Lando Norris, Alex Albon & George Russell

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Based on their friendship, George and Alex are a couple and Lando becomes left out. Will be 13+ as some heavy smut may come. Please let me know if you enjoy more smut!
Enjoy :)

George and Alex had been together for 2 years now. They had gotten together in 2019, after crushing on each-other for months.
The trio, George, Alex and Lando had been so tight-knit for years that any change could be catastrophic. They ate together, drank together, partied together and occasionally slept in the same bed together. George was the mum of the group, Alex the dad and Lando the child. The men did nearly everything together, family events, holidays, Christmas. Anything that involved people, they'd be there. Now at the races they still spent time together. Often missing each others company, but on the low down, they rather enjoyed being away from each other. The fun-ness would only increase if one did well in a race. And if one didn't do very well, they'd cheer that one up so that they could all be happy. However, they do occasionally have down days together too. Not every moment is a happy one.
The trio had never had a podium together, yet. They were always hoping to have one. But it never came. Lando had been upset by this, but Alex and George had reassured him that one day it would happen.
Their friendship was as strong as anything. They all knew it too. They never really argued and when they did, they could never hold a grudge. However, in the near future, Alex and George knew they would have to tell Lando about their relationship. They just didn't want him to take it the wrong way. They didn't want to lose him.
Not after everything that had happened.
It was the weekend of the Austrian Grand Prix. Qualifying had been pretty similar to the race results. George had struggled in the Williams to find any pace, he was out in Q1. George wasn't mad at himself anymore, he was more disappointed than angry. He knew the car wasn't capable of much more. However, George knew he had so much more ability, he just didn't have the right tools.
Alex had qualified P13, not able to find anymore pace from the car. He was angry at the team. The car was good when it was good, but thats because it had Max's set up. Not his own, they denied Alex a setup change. His anger only made his performance worse on track. He didn't want to push as much, he didn't want to help the team, if they weren't willing to help him.
Lando had done pretty well in Quali, the opposite to his friends. He felt guilty, but he had been really happy with himself. Proud of himself. He needed this, he really did. He wanted the team to approve of him, and finally they did. They were proud of him! Lando was gutted for Alex and George, but he was happy with P6. P6!
Alex and George had discussed that they were going to tell Lando about their relationship after the race. They had thought about the way to say it and what to say. They just didn't know how he was going to react.
Lando had noticed the last couple of weeks that George and Alex were becoming slightly secretive.
They had started meeting up together before Lando got there. He was slightly confused, were they avoiding him? They had also become distant. Lando had been concerned that they were avoiding him, that they didn't want him to be there. He was scared they didn't want him anymore. He would only know if he asked them.
Lando had met up with George and Alex after qualifying. He had been really nervous, more than ever before. George had noticed this, he thought Lando may need to tell them something. "Lando, what's up?" Lando jolted up, "N-nothing I swear, I'm sorry." George wasn't shocked but he wasn't okay either. "Lando, you don't need to apologise, you've done nothing wrong. What's up, come sit." Lando trudged over to where George patted next to him and Alex. He sighed before whispering, "I thought, that, you two may have been hiding something from me. You've both been really distant and it's scaring me." George let out a breath, he pulled Lando into his arms and rocked him gently. He felt Alex place an arm on his shoulder, as if to tell him that now was the time. "Lando, we're not purposely trying to scare you or upset you. But me and Alex have something to tell you. We're dating and we have been for quite a while. We just didn't know how to tell you, as we don't want to lose you." Lando gasped, and looked at his friends, "You're dating?!" His eyes softened as George nodded, "I'm happy for you both, but I need to go." Lando got up, tears leaving his eyes slowly. He didn't know how to feel about this. He grabbed his phone and left. He headed to Sebastian's motorhome. He knew Sebastian would know what to do.
He placed two knocks on the door, he was pulled in rather quickly by Seb and into a hug. "Lando, Lando. Why the tears darling?" Lando sighed, "George and Alex are dating, and I don't know how I feel about it." Seb awed, "Lando, it's okay to not know how to feel about it. Give it time, okay and it'll calm down. You don't have to be anyone else around them because I'm sure they don't want to lose you either." Lando nodded, "Thank you Seb. I guess I just need time too." Sebastian nodded, "Of course you do. You need to figure out how you feel about it. But for now, try to focus on the race and then talk to Alex and George about it in a few weeks." Lando nodded, he liked Seb's idea. "Thank you Seb" He hugged Sebastian goodbye and wished him well in the race tomorrow.
Lando listened to what Seb had said. He let the emotions die down and let himself adjust to this news. Although, after a few weeks, Lando had felt worse. He saw Alex and George holding hands, kissing, hugging, and Lando felt jealous, left out.
He had never been jealous of Alex or George before, and now he was. Lando needed to talk to them.
He messaged George and Alex asking if he could come to their apartment. They responded with a yes and so he headed off.
Lando arrived at George and Alex's and buzzed up to their place. He was nervous while he stood in the lift, his hands nervously sweating. He sighed and walked to their door. He knocked and was greeted by a very giddy George. He smiled at his friend, and was pulled into a hug.
They made their way back to the living room where Alex was and Lando hugged him too. George sat down and Lando sat in the middle of the two on the sofa. Lando sighed, "I need to tell you both something." George and Alex nodded, "Seeing you both hugging, holding hands and kissing, its er, made me quite jealous." Lando blushed. George was wide eyes and looked at Alex who was just as shocked. "You're jealous of us, or because you aren't involved?" Lando gulped, "Because I'm not involved." He pulled his knees to his chest and hid his face. George looked over at Alex and mouthed, "You thinking what I'm thinking?" Alex nodded in response. "Lando, look up." Alex whispered, "You don't have to hide your pretty little face." Lando blushed as Alex's fingers held his chin up. Lando felt Alex coming closer to him, his heart beating fast. Alex pulled Lando in for a kiss, Lando didn't kiss back immediately but he melted into Alex and the kiss. Alex pushed Lando as far back into the sofa as he could, and pulled away for air. George was watching with fond eyes, 'that was hot' he thought. George placed his hand on Lando's cheek and leant into kiss him too. Lando's lips were soft and perky, and his tongue didn't back down easily. George and Lando's kiss became very heated. Alex was getting a bit turned on by watching this. George pulled away and Alex picked up Lando. The trio walked into George's bedroom. "Lando, if you want to stop, say so okay." Lando nodded, and pulled Alex in for a kiss. It got heated again quickly, George undressed so he was just in his boxers. He took over from Alex so Alex could undress. George undressed Lando while kissing him, his moans and whimpers creating a wet mess in Alex and George's boxers. Lando's cheeks were in a constant pink state. George's lips made their way down Lando's neck. Kisses placed one after the other, sucking gently to find Lando's sweet spot. Lando let out a pornographic moan which let George know he had found what he was looking for. Alex was working his way up from the bottom. His lips kissing Lando's thighs, his hands massaging his hips. George moved off of lando and sat beside him, letting Alex pull down Lando's boxers. A large, hard, veiny, shiny-tipped dick popped out. George was amazed, Lando was so small but his dick? 8inches, easily. George watched as Alex took Lando in his mouth. Lando's moans only increasing. George reached out for Lando's nipples, giving them a little squeeze and rolling them in between his fingers. Lando's moans became breathy as Alex worked him to his high. George kissed Lando as the wave of pleasure hit him like a freight train. Lando moaned as Alex drew his mouth back and cleaned Lando up. George pulled his boxers back for him and pulled him in to cuddle. Lando cuddled up to George, happy in where he was and how he felt. Lando waited for Alex to come back before he whispered, "I love you both." The two men surrounding him comforting him both whispered back, "I love you both too."

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