Daniel Ricciardo & Lando Norris

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Based on Sochi 2021, Lando loses a win after a poor decision and not entirely his fault. Please read with the music linked, as this part is inspired by the song.
Contains upsetting scenes, may include some trigger warnings.

Heartbroken. Gutted. Upset. Frustrated. Disappointed.
Lando had tried his absolute best to keep the car on the slippery track. Though, as the rain poured down Lando started to glide more and more. The rear tires losing grip due to the wet conditions, Lando finding it harder and harder to control the car.
No interference from his team, no information about the weather, no over-ruling decision for him to box.
Overall costing Lando his maiden win. He had looked so good in qualifying, so flawless, so fast, streamlined. It was so gutting to see him unable to stop the car in time. At that moment he knew, he knew that he was not able to recover fast enough to regain the lead. He should have boxed, he should've played it safe, he should have listened. But instead he decided to take a risk, one that would prove to be devastating.
Lando punched his steering wheel as he drove out of his pitbox. He had fucked it up again. The pressure to produce was overbearing, and at some point he knew that it would've boiled over regardless. Constantly pushing the car and himself, Lando knew that something was surely going to go wrong. He had just hoped that today was not going to be the day.
Daniel had a really great start. His timings were extremely good, he was doing what he needed to prove to the team he still had it. Daniel had no idea what was happening ahead of him, until he heard that Lando had spun off and lost the lead. Daniel had felt his own heart drop. Obviously he had wanted to do well too, but when your teammate who was doing so well the whole race loses track position 2 laps before the end, you feel for him. Although, Daniel had felt so much anger, disappointment, upset and just awful for Lando. Daniel knew how badly it hurt to be doing so well in a race and then lose the lead over a poor decision. He knew how deeply it would shred Lando's heart, how Lando would lose sleep over it. Daniel wanted to be there for Lando. He didn't want to see Lando so upset, heartbroken. He wanted to see smiley, goofy, happy Lando and he would stop at nothing to make that happen.
Lando pulled into Parc Fermé. His heart racing, his lips quivering, his eyes blurry with tears. He went and congratulated Lewis for his 100th win, then disappeared into his drivers room. Daniel had watched Lando climb out of his car and he could tell Lando was crying. His chest was heavily breathing, sometimes jumping while breathing. Daniel felt awful for Lando, his own heart stung at the thought of Lando being upset. Daniel didn't want Lando to be so critical of himself. He wanted to build Lando up, push him, care for him, make sure he felt loved. Daniel wanted to do anything for Lando.
Lando had made it to his drivers room. He removed his shoes, his helmet, his balaclava, his race suit and earplugs. He caved down onto the floor, his hands covered his eyes, just wishing for it all to be over. He sobbed uncontrollably, his body shaking, his cheeks damp with tears. The knock on his door pulled him out of the trance he was in. The door opened in front of Daniel, he didn't see anyone at first, but he had heard loud sobs. He looked down to see a Lando sized blob on the floor. Daniel closed and locked the door behind him, before joining Lando on floor. With his back against the sofa, Daniel pulled Lando into his warm embrace. Lando clung onto Daniel neck like he was going out of fashion. Daniel held Lando tightly, one hand firmly on his lower back and the other higher up on Lando's back. He held Lando so close to his chest, whispering "It's okay" , "You're okay.". Lando's breathing started to slow, his sobs were now breaths. He moved one of his hands and held Daniel's hand so tightly that Daniel had to tell him to be easy. Lando loosened his grip but still held onto Danny's hand. Lando sighed before opening his mouth to speak, "I wanted that win so badly Daniel. I had the most perfect chance, and I fucked it." Daniel grabbed Lando's face and held him at the right point for their eyes to be aligned. "Lando baby, you did such an outstanding job today, regardless of what happened. You took a risk and the team didn't enforce their choice. They gave it away, not you. So don't you dare think or value yourself any less." Lando smiled softly, Daniel's words meant millions to him. The soothing Aussie accent rang through his bones, sending shivers down his spine. The warm, welcoming touch of Daniel's heated up his skin. The way Lando was straddling Daniel was so consuming to Lando. He felt drawn in by the Aussie, his heart longing for Daniel's attention, his love. Lando was hurting right now, he wasn't himself but he was sure in control of what his heart wanted. Daniel's eyes ran all over Lando's body searching for any injury, though he found none. He sighed in relief, he hadn't wanted Lando to physically hurt himself. Lando followed Daniel's eyes, his eyes never leaving the Aussie. Lando shuddered under Daniel's alpha gaze. The control that Lando knee Daniel had made him feel fuzzy inside. Lando had been staring into Daniel's eyes, he decided that risks were worth taking no matter the consequences. "Kiss me." Daniel was confused, "Pardon?" "I want you to kiss me Daniel." Daniel grabbed the side of Lando's cheek and pulled him in closer. Their lips touched, they fitted together like a puzzle. They moved in sync, little moans erupting from Lando. Daniel loved the feeling of Lando underneath him, the rise of emotions in his heart made him realise that Lando was the one he longed so desperately for. Lando was starstruck, he had never felt so good, being held by Daniel, he felt safe. The way Daniel kissed him had sent impulses straight to his heart. The two pulled away, staring deep into each others eyes. No words were spoken, feelings were transferred by their eyes. The pair felt so connected, so safe around each other that words were no longer needed in this moment. The silence was nice, comfortable. It allowed the two drivers to be at peace with each other, sharing a first intimate moment like this had felt like no other. Neither of them dared to speak. Instead they re-engaged in another kiss.
This was when they both knew,
That this was a risk worth taking.

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