Max Verstappen & Charles Leclerc

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Based on childhoods and how Charles met Max through his older brother. Charles will be 18 in this and Max will be 22. Also! No offence to any of Charles's family <3
Will include swearing, depressing themes and occasional selfharm themes.

Unlike many other kids, Charles enjoyed spending time with family instead of friends. He had a wonderful family, his two older brothers occasionally bullying him. But he loved them, they loved him. Charles always wanted to live up to be good enough for Arthur and Lorenzo. He did already to them, but he didn't see it.
He had felt he was in their shadows for many years now. Always getting the hand-me-downs, the forgotten games, toys. Nothing he ever really had was new, only his. Not that he wasn't allowed new stuff, his parents just didn't buy him any. Money wasn't the issue, they just weren't wasteful people. Always using everything they had to the end of its life. But, Charles had one thing his brothers didn't have. He had music. Music was his passion, it always had been. He loved the way he could experiment with the piano. He loved the way the notes sounded in his ears. Most importantly, Charles loved how he could convert his feelings and emotions into music.
He wouldn't swap music for anything, not even money.
Throughout his teen-hood Charles had dealt with a-lot of depression. He was happy really, he was. But that excuse couldn't even begin to explain the endless nights spent crying, the scars, the panic attacks. He had fallen a victim to a dangerous accuser. Depression was many things and to Charles it was who had made him today.
Charles struggled to make new friends when he went to high school. He had somewhat decided not too. Too afraid people would judge him or laugh at him. He was constantly in a state of fear. He didn't talk for months, deciding to stay quiet, mute. His family knew he would rather not speak, they never forced him, never pressured him. He was glad they didn't. He hated himself enough already, he didn't need another reason.
"Mama?" "Yes dear?" "Can I have a friend over today? He is very nice." "Sure, will he stay for tea?" "Thank you Ma, and I will ask him."
Charles was nervous for Lorenzo's friend to come over. Charles didn't want to be that weird, awkward, silent little brother. Even-though he was 18, Charles had always felt he was the awkward and weird little brother. He didn't want to be, he didn't ask for it. He had been hurt, neglected, abused, by people he hardly knew. Vultures is what Pierre called them. Pierre was Charles's only friend he had kept in contact with. Pierre had known about Charles's issues, he tried to help, in fact Pierre was the reason Charles escaped. Well, not fully. He wouldn't ever escape fully. That part was wedged in there, not ever leaving Charles. Charles liked to think that eventually it would leave, but it hadn't yet.
Charles had met a few of Enzo's and Arthur's friends before. He never spoke to them, he only ever smiled and waved. Lorenzo didn't mind, he knew his brother was struggling so he let it slide always. Charles was slowly adjusting to speaking again before today. He stopped when he overheard his mother and Lorenzo speaking. A friend? A new one, interesting. Charles was slightly anxious about having to meet this friend. He hated meeting new people. He would do it for Lorenzo though.

The door bell went and Lorenzo opened it and greeted his friend. Charles had been standing on the last few steps of the white marble stairs. He watched as Lorenzo opened the door to let his friend in, still no name for this mystery man or woman. Charles watched a tall brunette stride into the house, his eyes a crystal blue, lips a rosy pink. Charles gasped quietly, he was pleasantly surprised by Lorenzo's friend. He was tall, dark, handsome. His accent thick and dutch. Oh, how dreamy? Stop it Charles, he's your brothers bestfriend. What a cliché!
Charles took in a deep breath and slowly exhaled. He heard his name and looked down at Lorenzo, "Charles this is Max, my bestfriend." Charles nodded with a smile and waved at Max, "Charles is my youngest brother, doesn't talk much as you can tell." Max smiled at Charles, his eyes soft, but intrigue flashed through them. "Hello Charles, It's a pleasure to meet you." Charles smiled back at Max and mouthed a "Nice to meet you too". He was glad Max understood what he mouthed, he knew he had understood when Max actually signed "See you later" with his hands. Charles just smiled, his heart beating rather quickly. This communication with Max was nothing he had ever experienced. Charles wasn't the only one to think this. Lorenzo had been watching them both, his heart softened when he saw Charles smile at Max. Charles hadn't smiled like that in weeks. Lorenzo could see the emotions in Charles's eyes. Normally he would be bothered by his younger brother potentially liking one of his close friends, but this time, he didn't mind. He was just happy to see Charles happy. It was an odd sight.
Charles had disappeared quite quickly after his meeting with Max. He had retreated to his room, the anxiety and fear rattling his bones. What if he hadn't been nice enough? What if Lorenzo was mad at him? What if Max was put off of him? Charles was being stupid he knew he was. Max had purposely signed to him. Max was incredibly handsome, and that didn't help Charles. Oh woe is me.

Lorenzo had spent a bit of time with Max chatting up over a few games of fifa. He hadn't just been watching Charles during that interaction. He had watched Max too. The dutchman was so sweet to his younger brother. The smile on his lips told him so and as did the look in his eyes when he looked at Charles. He had decided to say something to Max. "Max look, I saw how you were with Charles. You don't have to hide anything from me, but I'd like to know that whatever happens between you both, that you'll keep him safe. I know you only just met, but I saw it in your eyes as well as his. You have my permission, but please, promise me one thing? You won't hurt him." Max was wide eyed, somewhat frightened by Lorenzo. However, he knew Lorenzo and he knew that Lorenzo was being honest. "I, Lorenzo, I don't know what it is about Charles. My sister was mute for years when we lived with our dad and I couldn't even begin to imagine what Charles had have had to endure to become mute. I wouldn't do anything out of sympathy either, as I know that would hurt him and me. I will never hurt him, this world is too cruel anyway." Lorenzo hugged Max and thanked him for being so amazing. He told Max to go see Charles and directed him to Charles room.
There was soft piano music coming from Charles room. Max knocked three times, Charles opening the door on the last knock. Charles gasped and clasped a hand over his mouth. Max giggled, "Charles you don't have to be so worried. Could I come in?" Charles nodded, and retreated to his piano stool. "Piano is so cool. My fingers don't move that fast though." Charles hummed, he signed to Max, "Are you fluent in sign?" Max smiled and signed back, "Yes, asl and bsl." Charles was somewhat taken back, Max knew sign language? "When did you learn?" "Four years ago, my sister was mute too for a couple of years. We lived with our dad and he wasn't very nice to us, especially her. She slowly became a mute, I learnt sign for her and I'm glad I did otherwise I wouldn't be able to talk to you." Charles smiled sadly at Max and patted the end of his bed for Max to sit down on. He slowly crawled to the head-end of his bed and crossed his legs. Max turned to face Charles, "Would you like to know why I am mute?" Max nodded, "Charles, don't feel like you have too. I don't mind, I'm not going to force you." Charles sighed, "It started of at 11, high school. I struggled to make friends, I was always being bullied, picked on because of my looks and 'weirdness'. I struggled with that and I always felt like I was being left out. It got worse, the depression I mean. Panic attacks, fear, anxiety. They all led to numerous amounts of scars on my body. I just needed to get it all out. I haven't spoken in 6 years, I don't even know what my voice sounds like, except the ones in my head. I haven't touched anyone since I was 13. I just couldn't trust anymore. Everything seemed so foreign." Charles stopped and sniffled, "Oh Charles, I can't imagine the pain. Just know I have been where you are and it sucks it really does, but it really honestly does get better. Even when it feels like it won't. You just have to not give up, ever. But, I'm really proud of you for telling me, so thank you. I know it wasn't easy." Charles smiled with tears in his eyes. Max had been the only one who he had told that wasn't family. Max hadn't judged him either, Charles was so relieved. He was so glad, happy, relaxed with Max, it felt almost natural. Max had smiled back at him, "I know you can't really trust, but would you like a hug? You look like you could use one." Charles panicked for a second, but relaxed as he had known Lorenzo would've given Max "the talk" before he sent him here. Charles nodded, "That would be lovely." Max held his arms out and Charles physically leapt into them. His arms glued around Max's neck, Max's strong hands around his thin waist. The proximity between the two was not enough. Trying to hold each-other tighter, Charles sighed and instead of signing he whispered, "Thank you Max, you have no idea how long I've wanted a hug for."

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