Charles Leclerc & Max Verstappen

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A year ago i started this book. 75.5k reads over 1000 votes. You guys are great. Ive been gone for a while, but this has been in my saved for a while now. Enjoy :)

Jealousy is a dangerous thing.
Some would say jealousy is a death sentence.
You could also say that a jealous man or woman is a person who is scared.
Scared of the outcome of what could be.

You see, Charles wasn't jealous because Max was leading and had more points than him in the championship. Charles was jealous because someone else was getting Max's attention, and it wasn't him. Charles doesn't hate Max as much as the media makes it out to be, in fact it is quite the opposite. The stalking of the instagram, the checking of the snapchat story, Charles just wanted a taste of Max and he was far from getting it.
Charles saw the way that Daniel looked at Max, though Max never returned the same look. There was a special glint in Daniels eyes, that Max didn't have. One thing less for Charles to be jealous about.

The season had started off strong for Ferrari and Charles, a 1-2 in Bahrain was something they hadn't expected. Especially with Charles on the top step. Charles had thought about Max and how his race went. He felt bad, he felt guilty. Not finishing a race was never fun, but it must have stung Max when Charles won. For once, Ferrari were somewhat competitive. That's old news now though. 16 Races in and Ferrari have only won 4 of them. 12 races won by RedBull, it's was simply mind boggling to Charles. He didn't understand how Ferrari could make so many mistakes in a row. Two engines dying so quickly, strategies just being stupid and Charles's own mistakes. Sure it wasn't all down to Ferrari, but a hell of a lot of it was. Charles knew the championship was over as soon as Max was at 100 points already. Charles's couldn't match that, not even with Max DNF-ing two times. There was no way, Charles could win this WDC this year. Hell probably not even next year if Ferrari keep fucking it up. Charles gives them a lot of shit. But he has the right too, they could've been ahead by 100 points already, but they're not. Because they let RedBull get the best of them, and now, their "Golden Boy" is full of sorrow and regret.

Regret. Was something Max thought about every single day. He loved being a F1 Driver, he really does. But he regrets not being able to live his life "normally". He would love to be 12 again and playing with his friends from school at recess. But unfortunately he never got the chance to even make friends. Sure he has "friends", other rich DJs, Models, Athletes. But he has no real friends who he has befriended without them knowing who he is. And he regretted not attempting to make any friends at karting. God knows what his dad would've done if he saw Max chatting to another karter. It's like Jos thought Max would be giving away valuable information. It's funny. Because Max did give away valuable information, and that someone happens to be none other than Charles Leclerc.

Charles had finished P4, Verstappen ahead in P1. Charles wondered how Max did it. Winning every single race he ever competed in. Charles couldn't understand how Max managed to do it every weekend. Charles himself would analyse each track, finding the ideal line, the best line. He always thought his analysis was the best, perfect in-fact. But this time, Charles was not so sure. Max had won this karting championship, he won every single race of that championship. Charles didn't understand how! It was impossible.
Charles stayed and watched as Max practiced around the track. Charles couldn't believe what he was seeing, Max's lines he took were old school, like old old school. But Max was over a second quicker a lap than Charles. Charles stayed and analysed Max and his driving. Charles started to realise he was paying a lot more attention to the driver rather than the lines he was taking. Charles shook his head and walked back to his RV. Max saw Charles leaving and headed into the pits. Max wanted to give Charles something, he followed after the Monegasque. He caught up to him, and out of breath Max whispered to Charles, "I want you to have this." Max handed Charles a Golden Book. The book had a race car on the front, but on the inside it was something else. It had all of the karting lines Max took, all of the best, the fastest lines. It had information on how to overtake when using these lines. Charles couldn't quite believe that Max was giving this to him, "U-uh Max, I don't think I can take th-." Max put a finger to Charles's lips, "Take it, and tell no one." With that Max left, leaving Charles to hide the book away and run.

Max remembers that day like it was yesterday. He never regretted giving Charles his diary, in fact, Max was glad he did. It meant he got to race Charles in F1 a hell of a lot quicker! Max and Charles were rivals, they still are. But they are acquaintances, they can talk without having an argument. As Max laid in his hotel room bed, thinking about the times of the past. He heard a knock on his door, it was an urgent knock, like something was wrong. Max got up and practically ran to the door, the knocking was now banging. Max opened the door to find a red faced, teary eyed Charles Leclerc standing outside his door, with nothing but some boxers and a massive hoodie on. Charles burst out into a sob and ran at Max, wrapping his arms tightly around the Dutchman. Max shut the door gently, not to frighten Charles, and put his arms around the Monegasque, before telling him to jump. Charles obeyed, jumped up and wrapped his legs around Max's waist, as Max carried him back to the bedroom. Max carried Charles back to the bed and got onto it with the Monegasque sat on his lap. Charles placed his head onto Max's chest, near his shoulder, and was following Max's breathing. They stayed like that for a little. Max whispered to Charles, "Charlie. What happened?" Charles sighed, he came to Max because that's who and where he feels the safest. "F-ferrari. They. They're terminating my contract at the end of the 2022 Season. I have no where to go." Max was angry. Why were they doing this to Charles?! "What? why?!" Max asked. Charles let out a sob, "They found out that I am gay." Max scoffed, "And thats why they're terminating your contract?" Charles nodded. Max hugged him tighter, "You being gay is fine with me. I'm bi myself." Charles looked up at Max and smiled, a little toothy grin. Max smiled lovingly back at the Monegasque. Charles felt himself starting to get hypnotised by Max's crystal blue eyes, they are gorgeous. Charles's eyes flicked between Max's eyes and his lips. Max's eyes did the same. Flicking between those pink plump, and delicious looking Monegasque lips. And those ever so teasing green eyes of the dark brunette man. The gap between the two was becoming non-existent, but Max being the gentleman he is, paused to ask Charles if it was okay to kiss him. Charles nodded, and Max closed the gap. The two men entangled in each other, the kiss was perfection for both. The feelings that had been built up for so many years all flowing through the veins of both men. They only pulled away when they were desperate for air. Max pulled Charles in for a long hug, they never left that spot until the next morning. Max thought to himself as he watched his new found lover sleeping. He wasn't going to let Charles leave F1 so soon. He couldn't bare to see him leave. But Max knew one thing for certain, a phone call to Toto Wolff would be the first thing he did in the morning.

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