Max Verstappen & Mick Schumacher

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Based on their friendship as children, then adults. Will be a long Chapter, which is why it has taken about 3 days to write.
TW: Will include flashbacks to the incident with Michael. Talks about Panic attacks/anxiety attacks, Self-harm and depression.
Reader discretion is advised.

Breaking News:
"Seven time Formula One World Championship winner Michael Schumacher is in the hospital, after having a accident while skiing. We do not currently know the state of Michael, but our thoughts and prayers are with the family."
Mick was only 14, when the incident with his father happened. It was horrific, it felt like it happened in slow motion. Mick was mortified, he felt as if he had played a roll in the incident. Though Mick originally knew it was not his fault, he couldn't help but feel guilty for what happened. After all, it was his father, his hero, his everything.
After the incident in late December, Mick didn't speak to anyone except his mother, sister and Seb. Sebastian was the father figure he once had. Michael and Sebastian raced against each other. Seb had been a big fan of Michael since he started karting. Seb had seen Michael as a father figure and he saw Mick as a son. To Sebastian, Mick was a spitting image of Michael in almost everything, he could see how Mick would hide things he deemed unnecessary, He saw straight through it. He knew that Mick felt guilty for what happened, but he knew that Mick would have to move on from that. He didn't want Mick to move on from Michael, not ever. He wanted Mick to come to terms with it, not that he ever would, but he wanted him to understand that Michael is still there, different but there.
Sebastian took Mick to his karting races when he could. He helped Mick with his kart, his kit, putting his helmet on, all things Michael used to do. Mick thanked Seb after every race. Seb never really knew how much Mick valued him, how grateful he was for Seb.
Over the years, this whole incident with his father became a time where Mick would reminisce on many memories of things he missed. He had a photo box of nearly every single karting race weekend. Mick had sat down to go through each photo, a few tears dripping from his eyes. He stopped at one photo. It was a photo of him and Max Verstappen from 2010 at a karting race in Germany. Mick had forgotten about how much he missed Max and his weird ways. The Dutch boy, well man now, had grown up to be very handsome. Mick had known from a young age that he was different, he hadn't thought of girls like his friends did, he saw boys and men like how his friends saw girls. Although, Mick brushed those thoughts off, he didn't want to be seen as different or an outcast.
However, as Mick got older he became more mature in how he thought. He realised that it didn't matter who he liked, whether they are man or woman. But Mick didn't like the thought of people knowing and criticising him, judging him. He knew they would, but he couldn't handle being anymore of a disappointment.
Mick held the photo to his heart. It had been very difficult having to say goodbye to Max for so long, not knowing when he would next see him. However, Mick's unknowingness was about to be known. After Seb had helped Mick in the beginning, he continued to help Mick. They went to more championships, Mick dominated in many of them. Then came 2020, Mick had signed with Ferrari's driver academy and was being offered a seat in 2021 by Haas. Mick was going to be sat in a Formula One car, in an actual Formula One team. Frankly, he couldn't quite believe it. Seb was first to know, then his mum, sister and then his dad, Michael. Oh how proud Michael would be of him.
Mick would sometimes wonder what it would be like if his father hadn't had the accident. Would Michael be at his races? Would Michael be coaching Mick? Would Michael be proud of him? happy for him? Mick would like to think that he would, after all it was his dad that got him into karting, not just the famous name.
The day had finally arrived. Mick was about to start his Formula One debut with Haas at the Bahrain Grand Prix. He was excited, but just as scared, anxious. He thought about how much this meant to him, his family, Seb. Even though he would be racing with Seb, he still wanted to do well, to thank the fellow German for everything. Mick stepped into the cockpit of the car, he had a photo of him and his dad back in 2010 on the left side of him. He also had the photo of him and Max stuffed into his race suit. He secretly wanted to do well for Max, to somewhat show off that he is talented. Mick wouldn't admit it, but he was hoping that Max had maybe felt the same way a few years ago, if not now. Mick had always had feelings for Max, he never acted upon them. He knew Jos was not a very nice guy, and decided it was best he and Max just stay friends. But now it was different. He couldn't think about that anymore though, the race was about to start. Mick drove the formation lap superbly. He lined up P17 on the grid. Mick was ready, he had done this many times in Formula 3 and Formula 2. The lights counted down, and out they went. His start was great, though his car wasn't the best. He didn't feel let down by the team at all. He felt like it was great first race of the season in a new type of car. He finished P18, not to bad. He was happy with it. However, Mick had nearly had a anxiety attack in the car. But he remembered that his dad was with him in spirit and that Max was only up the road as well as Seb. He quickly calmed down, racing was his focus and he wanted to do the best. He wished he knew how Max was doing in the race. He only found out that Max had finished P7, slightly disappointing for him.
Mick had finished all his press duties and team debriefs. The team were actually really impressed, although P18 isn't alot, to get to grips with the car that quickly and to be pulling out those kinds of lap times was a really good step in the right direction. Mick had decided he wanted to go see Max, cheer him up a little.
Mick had made his way into Max's hotel. He had got the room number from the front desk, claiming to be Max Verstappen's younger brother. He headed up to room 933, anxiously playing with his cuffs on his hoodie. He breathed deeply as he arrived outside the door. He knocked on the door and waited for it to open. After 5 or so seconds, the door opened to reveal Max. Expecting to be greeted before let in Mick was surprised when Max dragged Mick into the room, shut the door and pulled him into a hug. Mick was surprised but joined his arms around Max's neck and Max's hands slithered around Mick's waist. Max sighed, "I missed this, I missed you Micky." Mick blushed at the nickname, he ran his hand through the bottom of Max's hair, "I missed this and you too Max." Max huffed out a breath, "Jump." Mick listened. Max moved them over to the large king-sized bed. He got onto the bed with Mick still in his arms, his legs draped over his sides. Max held Mick very tightly, not wanting to let go. It had been a while since he had had a hug from someone he loved, someone he considered family. It had been nearly 10 years since Max had seen Mick, hugged him for the last time it seemed. Max didn't know what was new with Mick other than the obvious, and Michael. Max had been devastated for Mick and his family when he saw the news. Max had sent Mick letters, they were never returned but he knew Mick had received them.
Mick was enjoying being in Max's embrace again, it was warm, soft. He felt so safe with Max, he always had done. The Dutchman had always been so protective about Mick, Mick never really understood why, but was thankful that he had a protector like Max. Mick had gotten anxious about the amount of silence that filled the room, only thing being heard is the breathing of the pair. Mick pulled himself up so that he was sat up, straddling Max. He needed to talk, he saw Max's blue eyes staring back at him. Mick sighed and looked down, "There's so much to tell you." Max chuckled softly, "I'm here all night." Mick smiled, he knew Max would listen. "You obviously know what happened with my dad in 2013," Max nodded, "Since that happened, Seb helped me get to where I am now. He came to my karting races, he helped me with my kart, my kit, my suit, everything. He was amazing, he still is. That's only half of it. I started blaming myself for what happened to my dad, I felt guilty. I watched it happen, I watched my dad that I once knew get viciously dragged out of him. I felt like it was my fault. I blamed myself, for years. I started to get anxiety, depression. I isolated myself from the world, except my family. I know you're like family Max but I couldn't because I blamed myself so much for what happened. Your letters were so sweet and really helped me get through it. I felt as if you really wanted me, I've not felt that kind of love before. The fact that even though I wasn't replying but you were still sending the letters shocked me. I thought you would've given up on me, just like everyone else. My anxiety attacks became more frequent, more violent. Then the depression set in. I," Mick took a deep breath, Max held his cheek in his palm to tell him it's okay. "I started to cut myself. I couldn't take it anymore Max. There were times I thought about ending it, but I didn't, because I didn't want them to win. Once I felt I was in a better place, I dug out my photo box. I sat down one saturday night and opened the box. I went on a trip down memory lane, seeing photos of me and my dad. My family, friends and then I saw one of you and me. It made me remember all the fun times we had together, how badly I missed them. How badly I missed you. Today in the race I had a picture of me and my dad in the car, but also a picture of me and you in my suit. I thought about you the whole race, I was only told at the end where you finished. I was gutted for you Max. But I finally realised that you were all I needed to get through it all." Mick concluded with a few tears coming from his eyes. He looked up at Max. Max's eyes were glossy too, he looked at Mick. They held eye contact for a minute or so, until Max grabbed Mick and pulled him closer. Max cupped Mick's cheek and whispered, "Mick, It's always been you." Mick smiled as Max drew him into a kiss. A kiss so gentle it was as if Mick was glass and Max didn't want to break him. A kiss that shared a million memories, futures, feelings between the two. A kiss that between the two would last for a life time.

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