Chapter Eighteen

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  I drop down from the window into a hallway. Mono drops down beside me and I grab his hand as I take out my flashlight. The building is creeking alot and I hope it isn't ready to fall in on itself. We walk forward and go around a shelving unit on it's side. I see some boards we have to climb to get into the next room and I put away my flashlight. I climb the boards with Mono following behind me.

  As I jump down from the hole in the wall the floor shifts under me. Mono drops down beside me and some things start to fall and break. I run over to a door with no handle and start pushing on it. Mono joins me helping me push down the door, with how quickly the door falls we roll down it, hitting the floor hard.  I hear everything behind us start to fall and crash. I take of running with Mono right behind me. As stuff falls behind us Mono trips and a hole opens up beneath me. I fall into darkness as Mono is left behind above me.

  I wake up with a light flickering in me face. There's a board on top of me and I push it off. The flickering light was my flashlight being broken beyond repair. I look over and see Mono under a couch. "No!" I run over to him and he groans shaking his head. I grab his arms and pull him free. As we fall to the floor together the couch shifts and settles right where Mono would've been. He looks at me a grateful look in his eyes.

  "Thank you." He whispers. I smile at him and stand up holding out a hand. "What are friends for?" I say. He gives a raspy laugh that turns into coughing and I wonder if that couch hurt him. He takes my hand and I help him stand up. We slowly walk over to a door and taking pity on him I boost him up so he can open the door. When the door swings open he drops down and grabs my hand. We walk into a hallway with two open doorways.

  Walking into the first one it looks like a child's room, hand drawn pictures on the wall, toys everywhere, and a bed pushed up against a wall. We walk back out of the room and back into the hallway. I hear something as we get closer to the room and when we enter Mono lets go of my hand to start coughing badly. I go to comfort him but a loud ringing fills my ears. I growl and walk over to a tv playing static, familiar static.

  I place my hand on the tv and that damn hallway is up there again. "I don't have time for this!" My anger fuels me and I tune the hallway quicker then ever. I tune it tree times before I'm pulled into the tv. I growl and stand up before running towards the door at the end. "I just want to help Mono!" I scream. My voice echos in the hallway as I draw nearer and nearer to the door. I reach the door and I jump up grabbing the handle. The door slowly creeks open to reveal a boy not much older then me sitting in a chair.

  "Hello Six." He practically growls at me. He jumps down from his chair and walks into the light, what I see shocks me. "M-Mono?!" He laughs a cruel laugh. "I've been watching you, it's not fun when you're the prey, iS IT!" I take a step back away from him. "B-but, you're back in the r-real wor-rld." I say. He laughs again. "Oh sweet naive Six. This isn't the real world. This is my reality. You see, you never knew how it was for me." He walks up to me his hands behind his back.

  "You never knew how it felt to know that you would be betrayed over and over, by the person you loved. You never knew that I remembered every single cycle I went threw trying to change what happened before! And then, when the cycle was finally broken, I didn't feel the way I thought I should. I didn't feel relieved, I didn't feel euphoria that it was over. All I felt was anger.

  "You never knew how it felt. You always lost your memories of the loop. So I did what I thought was right. I used my powers to create a reality that showed you what I did. What happened EVERY TIME THE LOOP STARTED OVER! I WAS TIRED OF IT ALL! I WANTED YOU TO TASTE YOUR OWN MEDICINE!" He looks at me his face contortions into a vicious grin.

"And now you will."

  He snaps his fingers and I'm forcefully pushed out of the tv back into my world. I see Mono laying on the ground in front of the tv. He looks like he's passed out. I see two small hands press again the tv glass from the inside. I quickly wrap my arms under Mono's and start dragging him out of the room. As I make it into the hallway I hear footsteps slowly approach me. I quickly drag Mono into the child's room and head for the bed.

  I drag him under the bed and hold his close as I watch other world Mono walk into the room. He slowly approach the bed and kneels down. "Peek a boo." He says before grabbing Mono out of my arms leaving only a dark glitching version behind. Reality warps around the two Mono's before they both dissapear. I run out from under the bed and into the room with the tv.

  Static is playing but the screen quickly changes to the bad Mono. "If you want him back come and get him. If you dare." The screen turns back to static. I place both my hands onto the screen and I feel myself get pulled into the tv. "I'll find you Mono!" I scream as I teleport to an unknown destination.

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