like a clothes shop and jump through a window back outside. The rain hits the hood of my raincoat keeping me dry. I see a fence up ahead and I wonder how to get through it. There's a board leaning against it and I see there's a hole behind the board. "Six!" I see Mono in front of a dumpster ready to boost me up. I then see i can climb onto the tv on the dumpster and walk across the roof behind it to the other side.

He's a genius.

  I go over to him and let him boost me up. I climb onto the tv and use that to get on the roof. I walk across the roof to the other side of the fence and jump down onto some trash before going over to the fence and pushing down the board. I see a vent door on the wall above the trash pile and go over to it. Mono helps me pull it open and we crawl through the vent together. I drop down the shaft in the vent and land on a roll of bandages, more concerning is the blood on the bandages. I crawl forward and push through the vent grate back out into the rain.

  I grab Mono's hand when he comes out of the vent and we walk up some stairs towards a building together. I see a window and jump through that into a hallway. As Mono drops in through the window I see a cart with some bandages and medicine bottles on it. We walk forward and pass some shelves with more bandages and medicine on it. I see a bed in front of us and to my horror there's blood and organs on the floor and the bed. I turn away from the sight and try to hold back the bile rising in my throat.

  "Six are you okay?" Asks Mono putting a hand on my back. I nod and turn back to him. His face is still impassive.

How can he be so calm with blood and organs on the floor right in front of him?

  I grab his hand and walk under the bed, going around the bloody mess. We continue forward passing a hallway with bars for a wall. There's some light coming through the bars and I don't look over for fear of what I could see.  We come to some closed doors and me and Mono push on them. They swing open and I fall forward off of the edge. Mono grabs my hand and holds me over the abyss for a second before pulling me up. "That was close." I whisper. He nods. I turn and see beds hanging by ropes.

Great, now I have to true beds hanging by ropes with my life.

  I jump onto the first on and walk forward towards one only strung up by it's back legs. I climb up it and jump onto the bed above the one I was walking across before. I climb some bedsheets and look down to see Mono following me. I climb up onto the bed and jump to another bed. I run and jump to a final bed before jumping towards an open doorway and pulling myself through. I turn and see Mono jumping towards the doorway and as he grabs the ledge one of his hands slip. I grab his arm and pull him up before he can fall.

  "Well, I guess you paid me back for saving you." He says to me. I smile and I see a battery like thing in the wall beside us. I grab it and pull it out. The door we just came through closes, and the lights go out. There's a small glow coming from the battery. We walk down the hall and come to another slot for the battery. I put the battery in and the lights come back on, doors slide open in front of us and I see a drop we have to jump down. I jump down first and land on top of an elevator. Mono follows and when he lands part of the cable snaps. The elevator shifts and I see a vent grate we have to pull off me and Mono pull it off together the grate landing behind us. Mono gets in first and I follow behind him. The elevator falls right as I get into the vent.

  I sigh with relief and Mono smiles at me. "If you had died I would've killed you." I laugh and so does Mono. I crawl past him and we crawl through the vents together. I see an opening up ahead and drop down onto the floor below. I see a light coming from a flashlight and I grab it. I turn to Mono and shine the light in his eyes by accident. "Hey!" He sheilds his eyes. "Sorry." I point the flashlight at the ground and he smiles at me.

  "We now have a light at least." I nod and grab his hand continuing forward. We squeeze through a doorway and pass through a room with beds in it. We walk through a doorway and enter a hallway. We past shelves filled with bedsheets, bandages, and medicine. We walk over receipts littering the floor and I wonder how this place could be so messy. I haven't seen any signs of anyone. I turn down a hallway with blood spattering the floor and I don't like seeing it. I hear a glass bottle roll across the floor. "Damn bottle." I hear Mono mutter.

  I almost had a heart attack. Mono comes up beside me and grabs my hand. "I need the light." I smile at him and we walk through a doorway into a room with a vending machine and a door with a button next to it. I go over to the vending machine, turn off my flashlight, and grab the handle for the machine. "Six, I don't think now is the time to eat." I ignore Mono, grab the can that came out of the machine, and go over to the button on the door. "Oh." I shake my head as I throw the can at the button.

He can be smart at times and dumb at other times.

  The door buzzes loudly before opening.. I click my flashlight back on and grab Mono's hand walking through the now open door. I hear the sound of a tv turn back on and Mono's hand slips from mine. I turn off my flashlight, shoving it in my pocket as I cover my ears. I walk towards the tv slowly with my eyes shut. I remember that I could tune the tv last time.

I should try that again.

  I place my hand on the warm screen and the sound of static dies down. I open my eyes and see the familiar hallway again. I straighten it and the I hold it straight before static playing and the hallway twists again. I straighten it again and fell the familiar tug but it relents again and I'm pushed back. I straighten the hallway again, determined to fix the hallway. I feel myself get pulled into the tv and I stand up in the hallway. I start walking towards the door and about halfway down, time slows again and Mono pulls me out of the tv. I fall to the cold ground next to him as the tv clicks off.

  He looks at me odd but doesn't seem scared. We stand up and I look around noticing for the first time there are mannequins sitting around the tv staring at it. I grab Mono's hand terrified.

Who the hell put these here like this?

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