Pierre Gasly, Charles Leclerc & Carlos Sainz

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I've had the idea to do a "Soulmate" themed chapter for a while. I just needed the background for it. Therefore, based on these three and the Mexico GP 2021 with a few twists. May also include POV changes. Will include smut, swearing and rather deep context in which some readers may not like.

Pierre had known for a long time that he had a soulmate, and not just one. He was a third. Kids his age when he was younger would kiss and hug, just to find out their soulmate. Though Pierre never was really interested to know his soulmate. Deciding he would come across them when the time was right.
Pierre's best friend Charles was the opposite. Charles would always hug people, boys and girls. He wouldn't ever kiss them though. Charles had imagined life with a soulmate. How wonderful it would be to have someone designed for you. How perfect it would be when your marks fitted together. Oh, how simple, it was never that simple though was it? Although, Charles did not kiss random people to find out, he did hug them. But not once in the many decades he and Pierre knew each other, did Charles ever dare to even attempt to touch Pierre. He had wanted to touch Pierre way too many times to admit. He had wanted Pierre to touch him too, through many panic attacks, many bad races, many family problems. But he knew he couldn't allow it. He didn't want Pierre to have to bare his burdens. So he opted for the easy option. Cut off all physical contact.
Carlos had seen the way Charles and Pierre were close, but they never seemed to touch. Fascinating, he thought. They were close friends, had been for a while. He would've thought they had had physical contact. He knew how his teammate craved physical contact from anyone. Charles would always be hugging someone, an engineer, anyone he could get his hands on. Except for Pierre. But now that Carlos thought about it, Charles never tried to touch him. And if Charles attempted, he would always pull away. Unlike Charles, Carlos had never been hugely interested in finding his soulmate. Like Pierre, he had wanted his soulmate to come into his life when the universe decided. He found it interesting how Charles would withdraw contact, as if he knew he would be rejected by Carlos because he was not his "Soulmate".
Charles had needed help. He knew Seb had his soulmate. He wanted to know what if felt like to know who your soulmate is. He wanted to know what it feels like to be in love. He wanted to know what happens when you meet your soulmate. He asked Seb, "How did you know he was your soulmate?" Sebastian smiled at Charles, "Well, a soulmate is someone or people who know you the best in the world. Someone you carry forever, who accepts you, believes in you. When I first touched Kimi, time stopped. It was as if I was locked in a trance. Our eyes were connected, our hands connected with purpley pink swirls on the back of each hand. It was electric. I could hear every past and recent memory of Kimi's. In those first moments when you touch your soulmate or soulmates; that you learn everything about them. The hidden secrets, late-night thoughts, dirty thoughts too. But you fall deeper in love with them too. But Charles, no matter what happens, you'll always love them and nothing can change that." Charles felt a tear roll down his cheek. Sebastian's speech was beautiful, and so right. Charles felt much more confident in knowing how to react when he meets his soulmate. He just hoped it wouldn't happen for a while, it was Mexico this weekend. He couldn't afford another shit race.
It was race day. Charles qualified P8, Carlos P6 and Pierre P5. Charles wasn't sure how fast the car could go. She had speed in quali, but he wasn't feeling so confident. But he listened to what Seb told him last year, "Even if the car is not fast enough, You go out there and enjoy it." He nodded his head and pulled down his visor. He was ready, he needed to finish in the points. He had too.
Pierre was ready. His car had been fast, so fast. He knew it was capable of more, he knew he was capable of more. He was more scared for Charles than he was himself. Pierre knew that he had Carlos right behind him in P6, but he wasn't bothered. He just wanted Charles, Carlos and himself to finish.
Carlos had felt tense since he sat in his car. He had had a good qualifying, he felt happy going into the race. He just wished nothing happened that he couldn't control.
The race had started, an incident in turn one brought out the safety car. Carlos was glad that it wasn't one of his friends, he saw his teammate ahead of him and Pierre just in front. He adjusted his speed and followed the rest until the incident had cleared up.
On lap 34, the team allowed him to pass Charles. He felt guilty as he passed the Monegasque. He hadn't wanted the race to go this way, at all. Carlos hated team orders, he hated obeying them and hated receiving them. He knew how Charles felt and he
knew he would apologise after the race.
Carlos saw it happen in his mirrors. He saw a red car hastily lose the back end of the car and go flying off track and into the barriers. He knew it was Charles. He couldn't believe it, Charles was driving a great race. He radioed the team, a sudden wave of regret and uncertainty washed over him, "Is Charles okay?!" He waited for a response, "I said, Is Charles okay?!" He heard a crackle over the radio, "He is conscious and talking." He breathed a sigh of relief. Thank god Charles is okay.
Pierre had heard, "Red Flag, Red Flag." Immediately slowing his speed and questioning, "Who was it?" "Leclerc, in turn 10, lost the rear end." Pierre breathed in deeply, Charles had crashed. Knowing one of your closest friends had crashed was never easy. He's reminded of Spa 2019 with Anthoine. He quickly pushes away that memory, not wanting to think about losing another friend. "Is he okay?!" "Affirmative. He is conscious and out of the car." Pierre relaxed in his car, relief and thankfulness were all he could feel. Glad that Charles was okay, that the crash was not fatal.
The FIA had decided that continuing the race could cause harm to the drivers and crowds, deeming the conditions too wet and slippery to race in.
Pierre and Carlos both rushed together after looking for Charles everywhere. Neither had any luck finding him. They asked people in the paddock if they knew. Nothing. They spotted Kimi in the Alfa Romeo garage, and asked him. He told them that Charles was in Sebastian's driver room. They rushed to Seb's. Kimi liked how desperate the young men were to know how their friend was. He knew they were young, stupid and that they didn't touch.
Carlos and Pierre arrived at Seb's driver room, knocking and awaiting a response. The door opened and Seb popped out, closing the door behind him. "I shall leave you both with him. Be gentle, he is upset." Seb said with a smile and left. The two men piled into the room, seeing Charles curled up in a ball on the small sofa. His head hidden in his hands, knees tucked up into his chest. Pierre crouched down by Charles head end, Carlos sat down in front of Charles's body. Charles whined at the feeling of people around him. "Mon chéri, look at me." Charles looked up at Pierre with red, bloodshot eyes and tinted red cheeks. "We are so proud of you, you were having a great race and the rear end going was not your fault. You couldn't have done anything to stop that." Carlos hummed in agreement, "Mi cariño, You have no reason to be angry, you had no control. No one is blaming you my love. You were amazing, always are." Charles sniffled and smiled slightly, "T-thank you-u" Pierre inhaled, "Charles, can we touch you?" "You look like you could use a hug Cariño." Charles's eyes widened, but after a second he nodded. Pierre asked him to put his hands out, same with Carlos. He and Carlos each took one of Charles's hands and each others hand and held them. A jolt of electricity shot through the three of them. A pink and blue swirl of colour illuminated on the back of each of their wrists. Their eyes flickered between each other. The memories pouring into little stores in their minds. Their grip on each others hands became stronger. Carlos's eyes flicked between Pierre's eyes and his lips. Carlos leaned in and connected his lips with Pierre's beautiful pink ones. The kiss lasted multiple seconds that felt like minutes, a whine broke their kiss. They looked down at Charles, a pout on his lips. Carlos giggled and cupped Charles's cheek and kissed him too. The kiss felt like hours crammed into seconds, but it connected them. Pierre also leaned down and kissed Charles, his thumb gently grazing Charles's cheek. The three smiled at each other, "The three musketeers are not only friends but, Soulmates." Charles giggled at Carlos's words, Pierre smiled holding Charles close as Carlos cuddled Pierre from behind. A family had started, one that was for long so uncertain.

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