Chapter Twenty Two

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  I jump from the shelf over to the shopping cart and then jump to the cupboard with the tv on it. I smile to myself.

One step closer to Mono.

  I put my hands against the warm screen of the tv and teleport through it. I come out into a room with a sink and a couch. I see an open window behind the tv and I use the tv to climb up to the window. As I look around outside I see some Veiwers behind a fence in an alleyway. I jump down onto the roof below me, my bare feet slip on the wet tiles and I slide down the roof hitting the hard concrete of the street below me.

  I get up and look around I see a couple Veiwers sraing at a tv. I see a tv store nearby and I walk over to it. I use my remote to turn on a TV before going back over to the Veiwers staring at a tv. I turn of their tv and hide in the shadows as the stumble over to the other tv. I climb up onto the dumpster and turn on the tv. As I start to teleport through it I see the Veiwers behind the fence start pushing it down.

  I teleport as fast as possible and in my haste I break the tv I teleport out of. I see the two Viewers I lured over to the tv store with the tv in the window. The tv I just broke.

Oh no, RUN!

  I take off running through the store as the Viewers start banging on the door and glass. Mad at me for interrupting their screen time. I quickly run into another part of the shop and I hear glass breaking as the Viewers bust inside. I crawl over a counter and run towards a wall full of tvs. A door falls behind me and I look over my shoulder to see a Viewer frozen, staring at the tvs. I dart around the shelf and run down a lane towards another tv.

  I here a shelf fall behind me as I reach the tv, I quickly teleport through the tv and break the one I fall out of. I stand and looking around I see the only way to go is forward. I pass a couch and boarded up doors. I come to some exposed boards leading to a hole in the wall. I climb up them and jump down into the next room. I see a tv that one and as I walk over to it the silhouette of Mono appears.

  He bangs on the glass and calls my name. "Six! Help! Quickly!" His voice is muffled by the glass. I dash towards the tv and place my hands against the screen. I grab Mono's arms and I start pulling him out. Halfway out I see another silhouette and I know it's the bad Mono. "Aht, aht, aht. No saving him now." With a flick of his hand suddenly my Mono is ripped from my grasp. The bad Mono puts his hands against the screen and starts pushing through the tv.

  I cover my ears as static peirces them. I fall to the ground in front of the tv and watch as Bad Mono crawls out of the tv.  "You're not saving him, because you never saved me! You left me BEHIND! YOU LET ME FALL! I COULD'VE DIED AND YOU HAD NO KNOWLEDGE I WOULD SURVIVE! I COULD'VE CAME WITH YOU!" As he gets closer to me reality warps around him, and turns staticy. "YOU BROKE MY HEART! YOU LET ME DIE! I LOVED YOU, I DIDN'T CARE IF YOU DROPPED ME OVER AND OVER! YOU WOULD ALWAYS LOVE YOU!" Mono stands in front of me, my vision is blurry and static filled.

  "Not anymore. I'm done." I try to scramble away but Mono grabs the front of my raincoat and stares me in the eyes. His are fully black and soulless. "I'm going to get rid of you, once and for all." Suddenly I feel cold rain pelt me and Mono drops me on the ground. Looking around I see we're on a street leading straight to the Signal Tower. Mono takes a step back and the light on the Tower brightens. "TAKE A GOOD LOOK SIX, BECAUSE I'M GOING TO OBLITERATE YOU AND RECK THE TIMELINE! NO MORE LOOPS, NO MORE THIN MEN, NO MORE PAIN! I'M FINISHING THIS!" His voice warbles and becomes almost like a tv broadcast halfway through his rant.

  "Mono stop!" I scream at him, I want my Mono back. The good one. "Oh I'm not stopping till you're dead on the street in front of me!" He snaps his fingers and I see darkness surround us, leaving one circle of light, a spotlight. I back up and my arm brushes against the darkness, it's freezing cold and I hear whispers fill my head. "Six! Why didn't you save us?" "Six, why did you drop us?" "Six- "why- "Six I loved you-

  I close my eyes and cover my ears, falling to my knees in front of Mono. "I'm sorry." I whisper. "So sorry." "Oh you're sorry? She's sorry. IT'S TOO LATE FOR THAT SIX!" He walks up to me and throws my hood off of my head. "Useless." "Why are you SUCH A JERK?!" Rage fills every vein in my body and I jump up hitting him in the face. "WHY AREN'T YOU KIND? WHY ARE YOU MEAN? WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?! I SAVED SEVEN!" I get hit with a memory.

"Hey." I hear someone whisper behind me. I turn around curious and see a kid in a blue sweater with a shackle on his ankle in a cage. "Can you help me?" He asks.

  "I-" I shake my head and glare at Mono. "I saved a kid. Seven. He was in a cage! He would've died!" "YOU ONLY SAVED HIM BECAUSE I TOLD YOU TO!" I stare at Mono in shock. "What?"

I'm baaaaack!

Yes I know, I made you wait, I'm sooo sorry. But I told myself "finish! Let the veiwers have their sweet succulent(that's weird) ending." So I will finish this book thus ending my LN series. Mono broke the loop, he skipped so many parts just because he was angry with Six. Oops. Also was he corrupting Six while at the Maw? Well we'll find out in the next chapter. I'll see you very soon I promise, have a good day/night Veiwers. See ya!

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