Chapter Six

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  I crawl through the vent and into a cupboard. I push the door open a little and I see the legs of the Teacher in front of me. She has a ruler in her hands and smakes it on the desk of a student.

Good, they deserve to be punished for taking my Mono away.

  The Teacher walks away and I crawl out from the cupboard and sneak behind the Teacher's desk. I sneak all the way to the very end of it and watch as she stares a student in the eyes before walking to another one. She stops at a desk far enough away from the door that I take my chance. I run past desks gaining her attention. I start running down the hallway and I hear her teeth snap at the air behind me. I bolt for the elevator and shove the key in the lock. I risk a glance over my shoulder. I see the students running towards me.

  The elevator doors open and I get inside. The doors start to close and a girl tries to jump into the elevator with me but the doors close on her head smashing it to bits. I lean against the wall of the elevator as it goes up. I take a few breaths and look at what used to be a girl student. "Ha. Serves you right for taking Mono!" I say to her dead body. The doors open and I walk past her corpse into a room with shelfs that have shoes in them. I go into the next room and see a student with a dunce cap on and a noose around his neck. He's drawing, and he has been for a while. Drawings litter the floor and wall within his reach. I sneak behind him and see there's a partially broken door I need to bust down.

  I see a pipe next to the kid and I know I have to use that. I sneak towards the pipe and he sees me. I quickly turn and run out of his reach. He gets yanked back by the noose and his hat flies off. I wait for him to run at me again. As he gets yanked back I run towards the pipe. I pick it up and turn towards him and I smash his head in as he jumps towards me. I drag the pipe to the door and hit it. I have to hit it three times before it breaks. I drop the pipe and walk through the door. I see a couple shelfs with dunce hats on them. I climb a cupboard and crawl into some vents.

  A banging sound is echoing through the vents and I wonder what it's coming from. I crawl through the vent and climb up a small part before reaching the opening. I look out and I see a small platform with bottles on the edge. No doubt those are going to fall. I see the shadow of the Teacher and it looks as if she's hitting someone. I jump down and the boards move as I hit them. The bottles on the edge fall and the Teacher shrieks. I run across a beam and hide in a box as her neck extends and she looks around trying to find me.

Don't look in here, please don't look in here.

  She retracts her neck and I'm grateful she's stupid. I crawl out from the box and walk across another beam. I see a beam with a jar on it in front of me and I walk towards the jar picking it up.

I'd rather not die today. Thank you very much.

  I set the jar down on the next platform and start climbing some handkerchiefs tied together. I reach the next beam and I see a plank of wood that I have to push over to get to a vent. I look down and it seems like I could push the plank over and get into the vent before the Teacher sees me. I walk across a couple beams before coming to the platform with the plank of wood. I push it over and as soon as it lands I run across it. I hear the Teacher shriek but I'm in the vent already. I crawl into the vent as fast as I can and fall down the shaft of the vent. I get up my body aching and crawl forward.

  I climb a small ladder and crawl out of the opening in front of me. I land on a bookshelf and I see a bunch more in front of me.

I guess I'm in a library.

  I jump down onto a smaller bookshelf and I hear the door open.

Seriously, I can't catch one break?

  I jump down onto the floor and look around. I see a ladder I can mover to get to another bookshelf. I roll it across the floor and stop it in front of the bookshelf. I climb up it and sit on the bookshelf for a minute. I take a few deep breaths before hopping down onto another bookshelf. I see some books sliding off and I start running. They hit the floor and the Teacher's head busts through a bookshelf as I jump up onto another one. I run between some books at the Teacher slams her head into the shelf. I smile.

Fat head.

  I crawl through the bookshelf before coming to a couple piles of books. I jump onto the one in front of me and climb around it. I jump onto the adjoining on and I quickly climb away as some books fall past me. The Teacher extends her neck and looks for me. Then she goes around the other side and I go back to where I originally started. When she can't find me she retracts her neck and I have to move again to stay out of sight. I watch as she walks over to a door and walks out of the Library. I sigh in relief and jump down from the pile of books. I see a box of books and I drag it over to the door. I climb up and grab the handle opening the door. I walk into a room with a big flight of stairs and a door with a key on the other end of the room.

Find key, get out, find Mono. Easy.

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