Charles Leclerc & Lando Norris

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A new years special for you all!
This could potentially be really sad, I hope you enjoy though!
ALSO, i apologise for being slow, ive been very busy!
This will need a part 2, so let me know if you want one!
Happy new year!

Summer and Christmas breaks were never easy for Lando. Countless sleepless nights drift by, many panic attacks come and go, as well as multiple hours spent overthinking. Clothes left in a heap but drenched in sweat, tissues strewn allover the bedroom wet from tears.
You're probably questioning why Lando is in such a bad mental state. He hates being alone, it drives him crazy. He knows why, he does. But Lando is too scared to admit it. See, Lando has a secret, well its now not such a secret. From a very young age, Lando knew he was gay. He wasn't attracted to girls like the way his friends were. He was attracted to guys in the way his friends were attracted to girls. Lando managed to keep it a secret for about 9 years. In the beginning of the 2021 season, there were rumours that Lando had feelings for this previous teammate Carlos, and thats why he and Daniel couldn't seem to get on how Lando and Carlos used to. People started speculating things, and it got quite nasty for Lando. People seem to forget he's 21. Someone eventually hacked into his social media and gained access to his phone. They leaked almost everything that they could get their hands on. That was it, his life pretty much sabotaged by people who were, "fans" of him. This is what caused his sudden outbursts of emotion during breaks, it happened because he didn't have something to do. So his mind was constantly empty, thoughts running through his mind 24/7. Imagine a hour glass, every 5 minutes it gets flipped over, spilling whatever just went through it back into it. That was Lando's mind whenever he was alone. During races he had many distractions, people and racing. There was always something to do at a race weekend. Always someone to talk to. But after Lando's big news came out that he was in fact gay, people that he used to be somewhat friends with stopped talking to him. Team Quadrant were as supportive as ever, they truly loved Lando and didn't care if he was a fridge, cow or a can of tuna. But, that wasn't enough. Lando barely saw them during race weekends, his schedule incredibly busy. When his performance in the car was bad, or poor, he would never blame his team or the car. He would tell his engineer exactly why, that he was struggling. And he would leave it at that. They didn't know that it was him who was struggling, the assumed it was the car. Lando giggled somewhat at their efforts to find something wrong with the car, but the thing that was wrong was him. Every break was fucking hell, Lando had survived the summer break and the Christmas break was soon approaching. It was difficult to even think about, it was a repetitive situation. It happened everytime, the same old bullshit. In fact, the Christmas break wasn't soon approaching, it starts the day after tomorrow. After the final race, the big championship decider. Lando wasn't sure if he wanted to go back to England, he wasn't sure he could handle his family. But he had no where else to go. There was one place he could go, but it wasn't finished yet. His home in Monaco was still being built so he couldn't go there. But he could go to Monaco, maybe.

Sunday, Race day, Abu Dhabi.
Lando wasn't happy that this was the last race, before another long break, with just his thoughts? It didn't look good for him, at all. Grin and bear it for now Lando, he told himself.
Lando would normally feel relief when he crosses the finish line, but he felt the opposite. He felt numb. He congratulated Max and headed straight to his drivers room. His head was spinning and his stomach was rumbling. His eyes had now become teary, he picked up his phone. His vision blurry, he clicked on the call icon, pressed a contact name and brought his phone to his ear. It rang for a few seconds, but a deep mix of a French and Italian accent rang through. "Lando?" Lando whined, "Charles, please you have to let me come home with you. I can't do this shit anymore, it's shit! please" He spoke, his voice shaking. Charles sighed, "Of course you can, meet me behind the Ferrari garage and I'll take you home, Lando." Lando gasped, the feeling of relief jerking him upright. "Thank you, Charles." He whispered, Charles hummed, "See you in a few minutes." Before the line went dead, leaving Lando with approximately 15 minutes until he needed to meet Charles. He wasn't going to be alone for Christmas break.
Lando packed his bag so fast he may have even accidentally chucked in a plant that was on the table.
He was just so fucking happy to not have to worry so much about his thoughts. Although he knew that there is every possibility he may have a meltdown while he stays with Charles. But Charles didn't know much about Lando's situation. Except that he was gay, but Charles was one of few who didn't mind that. Lando just hoped he didn't catch feelings for the very handsome monegasque. They had been friends since Lando can remember, Lando was always attracted to Charles. Actually more than he would like to admit, and that was kinda scaring him. Now that he thinks about it, Lando has had a crush, if not a crush he's liked Charles for a while. But Lando knows Charles is in a relationship and he shouldn't risk ruining that for him. He just has to contain his sudden outbursts. Lando is sure he can, but it will be difficult.

They met up at the back of the Ferrari garage and Lando had tear stained cheeks. His eyes were bloodshot and his smile was now upside down. Charles approached him unaware of his situation, he halted in front of Lando. He checked around to make sure there was no one there and then pulled Lando into a hug. It was a desperate hug, Lando clung to Charles, tightly. He let out a few tears onto Charles's shoulder. Charles hushed him, and held him tightly. Charles played with Lando's hair, smelling it secretly. It smells of strawberries, and hair gel. Lando in general smelled like a rainbow, he would always smell lovely. As Charles pulled away he saw Lando's face, tear stained cheeks, wobbly lip, bloodshot eyes. He swiped away the tears falling from Lando's beautiful, beautiful eyes. They were quite beautiful Charles thought, Lando has always been quite beautiful to Charles. He was having these thoughts while looking Lando deep in his eyes. This did slightly frighten Charles. He will admit he has had similar thoughts about Lando before, but he is in a relationship. He finished wiping away Lando's tears and they headed to Charles's car. Charles put their stuff in the boot, he couldn't help but think about how Lando looked, how he smelled. He wanted to remember them, he wanted to hug him again. Before Lando could get into the car, Charles had pulled him into a hug. A rather desperate hug, Lando knew he needed it but Charles did too? Lando hugged back, not wanting to leave him hanging. Charles breathed in Lando's scent, it poured into him and he took it in. Charles knew he should've stopped there, and he did. He didn't want to scare Lando anymore than he already was, so he opened the door for the Brit and closed it behind him. Charles got into the car and drove to the airport. He may have called his private jet to take them to Monaco. Charles didn't want them to get noticed, because then Charlotte may think that Charles is cheating on her, eventhough their relationship is just a PR stunt. This flight would be good for Charles, he could think about whether he needs Charlotte anymore. He never wanted her, but does he need her? No, he doesn't.
They arrive at the airport and Lando sees a massive plane, he knows it's Charles's. "Private jet Charles? nice." Charles giggled, "I just thought we could both use some privacy." Lando nodded, "Come on Lando." Lando followed Charles, he wanted to reach out and take Charles's hand, he needed that reassurance that it was going to be okay. His fingers itched for touch, he couldn't, not now. They got onboard and Charles greeted his pilots and cabin crew. He took Lando to his separate room. Charles sat in the chair and patted his lap for Lando to come sit. Lando shyly let Charles manoeuvre him onto his lap. Lando rested his head in the crook of Charles's neck, Charles's hand came up to rest on his thigh. Charles placed a kiss on Lando's forehead, and rested his head on Lando's. It was peaceful, by now Lando would've probably had a meltdown, but he hadn't, it kinda of surprised him. Charles keeps him grounded, and not lose his marbles. They cuddled like that for a while, Lando even started to dose off, however, Charles's phone rang. He sighed before he picked it up and answered. Lando heard a faint french accent of a woman shouting down the call at Charles. Lando watched as Charles didn't really listen to her. Charles took a breath before speaking, "Charlotte, I cannot do this anymore. We're done, finished, finito." Lando was unsure of what Charles had said as he spoke in french, but it didn't sound good. Charles let whoever it was finish speaking before he hung up. He turned his phone off and looked down at Lando, who was looking up at him. Lando sighed before looking down, his head was bought back up by a finger on his chin. Charles bought Lando's face up back to his and their eyes reconnected. Charles whispered, "So tell me why you were so desperate to fly home with me?"

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