Chapter Nine

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  I see another kid drawing on the floor and I see a hammer close by him. To my surprise Mono lets go of my hand and sneaks up behind the kid. He jumps onto the kid's back, grabs it's neck, and smashes it's head into the floor breaking it. I slowly walk over to him as he stands. "Um, Mono?" I say to him. He ignores me and looks down at his kill. A sneer plastered across his face.

Ok, that's the creepiest thing I've seen.

  "Mono?" I reach out and grab his hand. He blinks and he drops the sneer. It's like he was broken out of some spell. I shake it off and we walk over to a cupboard blocking our way. I pull out the bottom drawer and we climb up together. "Why'd you kill that kid like that?" I ask as we jump down. "He deserved it." I nod. Mono has a point, every kid in this school deserves to die. We near a staircase and I hear music coming from a closed door.

Please don't be the Teacher.

  We walk up the stairs and I see some shelves we could climb if the box of books wasn't in our way. I see a cupboard next to the shelves. "Hey Mono, can you boost me up?" I ask walking over to the cupboard. He nods and boosts me up onto it. I jump up and grab onto the top of the shelves pulling myself up. I go over to the box of books and push it over the edge. Mono climbs up the shelves and smiles at me. "Smart." We pull open a vent cover and the music gets louder. I grab Mono's hand and walk through the vent ready to face the horrors of this school. I climb up a small ladder and crawl forward some more.

  I wait for Mono before jumping out of the vent onto the small platform below us. Mono jumps down and I look over the edge. Sure enough the Teacher is down there playing actually pretty good music. I see a bridge above us and a crank down below.

Great, I have to go down there with the Teacher to lower the bridge so Mono can get across.

  I climb down and stack of books and jump down onto the floor. The Teacher stops playing and I freeze. She writes something in her book before going back to playing. I sneak behind her nd go over to the crank. I start lowering the bridge and stop when she stops.

Just keep playing your damn piano!

  She starts playing again and I finish lowering the bridge. Mono jumps onto it and I see the cupboard I jumped down from is too tall for me to reach. I see a stool on wheels that I can roll over to the cupboard. I start pulling on it and halfway across the room the Teacher stops playing. I grit my teeth and wait for her to start playing again. When she does I roll the stool the rest of the way across the floor and climb up it.

  I climb up onto the cupboard, use the books as a ladder again, and make it onto the platform me and Mono entered on. I jump up onto the bridge right as the Teacher stops playing. I freeze and listen for the music to start up again. When it does I run across the bridge and jump down onto another platform next to Mono. We pull open a vent door and I hear the Teacher shriek.

Hear we go again!

  I crawl into the vent behind Mono and we push open a door.

Who puts dooring in vents?!

  The Teacher shoves her head into the vent and I fall back as the door opens. I crawl as fast as I can away from the Teacher. The cold metal beneath my feet is slippery and I fall again. I quickly crawl forward and climb up a ladder onto a higher part of the vent. The Teacher's shrieks echo through the vent hurting my ears. I crawl to an area where I can properly stand and I run away from the Teacher. I run out into an open area and I see Mono holding out his hand across a gap. I jump towards him and grab his hand. The Teacher tries to grab me with her teeth but Mono pulls me out of the way.

  We slide down a slated tin roof and fall into a dumpster. I look up to see the Teacher look around before retracting her head back into the vents. I sigh and crawl out of the dumpster. I land on the wet ground and cold rain pelts me. I look over and see Mono shivering while holding his arms close to his body. I feel bad for him. I take off my coat and put it around his shoulders. He looks at me. "Six, you're going to get cold." I shake my head. "Nah, come on, let's find you something to wear." We walk forward and come to a huge gap in the road. I see a small board big enough for us to balance across, supported over the gap.

Well, I guess we have to trust a small board slick with rain, with our lifes.

  I start walking across it with Mono behind me. It's a long walk and I slip a few times almost falling. But we make it across safely. We continue forward past a bench with clothes sitting in it, there's pictures on the wall behind it and I see a tower in one of them. I ignore it though. We need to find something for either Mono or me. I see a ledge up ahead along with an open dumpster. I see a small area behind the dumpster where it most likely is kept. The lid of the dumpster is open but if we can close it we can use it to get up onto the ledge.

  "Hey Mono, can you help my quickly?" He nods and we push the dumpster towards the shelter where it's kept. The lid finally closes and we pull it back. We then push it as close as we can get it to the ledge. I see a tv we can climb onto to get on top of the dumpster. I climb up onto the tv, jump onto the dumpster, and jump up onto the ledge. I turn and help Mono up when he grabs onto the ledge.

  We continue forward and I convince Mono to put on my coat insisting I'm fine. We pass a building with a sewer grate that looks like a mouth and windows that look eyes. I grab Mono's hand urging him forward. We slip through a broken door and I see a raincoat on the ground. Mono looks at it. "No, not wearing it. Nope!" I laugh. The raincoat looks like it would fit me. "Calm down Mono, I'll wear it. Beside the coat was kinda big on me anyways." I go over and pick up the raincoat. I slip it on and it's a perfect fit. I pull up the hood and look at Mono.

"It's perfect."

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