Sebastian Vettel & Charles Leclerc

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This one is slightly different. Based on their time as teammates. However, Charles is secretly a transgender male. He has female genitals, (Also I really don't want to offend anyone so if something is worded slightly offensively, it is only for the purpose of the chapter. They are not my views on trans people, i love yall.) Only TW's are harsh comments/ slurs, swearing.

21 year old Charles Leclerc was a rising star in Formula One. He had started with Alfa Romeo in 2018 and after a pretty successful year he signed with Ferrari for the 2019 season.
Charles was nervous. His first day at Ferrari HQ in Maranello was huge. He felt so small around everybody. He knew he would settle, it all just seemed so much more involved than Alfa Romeo.
Charles had never told anyone about him being a transgender man. He didn't want to be seen as weak or less able because he was biologically a woman. He didn't want pity, or attention. He just wanted to show his talents as a racer. In Charles's teen years, he was 10 when he first started to take testosterone shots. His voice before was still high enough to be covered as being a boy. It was as he got to 10 years when he knew his voice would soon change and all would be revealed. Charles was happy to be taking t-shots, he felt happy finally, after waiting for so long to not be looked at differently. Charles was glad he took the t-shot early, as by the time he was 15 his voice had dropped significantly and was no longer female sounding. He liked how he sounded, how he grew long armpit hair, how his boobs never actually grew. Though one thing he couldn't change yet was his private parts. He was scared for that, what if someone here at Ferrari finds out that he is actually a female. What if someone sees that he doesn't have a penis. No one at Alfa Romeo knew. No one. Charles wanted it to stay that way. He became aware of the black walls that surround him, he was in a corridor of the Ferrari HQ looking for the conference room. He just didn't know which room it was. Charles had wondered were Sebastian was, if Sebastian was even coming to this meeting. Charles zoned out, he was bought back to reality when he felt a hand on his shoulder. It snapped him out of his thoughts, as his back muscles tensed. He relaxed when he saw it was Seb. He smiled towards the familiar face of the German, "Hello Seb!". There was a slight crack in Charles's voice as he greeted Seb. Seb chuckled, happy to see the Monegasque, "Hello Charles. Are you lost?" Charles frowned, "Yes, it's my first day and I do not know where this meeting is." Seb smiled, "Come on, I'm in the meeting too." Charles smiled at the fact Seb was in the same meeting, he was glad he wouldn't be alone. He was glad he had Seb who had experienced Ferrari meetings like this before he had.
The meeting flew by, though this meeting was some weeks ago. They are now on the 12th race of the season. Charles's season had started strong, he was speedily adjusting to the fast red car. He was finishing in the top 10 almost every race, that was unheard of for a rookie, as it took them sometime to get used to the car and its feeling. Charles was happy that no one at Ferrari knew his secret. Even at the race suit fitting the tailor had no clue or interest in knowing. Charles was glad that this was his secret, and not someone elses. Over the last 12 races, Seb and himself had become closer. Charles adored the older man, he could watch Seb forever. Maybe it was more than adoration, Charles was infatuated with Sebastian's smell, touches, looks, voice. Charles was young and he knew that, but he also knew when he wanted something. And Seb was one of those things.
It was the Thursday before the 13th race in Spa. Charles wasn't really expecting much from Spa, it had been on his top 10, as he thrived on the raw speed it produced.
However, Saturday came.
It was the second lap of the F2 feature race. When he saw a huge crash happen before his eyes. He couldn't believe it. He watched as scraps of metal were thrown around the track at eau rouge and raidillion.
He knew the car, the number. He watched as Anthoine was thrown around in the cockpit of his F2 car. Gasps, shouts, screams erupted from the pitlane, the grand stands, the paddock. Charles felt the tears stream down his cheeks, his bestfriend. His bestfriend had been in a devastating crash. Charles prayed that Anthoine would be okay. That he would see Anthoine again. But, that day would never come. Charles had been informed by a Arden engineer that Anthoine's injuries had been too severe. That Anthoine passed away.
Charles took himself off to a place he couldn't be seen. He was heartbroken. Tears, snot, saliva all over his face from having his head in his hands. He couldn't believe it. He didn't want to. But he knew, that Anthoine would've wanted him to continue on his dream.
Charles had been sat down with his head in his hands for about 30 minutes now. Sebastian had been watching Charles from the pitlane, he watched as Charles's eyes filled with uncertainty, panic, worry, heartbreak. He watched as the news of poor Anthoine's death rang through Charles's ears. He knew how much Charles looked up to Anthoine. Seb had felt awful for Charles, just wanting to scoop him up, tell him that everything is okay, make sure he knows Anthoine loves him and that he is in a better place now, that he is safe. Sebastian had seen Charles run off and out of sight. He followed him, asking people if they had seen him. He ran until he passed a dark alleyway behind a grandstand. Sebastian heard sniffles, whimpers. He walked down into the alley way, "Charles, is that you?" He heard the sniffles and sobs intensify. He saw the red of a t-shirt, he knew it was Charles. "Oh Charles." Seb picked Charles up from the damp floor. He pulled Charles over to the dimly lit path so he could see him. Charles's face was red from crying, his eyes puffy, nose red. Seb cupped the back of Charles's head and pulled the younger man into his chest. Charles's hands moved to cling onto Seb's neck. Seb sighed as he felt the sniffles from Charles, "No, no Charles don't cry. please don't cry darling." Charles took in a deep breath, "I watched him die Seb, and there was nothing I could do." Seb rubbed Charles's head and pulled him closer, "I know Charles, I know how hard that would've been for you. But Charles, look at me." Charles pulled back, arms still around Sebastian's neck, his eyes staring at Sebastian's. "No matter where Anthoine is on this earth. I know he is already looking down on you, on everyone he loves so proudly. Charles, no matter where he is, he will always be your best friend. I know it will be tough, but you can do it. Especially with Anthoine watching over you. I promise." Charles smiled slightly, just enough for Seb to see that it was real. Charles sighed, "You promise?" "I promise." Charles pulled Seb in for another hug, he was starting to quickly miss the feeling of being in Sebastian's arms. He felt safe, protected by Seb. Charles was so thankful that Seb found him, Sebastian always knew the right things to say and Charles understood every word Seb had spoken about Anthoine. He knew Seb was right, it just wasn't going to be easy.
It was the day of the race in Spa. Just yesterday his bestfriend passed away. He had considered not racing in this race, but Pierre had convinced him to win it for Anthoine. Charles had been so overwhelmed with the Anthoine incident that he had forgotten his secret. Charles had stayed the night in Sebastian's hotel room, he didn't want to be alone that night. Charles eyes went wide when he realised he had only his underwear on. He saw Sebastian sitting up in the bed, watching him. Sebastian was watching Charles panic. Sebastian ran his hand through Charles's hair, "Charles, It's okay. I'm not going to tell anyone about your secret." Charles sighed, "Seb, I didn't mean for you to find out this way." "No Charles, it's okay. Seriously, you being transgender has no impact on who you are to me" Charles smiled, "Thank you Seb, it means so much to me. I should get going though, see you in the garage!"
Charles had gotten back to his hotel room. He hadn't expected Sebastian to be so chilled about him being transgender. But he was happy, infact, he felt hope. Hope that Sebastian may actually like him, as in more than a friend. He sighed, brushing those thoughts back until after the race.
Charles got ready and made it to the paddock. He checked in and headed to the Ferrari hospitality. He said his hellos and headed to his driver room to prepare for the race. He saw a note and a box on his table. He put his bag down and read the note.
"I figured you could use these later after you win the race,
Goodluck Charles,
Seb x"
He put down the note and opened up the box. He gasped and quickly shut the lid. He opened it up again, inside was a necklace with the number 19 on it, in honour of Anthoine, Seb had said he would always be with Charles. But then below the necklace was a deep blue thong with some diamonds encrusted. Charles's heart rate increased, what had Seb implied. He didn't think that this morning meant this, but had he read the conversation wrong? Charles was intrigued, he hid the blue thong but put on the necklace. It wasn't too feminine and it wasn't not masculine. He loved it, he didn't care what people said. Charles got ready for the race, his fingers trembling when putting on his gloves. He didn't notice Seb come up behind him and taking Charles's glove into his hand to help him get it on. Charles shuddered at the contact, he then remembered the gift he had given to him. "So I see you're wearing the necklace." Charles smiled, "Yes, I love them thank you Seb." Charles had gestured to his ass when he said them, he meant the thong and the necklace. Seb smirked, "Good, I'm glad. Come to my room after the race, I have something else for you." Charles smiled, "Okay, Goodluck. Oh and Seb, Thank you." Seb smiled, "You too Charles, and You're welcome Darling."
The race had ended, Charles was P1. He had won the race, in Anthoine's honour. He was happy, but it was bittersweet and sour. Charles found it hard to celebrate on a day like this. However, he found the strength to do it. He skipped the team dinner and headed to Sebastian's room. He was wearing the thong, however after all that had happened today, he didn't feel in the mood for sex. He wanted cuddles, to be held, protected. Hell, Charles didn't even understand why Seb accepted him for who he was. Charles knocked on the door. Seb opened it and saw the expression on Charles's face. He pulled Charles into the room and into a hug. Charles clung onto Seb like glue. Seb took them to the bed, he sat down, slightly leaning on the headboard. Charles laid his head on Sebastian's chest, his breathing helping him calm down. Charles sighed, "Why do you accept me for who I really am Seb?" Seb was confused, "Because I am your friend, and to me it doesn't matter what genitals you have." "So you don't just want me for sex?" Seb gasped, "No Charles, I only gifted you that thong because the colour was your favourite, not because I just want your body." Charles smiled lightly, "Thank you, thank you. I only asked because anyone who has ever shown interest in being my friend has only wanted one thing. I'm just glad you don't just want sex." Seb pulled Charles closer, "I want you much more than just for sex Charles.". Charles was surprised, "W-what do you mean?" Seb sighed, "Charles watching you breakdown in my arms, begging me to stay with you, to never let you go, it broke my heart. I realised that I want to be there to protect you, care for you, make sure you're okay. We don't have to abide by any rules when it's just us. When I look in your eyes, all I see is home, when I hold you in my arms, all I feel is home, when you're not here, its like that piece of me is missing. Charles, what I'm trying to tell you is that I'm in love with you. I have been for a while, since I met you in 2018. And this secret of yours, doesn't change a thing, at all." Charles wiped his cheeks, light tears had slipped out at Sebastian's admission to being in love with him. Charles was crying happy tears, "Oh Seb that was beautiful. Why didn't we realise sooner, that this was a possibility? I remember being so thankful that you found me after Anthoine's incident. I always feel at home in your embrace, I feel at home when I see you smile. When I look into your eyes, all I see is home and our future. At first I didn't know how to tell you about my secret, but then you found out yourself. I was scared, that you would just leave and use me. But you stayed, and deep down I knew you always would. Sebastian, I'm in love with you too. I've loved you since your first championship. And I'll continue to love you until my last breath."
Both Ferrari drivers had lone tears, streaming down their faces. They held each other close, until Seb pulled Charles into a kiss. Then another kiss, and another. Charles secretly thanked Anthoine in his head and wished him the most peaceful sleep the world could ever give.

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