Sebastian Vettel & Charles Leclerc

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Based on the pair being soulmates.

Sebastian had just finished eating dinner with his family, his younger brother Fabian throwing his dinner all over the place. His mother going over to clean it all up. Seb felt a tingle at the back of his neck, it frightened him slightly. The feeling was unknown, foreign. He didn't like the feeling, it was annoying and awkward. Seb looked back at his mother and his baby brother, he smiled and stood up, taking his plate upstairs before disappearing. The sudden feeling of tiredness overwhelming Sebastian.
Sebastian had felt the tingle again, it had been nearly a decade since he felt it. It was strange. He decided to google it, maybe it could've been an injury he had from racing. Sebastian was wrong. The tingles had been his soulmate trying to communicate with him. He felt awful for whoever it was, Seb wasn't exactly what every man, woman, whoever wanted. Sebastian researched into soulmates more. He was interested, he wanted to know who was his soulmate. Seb now knew more than enough about soulmates. He was excited but also apprehensive. He sighed and put his laptop away, pushing away the want to research more.
Sebastian was at a restaurant with his family when he picked up his fork to dive in to his lovely meal, as he brought the fork to his mouth he heard a little voice say, "Please tell me you're not going to eat that?". Seb was shocked. He looked up at his brother, "Did you just ask me if I'm going to eat this?" "No Seb, I didn't.". Well who the fuck asked me this, Seb thought. "I did." "Who are you?" "You're soulmate." "I know that, do we not know eachothers names?" "No, we don't. Now seriously are you going to eat that? In Monaco if you ate this you would be shot." "You're from Monaco? And really?!" "No of course you wouldn't be shot, and yes i am. Where are you from?" "Germany, but i travel alot, I'm rarely in Germany. I'm actually in Monaco next week." "Oh! thats cool, anyway I must go, I have to go to school." "School? Okay, bye then."
"Yes, School."
These conversations with his "Soulmate" became frequent. He found out more about him, how he liked karting, how he was still in school and how he wanted to race. Sebastian was surprised, he hadn't thought his soulmate would be interested in the same things that Seb was. He was happy, ecstatic. Seb liked his soulmate, he wanted to meet him, but he knew the universe would introduce them in time.
Seb and his soulmate had spoken a lot since they first spoke. They learned about each other, Seb learned that his soulmate moved up into single seaters, Seb was proud of his soulmate who he nicknamed "Apple". Sebastian had also learned that his favourite Formula 1 team was Ferrari, he cringed at the thought of his soulmate knowing who he was but not knowing that his soulmate was Sebastian Vettel.
Kimi and I were watching the F2 feature race. One young man was thriving in his car. Throwing it around like he wasn't driving over 100mph. It reminded Seb of his younger self, the reckless teen who just wanted to win. Seb remembered racing against the fallen, Jules Bianchi. How talented Jules was, how he threw his car around the track in an effort to gain positions, Sebastian admired his bravery, his dedication. Jules reminded Seb of himself and now this new kid, Charles Leclerc. Sebastian turned to Kimi, "You think this kids gonna take our seats?" "He will make you fight for it."
Seb was afraid that Kimi was right. Charles Leclerc had signed with Sauber for 2018. He was proving what everyone knew, that he had the speed, the talent, the driving style, pretty much he was the perfect package. Seb was worried, he was certain that Leclerc would thrive in a faster car. He may even take Sebastian's seat!
BREAKING: Charles Leclerc signs with Ferrari.
Sebastian was happy. He needed, he wanted a new teammate, one who was young, fast and could challenge him. Now he finally had that.
Ferrari had sent Seb and Charles on a "friendly" date. A nice expensive dinner. Seb was on his way to Charles's apartment, 7pm he was picking him up, he had 13 minutes. Seb arrived at Charles's at 7pm, he sent him a message to let him know that he was here. Charles climbed into Seb's black Ferrari, "Hello Sebastian." Charles seductively said, "Um, Hello Charles. Are you okay?" "Yes sorry Seb, I was messing about with you." Seb laughed, "No worries Charles, Lets go." Charles smiled in response to Seb.
They arrived at the restaurant, they went in and had a lovely dinner. Seb learnt more about Charles and how he enjoyed karting back in the early to mid 2000's and how he had finally achieved his dream to race for Ferrari. Charles had learned more about Seb also, how Sebastian's journey to F1 was difficult and held back by Redbull. The pair laughed, chatted and had fun until they finished their meal. Seb offered to drive Charles back to his apartment. On the way back Charles had fallen asleep in Seb's car, so Seb decided to just head back to his house. Seb looked over at Charles, his long brown hair delicately hanging over his face, his lips slightly parted, his hand open and facing upwards. Seb's breath caught in his throat. His hand slowly reaching for Charles's hair, running his fingers through the soft hair. Charles nuzzled into Seb's touch, Seb smiled, his heart fluttering at the sight. Seb slipped his hand into Charles's open hand. Charles's fingers tightly closed around Seb's hand, his heartbeat now racing. Seb was amazed at how Charles was reacting. Seb would've thought that Charles would push Seb away. Seb rubbed his thumb over the back of Charles's hand. Charles stirred from his sleep, his body starting to sit up. He looked at Seb, then at his hand, then back at Seb. Charles didn't remove his hand from Seb's grip, instead he made his way onto Seb's lap and hugged him. Seb melted into the touch of the young Monegasque. His hand rubbing up and down the boys spine. Charles whispered to Seb, "Thank you for this Seb", small sniffles erupting from Charles. "Oh Charles, don't worry. We all need comfort sometimes." Seb grabbed Charles's cheeks gently, the little tears coming out of his cheeks were kissed away by Sebastian, Seb lastly placed a kiss to Charles's forehead. Before pulling the Monegasque into another hug, they both got out of the car and headed into Seb's house.
Spa, 2019.
Charles had felt his heart drop when he saw the crash happen live in Eau Rouge. Anthoine's car had spun and another car had gone into him. Tears left Charles's eyes as he saw the wreckage of his friends F2 car. Charles ran to Pierre, the frenchman held Charles close as Charles broke down into more tears. One of Anthoine's engineers came to the pair and whispered something to Pierre. Pierre just nodded in response, he had nothing else to say, he didn't know what to say. He held Charles close, and whispered to him, "Charlie, Anthoine, he, he didn't make it." Charles sobbed loudly, he looked at Pierre, sadness evidently on the Frenchman's face. "This is impossible, but please Pierre, I've already lost Jules to this sport and now him, but I will not lose you." "Charles, I'm not going anywhere, but Anthoine is safe now." Charles just hugged Pierre, he didn't let go. "Charles, I have to go, we have to race tomorrow." "I know Pierre. I'm Okay, you go." With that, Charles departed from Pierre and headed to his hotel room to ponder on his thoughts. He was devastated that Anthoine was gone, but he wanted to win this race for Anthoine.
Seb had watched the whole scene with Charles and Pierre. Seb was devastated for Charles, he knew how close him and Anthoine were. He knew this was hurting Charles, but he couldn't help but remember what Charles had said to Pierre. "This is impossible, but please Pierre, I've already lost Jules to this sport and now him, but I will not lose you." Seb wasn't sure if he had heard it wrong. Sebastian only knew of one Jules who had been killed in a Formula One race. Jules had never mentioned a Charles. Seb paused his thoughts about Charles as he felt the soulmate tingle again. "Hello my soulmate." The voice sounded distraught, sad, angry. "Are you okay Apple?" "Not really, I lost something today." "So did I." "He meant so much to me. I can't right now." And with that, his soulmate had gone.
Seb knew he had to focus on this race. 10 minutes until the start. 5 minutes until the start. 2 minutes until the start. The formation lap had started, Sebastian couldn't help but think about Charles. Sebastian wanted Charles to win, he had qualified P1, Seb wanted him to win. "I hope you have a good day today Apple. No matter what happens, I'm always here." Seb did not expect a reply from his soulmate, he hoped he got a response. "Thank you Strawberry. Today is his day, I'm doing this for him." Sebastian had watched the lights go out, the race had started, he had an awful start. Charles had a great start, Sebastian was happy for him. By the end of the race Seb had fallen back into P4. "You are P4, Charles is P1." "Yes Charles." Seb couldn't manage to say anything else, his smile beaming for Charles. "Oh my god, I did it!" Seb heard in the back of his head, "Congratulations on whatever you did!" Seb didn't hear back, but he didn't mind. Pierre came running at Sebastian, "Seb, Seb please you have to help, Charles he is up there and he wont listen to me Seb." "Okay, okay Pierre breathe, I'll handle it." Seb headed to the rooftop of the Ferrari hospitality where Charles was. He saw Charles laying on the roof, his eyes watching the sunsetting sky. Tears slipping out of his eyes, his lips tightly sealed. Sebastian approached carefully, he sat down next to Charles. He scooped up Charles's hand and intertwined their fingers, sparks shooting up his spine. He was sure Charles felt it too as he jolted the the feeling. Sebastian planted a kiss to Charles's hand. He then moved a hand into Charles's hair, running his hand through it multiple times in an effort to calm Charles. It helped, massively. Charles had sat up and made grabby hands towards Seb. Sebastian opened his arms for Charles, his hand wrapped around Charles's waist, his other in his hair. Sebastian whispered, "Jules never told me about you Charles." Charles shot up, "How do you know I know Jules?" "I overheard your talk with Pierre yesterday." Charles looked down as he remembered Jules, his voice, his laugh still vivid in his mind. Charles giggled at the memories he was revisiting. "Oh I love his little giggle." Charles's eyes went wide, Seb was surprised. "You love my little giggle?" Seb smiled, "I do, very much Apple." Charles smiled. He looked into Seb's eyes, Seb's eyes flickered from Charles's eyes to his lips. Sebastian gently held Charles's cheek and pulled him into a kiss. It was slow, passionate and loving. Charles's melted under Seb's touch, his hands in Sebastian's hair and Seb's hands firmly gripped on Charles's back and hip. They parted from the kiss. They rested their foreheads together. Charles whispered, "Jules always told me about you, because I always asked."

Something different in this one :)

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