Lando Norris & Charles Leclerc - P2

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Part 2 of the previous Norris & Leclerc.
Recap - Lando met Charles through Arthur online, Lando moaned while playing F1 2021 after checking out Charles (Charles did the same minus the moan), Charles then messaged Lando asking him to fly out to Monaco as he wanted to meet Lando.

03:00am. Lando's flight to Monaco from Heathrow is today. At 18 years old, he was flying to Monaco alone to meet his bestfriend and then his bestfriend's older brother. Lando was super excited to meet Arthur. Of course he was excited to meet Charles too, but he was more anxious than anything. His flight was at 5.45, he was already at check in. He watched his bag zoom off on the conveyor belt. Lando was handed his boarding pass and he headed off to security. Once through security, he sat down, the time was now 4.35. He took his boarding pass out and looked at it, he was unable to believe his eyes. He hadn't let it sink in that this was actually happening. Lando took out his phone and opened snapchat, he decided to post a picture of his boarding pass on his story. That way his friends would see where he is off to. Lando made sure to let George know where he was, George was like Lando's older brother. George had taken Lando in when his parents split up, if it wasn't for George Lando probably wouldn't be here right now. Lando's phone buzzed, a message from a number - "Have a safe flight, You'll see me soon.". Interesting, it was an unknown number, nevertheless Lando was willing to take the kind message as one from Arthur. Lando smiled as he looked at the time, 5.10. It was getting closer and closer to when he would have to board the plane. Charles had said that Lando would be picked up by a chauffeur, and driven to Arthur's apartment in Monte Carlo.
"Please may I have your attention passengers. The flight to Monte Carlo will board in 10 minutes." Lando was excited, infact beyond excited. Those ten minutes felt like five. Before Lando knew it he was on the flight to Monte Carlo. Although, Lando hated take-offs, he held onto anything he could as he felt the speed build and the aircraft finally lift off of the ground. 2 hours to go, he couldn't wait to meet Arthur and Charles. Lando had some shitty airplane food and some milk, some very good milk. It calmed him down, the cool, sweet taste of the milk soothed his anxiety. Lando was dozing off into a light sleep, when the sound of the pilot alerting that he would land in 30 minutes woke him. Once Lando realised that they would be landing in 30 minutes he panicked. He started to tear up, he had so many possible ways that meeting Arthur and Charles could go. His breathing was rapid, his hands shaking. Then Lando realised that Charles wouldn't had asked him to fly all the way to Monaco for no reason. His shaking hands stopped, his breathing slowed, his tears had halted. The seatbelt signs had turned on, they were about to land. Lando strapped himself in and held on for dear life. Screech. Mechanical whirring of the engine silenced and people were clapping. "Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to Monte Carlo." Lando had arrived in Monte Carlo, he headed to baggage claim. He then headed toward the main exit of the airport, looking for a person with a card that had his name on. He saw a tall brunette, cute, but not my type. "Hello, I am Lando Norris." "Ah, Hello Lando. I am Lorenzo, I believe Arthur and Charles Leclerc sent me here to collect you." "Ahah, yes, they most certainly did." "Those two are so lazy." Lorenzo chuckled as they walked toward the black Ferrari. "How do you know Arthur and Charles?" Lando questioned, "Ah I see they haven't told you who I am. I'm their oldest brother." "Oh, no they didn't. That's cool!". The rest of the journey to Arthur's was silent. Lando's palms became sweaty, he was nervous. Nervous to meet Arthur, he knew he would have time before he met Charles. Lando made sure he looked okay, he wore his black hoodie with a small smiley face on the right hand side, a pair of tight black skinny jeans that hugged his curves, a pair of nikes and his hair styled to how he had it normally. "We're here." "Okay." "Follow me", Lorenzo carried Lando's suitcase up to the lobby and into the elevator. 10th floor. They got off and Lando sheepishly followed Lorenzo to two huge doors on the top floor. Lando was mesmerised by how expensive and luxurious this was. Monaco was gorgeous. He heard Lorenzo knock on the doors, his thoughts had been interrupted. He then hurried next to Lorenzo. The door opened to reveal Arthur, "LANDO" "ARTHUR" "Oh my god you are so small." "Hey, I am not small." "Whatever you say" Arthur replied as he pulled his bestfriend into another hug. "Lando, I'm just going to put your suitcase in the spare room. Why don't you head to that room there." Arthur said as he pointed to a closed white door. "Sure, I'll see you shortly." Arthur smiled and disappeared off, Lorenzo had rapidly disappeared too. Lando headed to the door that Arthur had pointed to. He opened the door, it was pitch black inside. He entered the room and shut the door behind him. He felt a light switch next to the door, he flicked the switch and the lights came on. He smiled as he could finally see, he turned around to see what the room looked like. When he turned around he was stunned. There stood Charles Leclerc, right in front of him. Lando gasped, his knees felt numb, his hands were shaking. "Charles." Lando whispered, "Lando.". That voice filled his ears again, the husky, deep, heavily accented voice speaking his name made him swoon. Charles stepped closer to Lando and reached out his hand, Lando accepted. He felt himself get pulled against Charles's body, heat radiated from him. Lando looked at his arms, now entangled around Charles's neck, Charles's hands had a firm grip on Lando's hips holding Lando close to him. Lando felt lips on his forehead, he leaned into the touch on his skin. He looked up at Charles, taking in his bluey brown eyes, his dimples as he was deep in thought, the way his lips parted slightly, the way parts of his hair dangled onto his face. Charles was beautiful, Lando thought. Lando studied Charles for a bit longer. "It's really you." "Yes Mon Amour, it is really me." Lando smiled at Charles, his heart fluttered at the nickname he had used. Charles placed his left hand on Lando's cheek, aligning his eyes with Lando's piercing blue ones. A blush appeared across Lando's cheeks, Charles's thumb gently grazing against his soft skin. Lando felt himself being pulled closer towards Charles, his eyes slowly shut and he felt Charles's rough but oddly soft lips on his. It was slow, romantic and full of raw emotion. Lando's hands made their way into Charles's hair, Charles's right hand now on Lando's ass pushing him closer to Charles. Their once soft kiss was now a passionate, meaningful and slow snog. The pair parted, Lando's hand slipped down to Charles's cheek, Charles's hands now back at Lando's hips. Their foreheads pressed together. They smiled at each other. "Lando, I know it's only the beginning for us. But over the last couple of days that we've gotten to know each other, I've fallen for you, heavily, badly, deeply. I don't want you to leave me." Lando glided his thumb over his cheek to sooth Charles, "Charles, I fell for you also. Meeting you on that lobby wasn't my first time seeing you, I had searched on Arthur's Instagram for you. I saw who you were and I panicked. There was no way I could pull you, you're so out of my league. But I guess I was wrong, and I fell for you even more after we started messaging. Charles, I'm not going to leave you if you aren't going to leave me." "Oh Lando, you are not out of my league. You're gorgeous. I'm glad you were wrong. And Lando, I'm not going anywhere, I promise." "You promise?" "Yes Lando, I promise. In fact, move to Monaco and live with me." "Really?!" "Yes Lando, I never want to lose you after for so long for you." "Oh Charles, I'll move in with you, under one condition though, there is always cold milk in the fridge!" "Your wish is my command." Charles said while smiling, he pulled Lando in for another kiss. This time telling Lando to jump and he carried Lando through a doorway and into a red lit room.
Let's just say,
Whatever happens in Monaco, Stays in Monaco.

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