Charles Leclerc & George Russell

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Hear me out, Kaya1406Nikki and I have come to an agreement that this pairing is actually quite cute.
Based on 2023 season, with George at Mercedes and Charles being dropped from Ferrari. (also ferrari are not this rude)
May include distressing themes, 13+.
Enjoy :)

"Charles Leclerc has been dropped by Ferrari. Will the Monegasque driver even race next season?"

Charles was rather shocked by what had just been told to the world. He wasn't angry, or upset, in fact he didn't know what he felt. He felt disappointed, let down by the team that at one point had been his dream. "Dreams do come true." they said, well how true is that. For so long, driving for Ferrari had been his dream and then when it did happen, it hadn't been as he had expected. The team were nice yes, but were they really a team, no. They loved you until you got outperformed and then they'd swarm to the driver who was better than you. They had done the same with Seb as they were now doing to Charles. Seb had warned Charles that this would happen, Charles hadn't fully believed him. But, oh how naive he was. Sebastian was right, they would take him in just as quick as they'd toss him to the wolves. Charles didn't hate the team, in fact he was kind of appreciative that they had dropped him. You may wonder why Charles is appreciative of being dropped. Well, his time at Ferrari hasn't exactly been the greatest. After Anthoine passed away and Charles was left with a win in Anthoine's honour, Charles had felt pushed down. He felt like someone was running him over constantly. His driving had changed, his mood had changed, his eyes had changed. Charles was not his usual self, he wasn't challenging people for podiums or wins. He kind of just let them by, he had given up. He gave up because the team didn't believe in him anymore, he gave up trying because his mind was just so confused. In the beginning, Charles had never wanted something so much. But now, he hated it, he didn't want it. He wanted to be happy, not fucking miserable. However, he wasn't happy that they dropped him after he had basically helped them to come back from the hole they were in. Or the fact that he had no team or contract lined up for the next season.

Monza, Italy, 2022.
"It is official, Lewis Hamilton is going to retire at the end of the 2022 season."
Charles was stunned, not only because Lewis was retiring, but because there is an empty seat at Mercedes. The best team on the grid. A chance? In a team who has multiple constructors championships as well making many drivers world champions? Charles couldn't imagine it, it would be an experience well worth it. Did he want to move to a team that had once been rivals with his dream team? Did he want to live with that on his shoulders? Yes, fuck yes he fucking did. He wanted to be the best, or have the chance to be the best. He did not want to settle for 3rd or 4th best. But also because he wanted to be happy. He knew that Mercedes was nicer, as a whole. They didn't threaten to tell the public that you're fucking gay and that you have a crush on another driver. They don't force you to do shit you didn't want. They only want to help you get better and to become a better person.
Charles had spent the last weekend thinking about whether he should start talks with Mercedes about a possible contract. He needed confidence, something that had been stripped away from him a long time ago. He needed convincing that this could maybe be what Charles needs. He phoned his best friend Pierre,
"Allo Charles. What can I help you with?"
"Pierre, You know I've been dropped by Ferrari for next season right?"
"Yes Charles, what are you going to do, retire or?"
"No I'm not going to retire, I'm 26 you fuck."
"I'm just kidding. What's your plan?"
"Well, Lewis is retiring at the end of this season so I'm thinking I may try Mercedes. But I still don't know Pierre."
"Charles, don't let thoughts about Ferrari haunt you and have an opinion over your future. You're better than that, Charles go for it. Who wouldn't want you on their team, You are one of the best on the grid."
"If you think so. I'm just worried that they won't want me."
"Nonsense. Do it or I'll track you down and tickle you."
"Okay, okay. I'll do it. I'll call Toto."

It had been two weeks since his phone call with Pierre. Charles had started to gain some confidence back. His driving was becoming better, but it wasn't quite there. Not to mention that the car is shit, but even then, Charles still wasn't himself. Things with the team hadn't gotten better either. He was walking down the pitlane at the track in Sochi when heard some Ferrari mechanics talking behind him. "Did you hear he likes George Russell? Gay bitch." Charles's anger had reached boiling point. He wasn't going to let anyone talk about him like that. "Hey! Don't fucking talk about me like that. Who do you think you are?!" People were now swarming around the scene to a very angry Charles. Charles looked around the crowd, the mechanics in front of him apologising. Charles blocked them out, a certain British man was stood in the crowd. Charles's knees buckled, his eyes now full to the brim with salty tears. He turned away and ran for his driver's room, ashamed of how he had handled himself. If it wasn't for a knock on his door, Charles would've cried himself into oblivion. He got up and answered his door. He inhaled sharply when he saw George. Mon dieu. He stumbled backwards, allowing George to enter. George shut the door behind himself, he didn't hesitate to take Charles into a hug. The Monegasque's arms clung around George's neck, his head resting on George's chest, his whole body shaking from the heartbreaking sobs he was letting out. Charles was now actually thankful George was here with him, just holding him. George held Charles tightly, his thumbs rubbing circles on Charles's hips. Charles's slowly started to slow down, his breathing becoming deeper. His grip on George relaxed slightly, George gave him a reassuring squeeze and spoke softly, "I heard that Ferrari dropped you. I also heard that Lewis is retiring. I have also heard as well that you're looking for a team." Charles nodded against George's chest, not yet wanting to speak. "I may know a team boss who is looking for another driver." Charles looked at George, "Are you saying what I think you're saying?" George smiled, "Yes, I am. Toto is genuinely interested in you as our teams other driver. I haven't come here just to tell you this, but you looked like you needed some reassurance. Charles just ring Toto." Charles sighed, "Can I do it now? While you're here with me." George nodded, Of course you can Charles, always. George's thoughts shocked him slightly. George couldn't be thinking like that. He had a girlfriend and she was lovely. but you don't love her. George ignored his thoughts and focussed on Charles. He had picked up the phone and dialled Toto's number. He was now speaking to the Mercedes team principal, Charles couldn't quite believe that all he had needed to convince himself to make the call, was George. George helped him, gave him that confidence boost that he needed. George was watching him as he made the call to Toto. Charles said goodbye and wished his best to Toto. He looked at George, "So what did he say?" Charles couldn't speak, so he just nodded. George jumped up for joy, and moved closer to Charles. "Charles that's amazing. I look forward to being your teammate next season." Charles didn't reply, instead he grabbed George's neck and pulled him to his eye level. The gap was so close, Charles could feel George's breath on his lips. Their eyes were moulding together so easily, getting lost in each-other. George's hand moved onto Charles's leg, down to his hip and up to his neck. George surged forward, closing the gap and capturing Charles's lips in a deep kiss. Charles let himself be under George's control. It was nothing like Charles or George for that matter had ever experienced. George quickly realised what he had done. He pushed Charles off him, before getting up and leaving Charles with nothing but his thoughts.

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