Chapter Fifteen

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  I see some slabs I could use to climb onto the table in the middle of the room. But the table I need to get to is beside more shelves with bodies, I see a bottom slab I could pull out. What use that would bring I have no clue, I head over to the slab and pull it out. As I climb onto it I see another slab with a box on it.

Maybe if I pull on it some it will pull out, then I can use the table to climb up and get the key.

  I jump up grabbing onto the slab, the box on it starts sliding and I let go so my fingers don't get broken. The slab slides out some and the box moves a litter further then the slab. I see it's close enough to the table that I could definitely use it. I run over to the slabs that I could use to climb onto the table and I pull the bottom one out. I climb onto it and jump over to the other one. I grab onto the side of the slab pulling myself up, I dust myself off and see there's a door blocking my way to the table.

  I jump over and grab onto the handle my momentum making the door close. I drop down onto the cart beside the table and I smile.

I'm getting better at these puzzles.

  I walk down the table and turn to the box on the slab. I jump over barely grabbing the edge of the box, I pull myself up and onto the box. I walk across the top of the shelves and drop down onto the table with the key. I take the key and shove it into my pocket before running back over to the box full of flesh I came in here in. I crawl in calling out to Mono. "Hey! You can get me now!" I feel the slab move as Mono pulls it back to the other room.

  I quickly jump out and grab his hand, dragging him over to the door. I unlock the door and we push them open. I see multiple shelves and it looks like we have to climb some to get to a vent leading out. I go over to the shelves nearest to me, climb up them and wait for Mono to follow me. When he pulls himself up over the ledge I jump to some other shelves, and then jump to the shelves in front of the vent.

  Mono follows me without a word and we crawl into the vent together. I come to a ladder, climb up it, and push through a grate in the floor above me. I hear something in the next room and I go over to the doorway. Leaning out I see the Doctor crawling across the ceiling.

Damn it.

  Suddenly I'm pulled back and a hand covers my mouth. "Don't do that, he'll see you." Whispers Mono. I push against his chest with my elbow and he lets me go. "Don't do that! I almost had a heart attack!" I whisper at him. He shrugs and goes over to a vent hole in the wall, crawling through it. I follow him and see we're under a sink in the other room. The Doctor crawls over to the sink on a table in front of us and washes his disgusting hands on it before crawling away.

  Me and Mono quickly sneak over to a table across the room and hide under that. The Doctor crawls over to the sink we were just hiding under and grabs a saw out of it. I see a vent hole in the wall behind me and Mono and I walk over to it. Mono walks under the hole and cups his hands, wanting to boost me up. I nod and quickly let him boost me through the hole.

  I fall down onto the cold tile floor and look around. I see a actual living person on life support.

Creepy as hell.

  I see a lever below a hole in the ceiling and I see a ladder like in the wall. I quickly climb the ladder and run across the ceiling over to the hole above the lever.

Sorry, but maybe it's for the best.

  I jump down through the hole in the floor and grab onto the lever pulling it down. Immediately the life support turns off and dart under the bed as it starts to beep. The Doctor barges into the room and turns the life support back on. He crawls over the bed and starts helping the patient. I run out of the room to see Mono jumping down from a shelf with a battery in his hands.

Smart boy.

  We run into the room we came into through the vents and Mono sets down the battery in front of the slot. He looks at the door, and then to me. "I have a feeling that is going to buzz, alerting him. And when that door opens run as fast as you can. Please. I don't want to lose you." I smile at him and walk over, embracing him in a hug. "You won't lose me Mono, I promise." He pulls me closer, hugging me back. "Good, because you're the most beautiful person I've seen." I feel myself blush and I'm glad he can't see it right now.

  I push out of the hug and pick up the battery. Turning to Mono I smile. "Ready to run for our lifes again?" He nods. I put the battery into the slot making the door buzz loudly.

Sorry for the long wait you guys, I've been busy with another book called The Panic of Fear. If you like scary things maybe go check it out, I update it every 2 days. Anyways I haven't had motivation to play the game to write but I'll try to roll out a few more chapters.

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