Max Verstappen & Charles Leclerc

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No based on today! This was written by myself and Kaya1406Nikki It has taken quite a while and we hope you enjoy it!

Paying attention to the wrong ingredients.

We all know them: Charles Leclerc and Max Verstappen, two of the best youngsters from their generation. On and off track is their rivalry is deadly and threatening. But what happens if calm Max Verstappen gives the impatient Charles Leclerc some cooking lessons he desperately needs?

Charles never liked being in the kitchen, to bake or cook things. He liked to be on the move, always paying attention to a million things without having to follow a receipt. But Max was the complete opposite. Everything written out for you was the perfect idea to live your life, although Max wanted to be the best in literally everything.

When Formula 1 gave Max the chance to rub his amazing cooking skills in the face of his childhood rival, he didn't hesitate to say yes. However, Charles was never told Max would be the one to teach him how to cook properly. God, Charles couldn't stand Max. From when he was showing off all of his amazing talents to his very handsome looks. Of course, Charles knew Max could. Max was a perfect human being, but the feeling that arose inside Charles made him feel that he would never be good enough for Max. So that feeling inside of Charles turned into a competitive rivalry with Max. Charles was so determined to show Max how worthy he was. Even more worthy than Max.

So there they were; Max was all ready and steady to tease Charles the whole afternoon. Charles had absolutely no idea who and what was on the other side of the door. As the producers led Charles to the kitchen of the Formula One house, Charles was still so innocent and nervous. Until he saw Max's face.
First it was complete astonishment, and the only thing Charles could do was laugh and gasp. "Max?!" Charles laughed and looked around confused to all the cameras and producers. Max was smiling like an idiot, his ego only being boosted by this event.
"Are you bad at cooking too?" Charles questioned, like the kind guy he was. He never expected that an actual Formula One driver, especially not Max, would teach him how to cook. Max looked at Charles with a smirk, "The question is, do you think I'm bad at cooking Charles?". Charles felt his heartbeat intensify, his chest rising and falling quicker and quicker. He sighed, "Max, I have no idea if you can cook or not, but trust me I'll be better than you." Max scoffed, "As if you could be better than me. You're funny Charles." Max handed Charles an apron, it was black with the red F1 logo on it. Charles had no idea how to put it on. Frustrated he huffed out a loud breath, "Can you help me get this on?". Max laughed, "You need help putting on an apron?" Charles nodded shyly, "Can you just shut up and help me." Max rolled his eyes but took Charles apron in his hands and slipped the hoop over his neck. He grabbed the strings on the sides of the apron and pulled them around the to the back of Charles. Max tightened them, all the while pulling Charles back towards his chest, Max felt his dick rub against Charles's ass. He heard Charles gasp, "You're lucky were away from any cameras Charles." Max smirked.

Max finished tying up Charles's apron and pushed him towards the kitchen. Charles was rather flustered, he didn't expect that to happen. But was he complaining? not yet! Charles was scared for what they were going to cook. If he was being honest, he really couldn't cook. He had nearly but the house down last week when he made some toast, so this would be interesting. They were in-front of many cameras, Charles put on his filming face and waited for Max to start.
"So today, me and Charles are going to be cooking! Charles doesn't cook very often, probably because he isn't very good. But, that is why we are here. I'm going to be teaching Charles to cool!" Charles mentally punched Max, "I'll have you know guys, I am a much better chef than Max!" Charles didn't know how to defend himself, because when they would start cooking, Charles wouldn't have a clue where to start! Luckily for Charles, Max would be doing a demonstration first, so that Charles could watch before he tries himself. Max had secretly made one of the hardest things he could've thought of. He wanted to trip Charles up, he knew the Monegasque had no idea how to cook. Lando had told him that Charles had nearly burnt the house down, Max just giggled and shook his head. He didn't believe Charles's cooking was that terrible, but he had never witnessed it himself. Max couldn't wait to see Charles struggle, to see Charles have to succumb to failure and Max would be known as the better of the two at another thing in life. Oh how Max was ready to see it happen.
Charles watched as Max started chopping up herbs and potatoes into little cubes. Max was chopping them fast and professionally. Charles gulped, he couldn't do that. Charles became even more worried when he saw Max start to cook some chicken breasts. He watched as Max spoke about what he was doing and how to do it. But now, Charles wasn't paying attention to what Max was doing or saying. He was watching the movements Max was doing, eyeing up and down Max's body especially his arms. Charles then looked up at Max's face, their eyes met and Charles gulped again. Max hadn't just been cooking, he had been keeping an eye on Charles, to make sure he was paying attention. Charles as usual wasn't paying attention. Max had noticed that Charles was looking him up and down, almost checking him out. Max smirked as his eyes met with Charles's, in an attempt to tell Charles he knew what he had been doing. Charles quickly averted his gaze back to Max's cooking, he was now cooking the potato cubes in garlic butter, the smell was fantastic and the look was even better. Charles was amazed at the meal Max had produced, he hadn't had thought that Max was this good, Shit. Max knew that Charles was fucked, he knew Charles barely watched anything he did. Deciding to eye up Max instead, did Charles forget many cameras were watching him? Charles had surely forgotten, too caught up looking at Max, how could he have been so stupid. And now it was Charles's turn to cook what Max had prepared. Charles was extremely nervous, he couldn't stop his hands from shaking as he picked up the knife. He tried to crack jokes to take his mind off it, but he couldn't throw off the anxiety. Max was watching him, at first he was smirking. He knew Charles would struggle with it, but he hadn't imagined Charles would be so nervous that he was physically unable to stop his hands from shaking. Max knew he would have to help Charles, and for once he didn't mind the thought of helping him.

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