Max Verstappen & Charles Leclerc

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Based on Charles being left beaten up, and Max finds him.
ALSO, I know i said i was done with writing, but occasionally i can upload. It just wont be as frequently as before :)
Enjoy :)

Charles felt utterly shit. He had a headache, every time he turned his head, he would get pains around his head. He had a sore throat, making it painful when he swallows. He had tried everything, he was barely awake. The bruisings around his eyes were so purple, it looked like he had passed away and came back like a ghost. Although, he hadn't. He hadn't passed away or came back as ghost. He was beaten up in an alley and left. Cold, bruised and broken. Charles couldn't bring himself to stand up, the pain far too much for him to tolerate. It was still light when he left his home to nip to the shops, but now it was dark and lightly raining. All curled up in a ball, trying to find any bit of warmth. The rain did become to get heavier, leaving Charles now in pain and wet. He whined, and his eyes rolled shut, the pressure in his head far too strong.

Max finished up his dinner, and decided to go on a run. The weather was lovely, and the sun was just setting. His run was pretty casual, not too fast but also not too slow. It had started to get dark as Max headed back to his apartment. He was stopped though, by a flurry of in pain whimpers coming from an alley way. Max paused his music, put his torch on and entered the dark alley way. As Max entered, he could make out a body curled into a ball shivering and sobbing. He called out to the person, "Are you okay?" He heard sniffling and then, "Max, It's Charles." The person on the floor was Charles. Max swiftly moved closer and helped Charles stand up. Max was slightly horrified by what Charles looked like, had he been beaten up? what had happened? Max sighed, "What happened Charles?" Charles whined and shut his eyes, leaning his head on Max's shoulder. "I was attacked by four men, all I was doing was going to the shop." Max felt all sorts of things, he was angry someone had attacked Charles, but he felt so sorry and guilty for Charles. Charles may be fit, healthy and strong, but Max knew Charles couldn't really defend himself physically. Max called an uber for him and Charles, he decided to take Charles with him to Max's home. He didn't want to leave Charles alone. He put his phone away and slowly walked with Charles to the main road to wait for their uber. He felt Charles clutching at his hand, he sighed and rubbed Charles's hand with his thumb in an effort to soothe him. Their uber arrived pretty quickly and whisked them off to Max's apartment. Charles was grateful for Max just happening to be out on a run and by chance finding him. Charles was glad Max knew he wouldn't want to be alone, to frightened it may happen again. Charles knew he was being clingy wanting to be next to Max, holding his hand, but it made Charles feel safe. Charles had never really told Max about his feelings, that he's probably had for years. He probably shouldn't tell Max, it could ruin a-lot of things. Charles didn't let go of Max's hand when they were in the uber, he couldn't bring himself to do so.

They arrived at Max's apartment, Max needed to get Charles cleaned up. So he bought Charles to the bath room and told him to sit on the counter. He left the bathroom to grab some clean clothes for Charles, but he also put on a pair of jogging bottoms on and left the room with no t-shirt on. He went back into the bathroom, to see a teary eyed Charles. He sighed and grabbed the first aid box before getting tissue to wipe Charles's eyes. Charles's tears had since become stronger, Max dumped the tissue idea and swiped the tears away himself. Telling Charles, "You're way to pretty to be crying." Charles smiled lightly, but it did help, Max had a way with words that Charles couldn't seem to understand. Max got ready to clean Charles's face, the bruises on his body would heal with time, but the cuts needed to be cleaned. Charles winced as Max cleaned them, but remembered it needed to be done. Once Max was done cleaning his face, Max got ready to change Charles into clean clothes. Charles looked at Max, their eyes boring deep into eachother. Max lifted Charles's shirt up and over his head, replacing it with a clean one. Their eyes still never left eachother. Max then pulled down Charles's shorts and put on a fresh pair of shorts. Max rested his hands on Charles's waist, he was exhausted, his day had already been busy, but adding Charles into it. Max wasn't sure he liked the idea, but the look those greeny/blue eyes were giving him made him think. Maybe he did like the idea, Max knew things Charles didn't, or atleast thought Max didn't know. Max however found out from Seb that Charles wouldn't stop talking about his feelings for Max. So Max found it very conflicting to not think about Charles in the same way. Max could have Charles right now, he was sat on his bathroom counter. Max squeezed Charles's waist, getting the Monegasque's attention back onto Max. Max gently placed a hand on Charles's face and placed a kiss on his forehead before placing his lips onto Charles's. Charles's hands wrapped around Max's neck, the pairs lips moving in sync. It was all that was needed between the two for them to understand what the other one meant.

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