Chapter Twenty Four

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  I wake up too a bright light shining in my eyes. I sit up and look around I see four doors with purple light coming from them, this room is empty. "Where am I?" I stand up and listen for music coming from any of the doors, I hear none. "Strange." I walk towards a door and stick my hand in it, it's super warm on the other side. "Huh?" I step forward a little and look through the portal. I see nothing, just darkness. Suddenly I hear the creak of metal and a door opens.

  Mono walks into the darkness and picks up a key from a pile of ashes. I stumble backwards and the door goes dark. I turn and go to the door behind me. I peek through and see Mono running through the woods, jumping over a gap with a rotting body at the bottom. I pull away from the door and it goes dark as well. I go to the door on the far left and peek through that one. I see Mono running across a suspended stone bridge that's crumbling behind him.

  He jumps across a gap to me waiting on the other side. Suddenly the door forces me away and goes dark. "I wanted to see what happened." I turn towards the other door. "Well, what do you have in store for me?" I go over to the door and go to peek through when I'm pulled into the door. I fall to the ground but I hear Mono's music and I know I'm in the right place. I stand up and see an axe close by. Mono is in the middle of the room, protecting his music box. I go over and grab the axe with my good arm.

  I look up at Mono. "HEY!" He whimpers and covers his ears, leaving the music box unprotected. I move closer dragging the axe behind me. When I get close Mono puts his hands around the music box and growls. "MONO!" He covers his ears again and I swing the axe into the music box as hard as I can. Another shock wave goes through the room pushing me back and throwing the axe out of my hands. The box is starting to come apart which is good.

  I see purple light emiting from the broken box. "Not good." I find the axe and look over to see Mono protecting his box more vigorously. "Sorry, it's for the best." I drag the axe closer and he lifts a hand to most likely swat me out of the way. "BACK UP!" He whimpers and backs away covering his ears again and I swing the axe again, hoping to bust the music box. The box lets out a ear busting screech and gives another shock wave, throwing me into a wall yet again.

  I blink furiously and look around the room, it's falling apart. Showing the fleshy insides. I grimace and look towards the music box, it's letting out warped, demented music. I see Monster Mono pick himself up and wrap a hand around the box, holding it safely. I stand up and look around. The axe is broken a little but it can still break the damn box. I grab the axe and drag it behind me as I approach Mono. "GET BACK!" I scream at him. He withdraws his hand and I hit the box as hard as I can. It shines brightly for a second and when the room goes back to normal I see a somewhat normal Mono behind the box.

  There's still abnormalities about him but one more wack to the box and he should be good. I drag the axe over and hit the box one more time. It breaks with a screech and Mono goes back to normal. I drop the axe and smile at Mono. He looks up but I can't see his face due to shadows. I step forward and go to hold out my hand when I hear a noise beside me. I see the nome and his dead friend standing there. "Ho-" "Thank you." Murmurs the used to be dead nome before running away from me and Mono. His friend following behind him.

  I look at Mono when I hear another sound. I turn and see a wall of flesh opening up and revealing. "MONO?!" Sure enough Mono walks through a hole in the flesh towards me and the Mono I saved. "Oh Six, sweet naive Six. I never really died." I see something drip from the back of his head and I'm certain he should be dead. "But you see, I never was going to let you have a good ending. I'm going to make sure it ends horribly. WhEtHeR yOu LiKe It Or NoT!"

  Suddenly the Mono I saved flakes away into nothingness. "NO!" I throw my arm out to save him but he's gone. "Oh you idoit." Dead Mono walks towards me making me back up. The tower is crumbling around us. I back up almost tripping over rubble. "Oh SiX. YoU cOuLd NeVeR sAvE uS. yOu CaN't EvEn SaVe YoUrSeLf." I hear a crumbling sound behind me and look over my shoulder to see the bridge from that one scene falling behind me. I turn to look back at Mono only to see his head twitching crazily.

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