Chapter Seventeen

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  I crawl out of the vent into a room with rubble everywhere. I turn to see Mono emerging from the vent hole and I grab his hand. We walk through the huge hole in the walk in front of us and into a room with a huge gap in it suddenly Mono lets go of my hand and jumps into the gap. He lands on a elevator below us and turns waving for me to follow.

One of these days, you are going to kill me.

  I follow him and he jumps onto a ledge further below and then turns jumping into the elevator. I follow him and when I land beside him he jumps up pulling a lever in the elevator. The elevator goes up and we start to pass a ledge that has some climbable boards on it. "I'll be right back." I say to Mono before jumping out onto the ledge. I climbed the boards and crawl through the hole in the wall. I then climb some more boards and emerge onto the floor above us.

  I see Mono waiting behind a locked gate. I walk over to the gate and he smiles at me. "For a minute I thought you left me behind." "Never going to happen." I say to him with a smile. I look around for a key to unlock the gate and I see an open door. "I'm going to find a key to get you out okay?" He nods and I walk into the next room. I see a desk and I open the bottom shelf. To surprise the key is right they. I grab it and quickly run back over to the elevator. I unlock the doors and they open right away.

  Mono walks out and gives me a quick hug. I look around trying to find a way out of this place, the only way is the elevator, but that leads to the abyss. I get an idea and go into the elevator pulling the lever inside before quickly jumping out. As the elevator goes down I look up the elevator shaft and see what looks like a room above it. "Hey Mono, can you trust me?" He nods even though he has a questioning look on his face. "Yeah, why?"

  "Just, hold my hand and jump when I do okay?" He nods again and I go over to a lever by the elevator shaft. Mono gives me a quick boost to pull it before I grab his hand and go over to the elevator shaft. When the elevator nears us we jump onto the top together and reach the room above. I smile and take out my flashlight so I can see better. Looking around the room is filled with garbage and rubble. I see a makeshift ramp over my some boards leading outside.

  I go over to the ramp and use it to back outside in the pouring rain. I'm behind a concrete block with a chair in front of it. Mono walks up beside me the rain plastering his hair to his face, I reach up and brush it out of his eyes. He smiles at me and as we walk out from behind the concrete block I feel an invisible force hit me from the side. I look over and see a tower with what looks to be a radio antenna on top. The radio antenna is emitting a light. Whatever that tower is I don't like it, I turn to see Mono staring at the tower too.

  Suddenly he starts humming the tune from his music box and he starts walking towards the tower, reaching out towards it with his hand. He nears the edge and I quickly grab his arm, pulling him back. I spin him around so he faces me and I see his eyes are glaxed over and dull. I snap my fingers in front of his face and he blinks. He looks at me and shakes his head. "What happened?" "I don't know but whatever that tower is, it isn't good."

  I grab Mono's hand firmly and walk across the roof towards another one that's a bit lower. I make Mono jump down first so if he get hypnotized by the tower I can help him. When I jump down I grab his hand again and walk over to a shed like thing. I climb up the side of it, the patterns in the wood making a good ladder. I wait for Mono on the roof of the shed and grab his hand when he reaches the top.

  We walk over to another concrete block, but this on has a pully system on top of it. Mono goes over to it and cups his hands ready to boost me up. I let his do that and I go over to the pully, I see a hanger on it. I use the pully to bring the hanger over to the roof and Mono jumps up, grabbing onto it. I use the pully to get him over to the fire escape across the gap. He jumps down and looks across the gap at me.

  "What are you going to do?" He calls. I jump down from the concrete block and judge the gap. "I'm going to jump! I need to catch me!" He nods, kneeling down and holding out his hand for me. I quickly run forward and jump across the gap. I reach out for his hand and let go of the breath I was holding when he catches me. Mono pulls me up onto the fire escape and I smile at him. "Thank you." He smiles and hugs me. "Not a problem."

  I walk over to a ladder and climb up it reaching the next landing on the fire escape. I see a ladder that must be stuck, we need to use it to get up higher. I turn to Mono and he goes over to the ladder cupping his hands. I go over and let him boost me up, I grab onto the bottom rung. The ladder starts to move and comes down fast. When it hits the landing I stumble back into Mono. He gives a small laugh before helping gain my footing again.

  "You okay?" I nod and smile at him. "Thanks for saving me." He shrugs. "It's not that big of a deal." We climb up the ladder onto the next landing and I see the ladder up here is broken. But the pipe connected to the air conditioning unit looks climbable. I go over to it and start climbing it, I look down to see Mono following me. We reach the final landing and I wait for Mono at the top.  When he climbs up I go over to a open window and crawl through it.

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