Pierre Gasly & Charles Leclerc.

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Based on the missing person's story of Jaycee Dugard. This is a true story, however the date of the year is not true and it may include distressing moments. I will not be putting any warnings in as they are not aesthetically pleasing, so this has been your warning. Will also go into future years fyi.
TWs - Rape, M-preg, sexual abuse. 13/14+
Enjoy :)

June 10th, 2008.
Charles Leclerc was last seen walking to school, however, he never made it. Witnesses claimed to have seen little Charles stopping at a crossing before being stun-gunned and thrown into the back of a car.
Charles had been kidnapped, only eleven years old he couldn't defend himself from the man and woman who so savagely stole him. They took him, only to hold him hostage in a small, damp and rotting shed.
Barely fed, barely bathed, barely sleeping, his health started to decline. His poor body couldn't take it, he needed to eat, drink. They started to notice he was looking ill, only then did they start to give him food.
Searches began, police even searched the home of the convicted sex offender that took Charles so brutally. Though, they didn't check the garden. That's where little Charles was, in the garden, held captive.
As the days passed, I'd climb to where there was a little gap of light. I looked up to the moon each night before I tried to get any form of sleep that I could. I would whisper to the moon, as quietly as possible, "I want to go home".

December 16th, 2017.
It had been nine, incredibly painful and incredibly long years since I last saw anyone I knew. Now nine years later I am 19 years old, and I have a baby girl. Well she's 6 years old now, but she's someone I know.
He, Phillip Garrido, raped me, repeatedly. I couldn't stop him, my body too weak. I just had to take it, just watch it happen, feel the pain that flashed through my veins each time. The cleaning up after, bloodstains on the blankets. I knew something was wrong after I was throwing up a-lot. Nancy, his wife told me that they thought I was pregnant. A man, being pregnant, scientifically it was deemed impossible. But it definitely happened. They told me I was born intersex, which I guess gave Phillip more reason to keep abusing me. Raping me until my whole body was shaking and I felt numb to the core, again and again.
I promised to myself that I wouldn't let him near my baby. I didn't care if it was me, but not her. And not the baby that was still in a cot. She had been unexpected, but it didn't surprise me considering how many times I was ruthlessly groped, molested, raped, abused. But she was beautiful. Angel and Starlet, they reminded me of my mom and how she was doing. I know my mom never have stopped looking, never stopped praying. One day I'll see her again and be able to show her my two babies.

January 19th, 2020.
I've started losing hope that I will ever leave this place. They moved us into a tent, it's far too cold for me and my children. But they didn't care, not at all, they only wanted me for their own pleasure and desires.
It marks the twelfth year of my disappearance. I miss everything and everyone. My mom, my dad, my brothers, and Pierre. My family we were close, so close. I miss them everyday that I'm not with them.
Pierre was my bestfriend, our families also were very close. Me and Pierre did everything together, shopping, football, karting. You name it, we almost certainly tried it. I miss him a-lot, but what would he think of me and my pregnancies. He's probably matured by now at 24, maybe he's forgotten about me. I certainly haven't forgotten about him.
But I'll see my family and Pierre soon.

May 26th, 2026.
Phillip took us to the University of California Berkeley. He was acting strange something seemed off. He was more nervous than usual, more rambley. Something seemed wrong but I couldn't pick up on it.
A woman approached us as he rambled on to her. She left to find us a room to wait in. She came back and asked me and my two girls to wait here for a lady called Sally. She then lead Phillip to a different room.
Sally approached us and took us to a separate room. She asked me for my name, I told her I couldn't tell her. Sally reassured me that it was safe, and so I told her. "I really shouldn't be telling you, but my name is Charles Leclerc."
That day, I was freed. Along with my daughters. I would be able to see my mom again, see my dad, my brothers. And obviously my bestfriend. I hugged my babies tightly and I said, "We are never going back to that house."
The day that I saw my family again it was hard but I was just so happy to be back. I missed them, I thought about them everyday of the 18 years that I wasn't with them. I told them everything. I reunited with them first before I introduced them to Angel and Starlet. I explained that I had some people who they needed to meet. Before I let the girls in, I told my family, "Mama, you're a grandma. Papa, you're a granddad, and Lorenzo and Arthur you are uncles. I'd like you to meet Angel and Starlet, my daughters." My mother pulled them in for a long hug, tears brewed in my eyes. My father also pulled them in for a long hug too, my tears now streaming down my cheeks. Lorenzo and Arthur had tears too as they stood next to me before hugging the girls together. My mother came and stood next to me, offering a hug, she whispered to me, "You've got nothing to worry about anymore Charlie, We love you and your girls."
My mother and I caught up on the last 18 years. I asked her how Pierre was. She told me, he hadn't stopped looking for me, he was handing out flyers and putting up posters. He missed me, he hadn't forgotten about me. I needed to see him, to make sure that he was ok. I knew how I was going to do it and I was going to do it now.

June 2nd, 2026.
It had been a week since my daughters and I had returned. The police investigation was well underway, finally something was being done to protect me and my kids.
I had started my own healing process, but one part of it was missing. That was seeing Pierre, he had found out via the news that I had been found. Everyone knew. Today is the day that me and Pierre will reunite.
I packed a small bag as I would be staying with him for a few days. I was nervous, I hadn't seen him in 18 years and I now have two kids. That little school boy crush definitely hadn't cleared up either. Pierre was always a cute boy. He had wild blonde browny hair, that he really didn't know how to style. He had lips curved so perfectly, and when he smiled his dimples would show. He has the brightest blue eyes that I've ever seen. I am definitely worried. What's he going to think of me? I'm overthinking this but I've not seen him in 18 years.
Charles grabbed his bag and headed to Pierre's new apartment. It was only a short walk away. He made it to Pierre's door, his hands clammy with sweat. His heart thumping under his ribcage. He took in a deep breath and knocked on the door. The wait for Pierre to answer felt like forever. And when he did answer, the wait was so so worth it.

Pierre opened the door, he saw a figure that for so long he thought he would never see again. He surged forward and hauled Charles into his arms. Charles's arms wrapped around Pierre's neck, his legs around his waist. Pierre was crying, he couldn't hold back and neither could Charles. Through his sobs Charles pushed out, "I thought I'd never see you again." Pierre held him tighter, "I'm so glad you're back Charlie." Charles hid his face in the crook of Pierre's neck, taking in his scent. Pierre had moved them into his apartment and shut the door. Wanting no eyes watching this emotional and intimate moment with Charles. They stayed there in the same position, for what seemed like many hours. The silence of the two spoke volumes to each other. Though, Charles knew they would need to talk. "Pierre, we need to talk." Pierre nodded, "Sure." and moved them to the couch. He sat opposite Charles, though they were still close together. Charles sighed and took Pierre's hand into his own. "I missed you. There was not a day
where I was in that horrible place where I didn't think about you. Every night I'd lie awake unable to sleep on the hard mud and I'd think about you. I'd think about my family, everything that I once had. I know you've probably seen the news." Charles took a breath, Pierre squeezed his hand. "While I was there I was raped, multiple times, over and over. Eventually, I became pregnant. Yes, pregnant with a baby girl. I found out that I was born intersex, meaning, I have a female reproductive system but male genitals. I gave birth to her 15 years ago. He then did it again, he raped me again after. Making me pregnant for a second time, another baby girl. I gave birth to her 11 years ago. From that point I protected them with my life, I wasn't going to let the same things happen to them, I couldn't." Charles stopped as he let out a loud sob. Pierre pulled him into a hug, and whispered, "Charles, I wouldn't ever turn you away because you are part female and you have two daughters. I want to be there for you every step of the way. Don't doubt that either." Charles smiled at him, before taking a deep breath and starting again, "Then we were freed from them and that house. I couldn't believe it, I could see my family again, I could see you again. It's been a week since that day, and my mother told me how amazing you were. How you were handing out flyers, putting up posters. But more importantly how you never gave up or forgot about me." Pierre smiled, a few tears now running down his cheeks, "Charles it's hard to forget about someone you've been in love with for 20 plus years. I could never give up on you or forget you, never." Charles smiled at his words, "And it was hard to forget about you too, Pierre."
Pierre pulled Charles close, they held each other so tightly. Pierre's strong grip making Charles feel so safe, protected and loved. Pierre watched Charles's eyes, they were beautiful. He was beautiful. Pierre always knew that. Charles reached up to Pierre's face, his hand cupping his cheek, wiping away tears that were still slipping out. Pierre leaned down and placed a delicate kiss onto Charles's lips. Then a deeper more meaningful one and then another. The moment was 18 years awaited and it definitely won't go forgotten.

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