Chapter Twenty

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Your phone screen turns to the featureless figure. You wonder what could be so important this time.

Oh my precious Viewers, we have done it. We have reached chapter Twenty in the actual book and not in extra chapters that I publish for updates or for help. Anyways, do you like what gas happened, Mono switching places with the Thin Man, him messing with Six. Anyways I better let you read the new chapter before you kill me. Have fun!

  I take my feet off of the package I'm standing on and the hanger speeds down the line it's on. The hood of my raincoat flies off my head and the wind ruffles through my hair. Suddenly I bust through two shutters and I fall to the floor inside another building. I groan as I stand up, I wasn't ready for that. I see a door in front of me and I push on it slightly. It moves some so I push it open enough to slip inside. I hear a growling sound and I crouch down hiding behind a armchair.

  I sneak around the side and looking around the bottles in front of me I see a woman Veiwer staring at the tv in front of her. I sneak away and go into a kitchen, luckily the Viewer ignores me as I walk right past her. A loud song starts playing on the tv and I groan, it's obnoxious just the few seconds in. I look around the kitchen and I can see a tv through the window above the sink. I found my ticket out of here. I quickly run out onto the balcony connected to the kitchen and I turn on the TV with my remote.

  Instantly the music on the other tv stops. Must be because of the connection or something. I quickly go back into the living room and I hide behind the bottles beside the armchair. I turn off the tv the woman is watching and she growls going into the kitchen. I turn the tv back on and run over to it. I teleport through the tv and land on the roof under the window. As I stand I see the Viewer's face and I wish I hadn't, it's all twisted and contorted. I quickly turn and walk across the board connecting this roof to another.

  I climb a ladder to reach a extremely high roof before crossing another board leadin to another roof. This roof has a trellis I can climb and as I climb it I hear more growling sounds of a Viewer. As I pull myself onto the little outcropping I see another Viewer staring at yet another tv. I see a tv across the gap and I turn it on before turning off the Viewer's tv. He growls in disgust before turning and running at the other tv. Suddenly he runs off the ledge and I hear him hit roofs on his way to his death.

  I grimace and I go over to the tv he was staring at. I turn it one before climbing up onto the table it's sitting on and teleporting through it. I break through the other tv and roll of the edge of the roof. I quickly grab the edge so I don't fall. Rain pours down on me blinding me, I pull myself back up onto the roof and pull up the hood of my raincoat. I walk forward past the broken tv and continue my journey to find Mono. I walk through the hole in wall and find myself in a bathroom.

  I go out another hole in the side of the room and drop down onto a roof. I run across the roof, jump onto a bed halfway sticking out of a wall, and jump onto a smaller roof. I see another hanger on a clothesline, another zip line. Despite the circumstances I smile to myself, these are actually fun. I quickly jump up grabbing onto the hanger and speeding down the clothesline. My hood flies off of my head again but in the moment I don't care.

  The hanger hits a clothespin and stops dead. I look down to see a roof under me and I drop down. I quickly pull up my hood so I don't get completely soaked before walking across the roof. I see a bunch of Veiwers standing on the side of the building. I also see that damn tower, the light on top seems brighter then it was before. As I walk behind the Veiwers one by one they lean forward, throwing themselves into the streets below. I know that tower has something to do with this, I glare at it before quickly sprinting across the roof and dropping down a hole.

  I land on a armchair and I hear a tv close by. I don't see a way out of this room and the tv in front of me isn't on. I quickly go over to an open window and crawl through it. On the balcony in front of me I see a tv and it seems to be the one I'm hearing. I see it's connected to a rope so I push it off the balcony. When it reaches the end of the rope the balcony creeks and bends slightly. Not liking that one bit I quickly jump back through the window, turn on the tv, and teleport through it.

  I hit the sill of a window hard and I start slipping out. I quick grab onto the window sill and pull myself into the room. I land in water and look around. I see a boarded up door at the end of the room and I see an indent in the wall. Going over to the indent i see a lever in it, I pull the lever and the water behind me electrifies. I quickly turn it off and as I approach the door on the other side of the room I hear growling. Most likely another Viewer.

  I start pulling off the bottom boards. I get one off and suddenly the Viewer starts banging on their side of the door. I quickly pull of the other board and run for the switch. The door bursts open and I hear a startled grunt come from the Viewer. They chase after me and I jump into the indent in the wall. I pull the switch as fast as possible, I turn to see the Viewer get electrified and when they drop to the ground smoking I turn off the electricity. I walk past the Viewer and continue into the next room.

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