Chapter Twenty Three

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  "What?" I ask Mono. "You remember that voice you heard throughout that ship? The one that told you to save him? That was me. I WAS SAVING A LIFE YOU WOULD'VE TAKEN LATER ON!" I step back from him. "YOU MANIPULATED ME?!" "IT WAS FOR A GOOD CAUSE! BUT YOU'RE A LOST CAUSE!" Suddenly he appears in front of me and pushes me backwards. I fall into the darkness surrounding us and Mono holds me to the ground.

  The harsh whispers fill my head again and Mono grins. "As soon as you break I can get rid of you easily." Tears fill my eyes as the voices start hitting hard. "Six you broke us- "You hurt us- "You tore us apart- "You mangled us-

  I start crying and Mono smiles. "Broken." Suddenly the darkness dissapears and I'm blinded by a light. After blinking a few times I see we're on the top of the Signal Tower. I standing on the edge with Mono holding onto my coat, keeping me from falling. Cold wind wipes around us, ruffling Mono's hair. His coat flying out beside him.

  "I'll drop you from here. This should do it." I look down but I can't even see the street, I can't die not now. "Goodbye Six..." Mono lets go of my coat and I start falling backwards. This is too familiar, I remember a situation like this. Except I dropped Mono, he fell into the darkness. Not me. "NO!" I scream. I throw out my arm and grab Mono's shirt, I yank on it and he falls forward. Following me. "I'M NOT DYING!" I scream.

  He tries to punch me but I flip over him and kick him away. I see the ground approaching and watch as Mono's body breaks as he hits. I fall on top of him and I hit my shoulder hard. "Ow!" I roll away from Mono's body and grab my left shoulder. "That really hurts." I look over at Mono and I see blood around his head. "At least I'm better then him." I take his coat off of him and use it as a sling for my arm.

  I step up to the entrance of the tower and the doors open revealing a purple glow. "Time to find my Mono." I walk into the Tower leaving Bad Mono's mangled body behind. I walk down a long hallway that reminds me of the hallway from those tvs I manipulated. The door opens for me revealing a room with toys floating around, there's a door at the end of the room emiting purple light. As I near the door I hear music and recognize it as Mono's music.

  But the door closes before I can reach it cutting us off. I sigh but another door opens emiting more music. I run towards that door and as I enter it I teleport to a staircase. I go up the staircase and see another door, more music plays from the door and I go through it. Suddenly static surrounds me and I look around worried. "What's happening?!" Suddenly I'm pushed out of a tv and land in a room filled wall to ceiling with tvs.

  "What-" "Buddy? Wake up. Please!" I look over and see a nome next to one laying on the ground. "Hello?" The nome looks up at me. "Help! My friend! He's not responding!" I walk over to the nomes and put my hand to the chest of the one laying on the ground. It's not moving. "I- I'm sorry..." I take my hand away from the nome's chest and look at the other one. He has a bracelet on his wrist. "NO! HE'S STILL ALIVE! I KNOW HE IS!"

  "Bu- nevermind. Do you want to come with me?" I ask the nome. "Only if I can bring him!" I sigh. "Ok." He picks up his dead friend and carries them. I look at the wall of tvs but I see on in the corner is turned off. Strange. I see a tv that has a staticy picture on it. The picture is of a music box playing Mono's music. "Grab my hand." The nome grabs my hand and I warp through the tvs. We fall to the ground in front of a huge music box. Behind the music box I see a big version of Mono listening to the music.

  "Monster!" The nome runs out of a door behind me, taking his friend with him. I look up at Mono and hold up my hand in peace. "Hey Mono, it's me. Six." He looks down at me and growls. "Uhm..." I see a axe behind him and I realize that the music box must be doing this to him. I go and grab the axe before walking back to the music box. "Sorry Mono." I swing the axe as hard as I can with one arm and hit the music box. A shock wave comes out of the music box and throws me into the wall.

  I groan and stand up holding the back of my head. Mono growls and pulls his music box close to himself. I stumble forward and he screams, swinging a hand at me. I back up as quickly as I can. "MONO!" He whimpers and covers his ears. I realize yelling at him can help me. Suddenly the walls start crumbling and Mono grabs his music box protectively. I run out the door behind me and see the building is crumbling.

You're never going to make it out alive.

  I growl at Mono's voice echoing in my head. "Shut up! I killed you!" I see a crack in the floor and jump over it. It looks like there's flesh beneath the concrete. I hear crashing behind me and look over my shoulder to see Mono running down an adjacent hallway holding his music box. I see a huge gap with a vent at the end and I know I have to jump. I run a bit faster and jump only to have a hand shoot out from an unseen hallway and grab me midair.

"ɎØɄ Đ₳₥₳₲ɆĐ ₥Ɏ ₥Ʉ₴ł₵ ฿ØӾ."


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