Sebastian Vettel & Charles Leclerc

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Based on the 2019 season, includes Charles's initial struggles and how Seb helped him.
Will include sex-scenes, as well as female pet names (not full sex).
14+ is advised.

Charles Leclerc was young, inexperienced, hungry. He had gained his experience from F3 and F4. He joined Formula One in 2018 with Alfa Romeo, he shone there, his talent was speaking for him.  Over his rookie season, Charles showed how much potential he had if he was given the chance. However, he needed to work his way through the ranks to know his racecraft was where it needed to be. He was excited about being in Ferrari, his future looked amazing. Charles was very motivated, he wanted to get up and go at everything. But then his consistency with Ferrari slowly deteriorated. Going from P2 to P14 was not a good sign.
Sebastian had noticed how Charles was now dropping back on the grid. Sebastian was a few positions higher than him in most races. Though, he didn't think it was Charles's car, he wanted to make sure. He asked his engineer if his and Charles's cars were exactly the same and if anything was turned down. It all came back negative. Strange Sebastian thought, it made no sense. The Ferrari car was capable of more, it had speed. Sebastian was unsure of how to approach such a young thing like Charles. He wanted to help, to guide him, just like Mark did with him.
The last few races for Ferrari went awfully wrong, with at least 1 car dnf-ing and the other P10 or below. Both drivers felt horrible after races, but often found comfort in each other. Whether it was watching films till midnight and falling asleep in each other's arms, they both liked it and got very used to it. They became more openly affectionate, the odd leg touches or arm touches drove Charles insane. Charles had developed feelings for Sebastian. He had thought about Seb fucking him, seducing him, giving it roughly to Charles. But Charles had also thought about the cuddles, sleeping in the same bed, caring for each other, all of which they had already done. He wondered what Seb would do if he found out about Charles's massive crush.
Unannounced to Charles, Sebastian was very fond of the young driver. He also enjoyed the caring for each other, the cuddling, sleeping in the same bed. He enjoyed just being with Charles. Though he wanted to be able to show Charles off, show the world who was fucking him, making him feel good, making him beg on his knees. But to mainly show the world how much he loves Charles.
After a pretty bad race weekend for Ferrari, Sebastian decided he needed to talk to Charles. After changing from his race suit to normal team wear, Seb walked off to Charles's driver room. Sebastian knocked 3 times, he waited patiently until he heard a quiet "Come in." Seb let himself into Charles's driver room. He saw Charles sat of the floor race suit around his waist and his bare chest out. His light brown eyes surrounded by redness, black tear stains ran down his cheeks, his hair all out of place. Sebastian cooed at poor Charles on the floor. Sebastian sat down behind Charles and pulled Charles sideways onto his lap. Knowing that the Monegasque needed some comfort, Seb held him close and massaged his fingers through the brown locks. Charles's breathing slowly evened out, he held onto Seb still not ready to let go. Charles sighed, "Thank you Seb. I had a breakdown." Seb smiled at him, "Oh don't worry Charles, it's okay. We all have these moments. Things will get better." Charles smiled sadly, "It doesn't feel like it. When I'm in the car it's as if I become one with it, but recently it's like there's something stopping me from relaxing into it, I just can't seem to get into the rhythm you know?" Seb sighed, he knew exactly what Charles's was on about. "Oh Charlie I know, It sucks trust me. I went through this when I was at redbull. I felt as if something was wrong with the car. As if I was being sabotaged and it hurt not knowing why. But Mark helped me get through it, he told me, "If the rhythm is lost, let it guide you. Don't try to find it, give it time and it will find you." And Mark was right, he always was. Charles, I believe that you will find the rhythm again easily, I really do." A tear dribbled down Charles face, he loved listening to Sebastian, he loved how caring the German was. His tone was soft and nurturing, it made Charles feel safe, Seb always did. Charles smiled and sighed, "You're right Seb, I will try. Thank you." Charles moved to straddle Sebastian and to face him. He pulled him in for a hug, Seb held him tightly and ran his hand down Charles's back. Charles's hand was around Sebastian's neck, his face in the crook of his neck. They stayed there for a while, neither saying a word. Charles whined. Unsure of what was wrong Seb asked Charles, "Charles, are you okay?" Charles gasped, and pointed to his crotch. Seb saw the obvious tent in Charles's race suit. Sebastian was amazed, Charles was hard right in front of him. "Oh Charlie. I could touch you, make you feel good, or I could get up and walk away." Charles whined, "Please Seb." Seb tutted, "Use your words Princess." "Please Sebastian, touch me." Charles breathed out, he was crumbling under Sebastian's power. "Not until I've kissed you first." "Please." Sebastian pulled Charles in and placed his lips on Charles's. The kiss was passionate, fierce, romantic. Seb didn't want to make this a one-time thing. He wanted Charles forever. The kiss only made those feelings stand out, it was as if his body became alive. "Charles, I want you forever, not just right now." "Seb, I have wanted you since we started seeing each other after the races." "Me too, now come here and let me help you baby."
In the end, Seb was right about the rhythm of the car.
Let it come to you, don't push for it.

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