Chapter Sixteen

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  As the door slowly opens I hear the Doctor scream in outrage behind us. Me and Mono dart through the door as quickly as possible. Mono is going faster then me but I'm glad. I slide under a shelf and run up a makeshift ramp jumping onto a shelf. I jump down and run under more shelves hearing the Doctor push them down behind me. I turn down a hallway and run up another ramp before running under two more shelves. They fall like dominos behind me as the Doctor pushes them down.

  I slide under some beds and run forward as they collapse under the Doctor's weight. I see Mono standing under a door leading to an incinerator and I know what I have to do. I jump up into the incinerator and wait for the Doctor to see me before dropping down below the bed inside it. I hear the bed creek under the Doctor's weight as wade through the ashes towards the grate in front of me.

  Mono pulls on it and push until the grate flies off. I stumble out of the ash and Mono closes the door to the incinerator, locking the Doctor inside. I quickly pull the lever beside the the door and hear the Doctor scream in horror as he's burned alive. Mono sits down in front of the flames and holds out his hands, warming them.

  I sit next to Mono and catch my breath after that long run. He puts him arm around my shoulders pulling me closer. "One more monster down." He says softly. I nod. "And hopefully the last. I don't want to go through that again." He laughs which sounds raspy and I'm worried for him. "Yeah I hope so Six. But I have a feeling that we're nowhere near done." I look behind us and see a lever beside what looks like an elevator shaft. Maybe the elevator still works. "Hey Mono, I think we can use an elevator to get out of here." He turns and looks at the lever too.

  "Let's get out of this stupid hospital." He mumbles. We get up and I brush myself off trying to get all the ash off of my coat. We walk over to the lever and Mono boosts me up. I pull the lever down and soon the elevator arrives. I grab Mono's hand and we walk into the elevator together.

  Once the elevator reaches it's destination me and Mono get out and walk into what looks like a waiting room full of mannequins. We ignore them and walk through a partially open door. We're in a small room with a shelf leading to a window that's cracked open. I climb up the shelf and grab onto the bottom of the window and pull on it, trying to open it. Mono joins me and we pull open the window together.

  We jump out and the first thing that hits me is water. It's still pouring rain outside. I sigh and Mono grabs my hand. "Let's get through this rain as fast as possible." Suddenly he starts running and I'm dragged behind him. I start running to and we laugh as we run through the streets. We pass by a dumpster with tvs in it and run out into a particularly wide street.

  I hear something hit the ground with a sticking thud and I stop laughing. So does Mono. I see some clothes sitting on a bench next to a bus stop sign. The poor soul who owned those clothes was waiting for a bus that would never come. Mono grabs my hand and pulls me forward, making me walk behind him. Suddenly I hear growling and watch as someone or something jumps from the building in front of use and hits the ground.

  There's the crunch of bones breaking and I see a dark puddle form around them before getting washed away by the rain. Mono pulls me into the building and out of the rain, I hear noise coming from up some stairs but all I can think about is whatever that thing was, just throwing itself off of the building. I take a shaky breath and firmly grip Mono's hand before walking up the stairs sternly. I'm not going to let that thing killing itself stop me from getting out of this stupid city.

  We walk up the stairs the noise getting louder. It sounds like a broadcast on tv. The broadcast changes to some music and that unnerves me more. As we walk up another flight of stairs we pass a body hanging from the broken stairway above.

Not going up there.

  Me and Mono start walking through the partially open door in front of us when another person falls through the floor above and runs into the adjoining room. I head the sound of glass breaking and walk forward. I walk into the adjoining room to see the thing put it's head through a tv. Mono lets go of my hand and goes over to the leg of the dead person. He kicks it and looks up at me. "Yup, dead." I giggle before climbing up onto the tv and jumping over to the open window behind it.

  Mono follows me as I jump down onto a roof. I see a roof slightly higher then the one I'm on and I climb onto it. I climb the ladder attached to the wall and turn before jumping onto another roof. I wait for Mono and when he jumps onto the roof I'm on we crawl through the window in front of us. We fall down into a dark hallway and I quickly bring out my flashlight, turning it on.

  As we walk forward we pass another person trying to see something through a crack in the door. We pass them without them knowing and turn down another hallway to see what looks like a lady transfixed by the tv in front of her.

They people sure are addicted to tvs, maybe I should call them the Viewers. That's a good name.

  We go into a doorway behind the woman Veiwer and I see clothes and dishes stacked up everywhere. I also see a door I could open with Mono's help. I click off my flashlight, putting it in my pocket before going over to the door. Mono follows me and boosts me up. I open the door to reveal a bathroom. As I walk into the bathroom I see light coming from behind a curtain in front of the bathtub.

  I also see a Veiwer sitting in the bathtub watching tv. I ignore the Veiwer and crawl through a vent into the next room.

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