Charles Leclerc & Carlos Sainz Jr

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Based on the friendship that these two have created recently and how that turns into so much more. This could potentially be a long chapter roughly 1,750 words. May have swearing and mental health concerns.
Reader discretion is advised.

Carlos had enjoyed his two years at Mclaren. He had felt they taught him all that he needed to know about the cars, the data and the tracks. Carlos would say he was happy at Mclaren. He loved the team, what they did for him and obviously his teammate couldn't have been anymore helpful. Lando had been there while Carlos struggled to get to grips with the car. Lando had given him little tips and tricks, they worked like a dream. Carlos had thanked him probably more than the team for everything. He wished the team all the best for the future, but now Carlos's future is at Ferrari.
It's every drivers dream to drive for Ferrari, to be the pilot of a sensational red Formula One car. Charles had wanted this for so long, and he had achieved it in 2019. He drove alongside Sebastian Vettel for two seasons. Seb helped Charles to understand that good things take time, and not to rush into anything without thinking it out, unless it was an overtake. Charles had struggled at Ferrari in his early stages. But as he got to grips with the car, the times started improving, positions started improving, speeds started improving and most importantly Charles felt happy, finally.
Carlos was nervous, he felt like it was his first day at school. He had messaged Charles to say, "Where the fuck do I go? It's so big!" Charles simply replied with don't move. Carlos was suspicious, however he trusted Charles and stayed where he was. Five or so minutes later Carlos saw Charles walk up to him. The golden glow of the sun spread across Charles's tanned skin. He looked darling, Carlos had been jealous at first. Jealous of Charles's gorgeous looks, his average height and lean, curved body. Carlos quickly brushed those thoughts away as he hugged the Monegasque. The sweet smell of his perfume, it was delicious, he had expected Charles to wear something less feminine and more fiery. Carlos let go of Charles and they spoke about where they needed to be. Charles showed Carlos around, the factory was huge after all. Charles was shy, he didn't know how to react when Carlos hugged him. He did relax into it though, he loves the way the Spaniard held him, his muscular arms wrapped around Charles. However, Charles couldn't let the feelings he was having about the Spaniard get in his way. He enjoyed showing Carlos around, getting to know him better. It was fun, Charles loved the way Carlos would be so touchy-feely. He knew Carlos was only doing it to be nice. Oh how he wished it was more.
One day in mid August before Spa-Francorchamps, Charles did not show up at the factory in the morning. Carlos wasn't concerned at first as Charles was always late. But as time grew on, Carlos became even more concerned about Charles's whereabouts. He asked the team if they had heard anything from Charles, but it was no use. No one had heard anything from Charles since two days ago. Worry started to set in for Carlos. He had decided to go check on Charles. All his messages, calls, emails to Charles were not being sent, not being answered. Carlos arrived at Charles's house. The lights were off, except for one room had a light glow, probably from a lamp thought Carlos. He knocked on the door, no answer. He shouted Charles's name through the letter box, still nothing. Carlos started to panic, he was worried about Charles. He had been radio silent for nearly three days. Carlos looked under each plant pot until he found the pot that had a key. He grabbed the key and let himself into Charles's house. He closed the door and called out to Charles. Still nothing. Carlos looked around the bottom floor of the house first, he found Charles's phone on the dining room table, turned off. He found rubbish all over the floors, he found dinners, lunches thrown into the bin. Carlos was in shock. He hadn't expected Charles's house to look like this. Charles was a tidy guy, he always liked things to be neat. Carlos quickly cleared the bottom floor and moved to the stairs. He climbed the stairs, he saw the little dim light of the lamp and decided to check there last. He made his way into the bathroom, the huge mirror was smashed, glass all on the floor, blood on certain parts. He saw medicines strewn out on the side, the mirror smash was fresh, the glass still cracking. Carlos backed out of the bathroom and headed in the direction of the dim light. Carlos gently opened the door of the room. He was taken back by it. There Charles was, sat in the middle of his bed. His under-eyes were purple, his cheeks damp with tears, his hands in his lap, crossed legs. He was staring at the wall, tears still streaming from he eyes. He looked skinny, very skinny. Carlos sat down in front of Charles, so that he blocked the Monegasque's view. Charles looked at Carlos, Carlos's eyes softened. He was glad that Charles was alive, he in fact couldn't believe he had been so concerned. He held out his arms, offering Charles some comfort, a safe place. Charles launched into Carlos's arms, his arms tightly wrapped his neck as he sat in Carlos's lap. Carlos wrapped his arm around Charles protectively, one of his hands found its way into Charles's hair, gently massaging his head. Charles let a few whines slip out of his mouth, he was exhausted and emotional. Charles sighed and let out a very dry, croaky, "Carlos.". Carlos gently pulled Charles's head out of his neck and sat him up. Carlos kissed away a few tears that were still leaving his eyes. "Yes Charles?" He questioned quietly. Charles breathed in a stuttered breath, "You have no idea what you just did." Charles breathed out in a whisper. Carlos was slightly confused, he was concerned about how his friends house and how his friend was. "What do you mean Charles?", Charles sighed, realising he hadn't told anyone about his problems. He deemed it unnecessary, he didn't want their opinion of him to change, especially not Carlos's. Charles had been struggling for some time now. Longer than he cared to admit. He had seen a therapist for a few months, but he only seemed to get worse. He had gotten good at creating a barrier, not wanting anyone to see him struggling. Though, Carlos had just seen him at probably the worst episode. Charles was suffering with severe depression, it started after he lost Anthoine. He had manic episodes, causing many breakdowns, tantrums, attacks. He had become so terrified at certain points that the only time he felt safe was with his car, and now Carlos. He hadn't told a single person other than a therapist, before Carlos found him. He stopped thinking for a moment, Carlos was watching him, searching for any information in his eyes. Charles let go of a breath, "Carlos, please don't look at me any different please." Charles begged. Carlos held Charles's face in his hand and gently caressed his cheek. "Charles, You're still you. No matter what." Charles lightly smiled, he knew Carlos was being honest. "Carlos, I, er, I am suffering with severe depression. I have done for the last 2 years. I spiralled over the last days and had you not come tonight, I would've ended it all. You, you saved my life." Carlos was wide eyed, when Charles finished he grabbed Charles's waist and pulled him close again. Charles was overjoyed by how Carlos reacted when he told him. He hadn't expected this. Charles rejoined his around Carlos's neck and sunk into his lap. He felt at peace, safe, as if he was at home at home, not just in some shitty rental in Maranello. "Charles, thank you for telling me. I will always be here for you, help you, care for you. No matter what happens, You will always have me.". Charles looked at Carlos and smiled. It was a real smile for once, not a fake smile, all of Charles's smiles when he was with Carlos were always real, never fake. "Thank you." Charles whispered to Carlos. Carlos smiled and placed a kiss on Charles's cheek. "Charles, I know you've been through alot the last couple days, but I don't think I've ever been so worried about anyone in my entire life. Not knowing how you are was terrifying. Obviously now I know you're safe I am much happier. But Charles, I don't want to see you suffer. I want to help you." Charles smiled sadly at Carlos, "I did not know you cared that much about me Carlos. I really missed you, I wanted to reach out for your help but I was to afraid. Im sorry." "No, no, Charles don't apologise. It is not your fault. Charles, I'm trying to say that I always want to be with you. I don't want to let you go. Theres a million things to say to you, and five of them are that I'm in love with you." Charles gasped. He couldn't believe his feelings were reciprocated. "Really?!" Carlos giggled, "Yes mi amor, Since I laid my eyes on you. It's only been you, baby." Charles was beaming, he pulled Carlos in for a kiss, it was sweet, romantic. Carlos held Charles in his arms for as long as Charles needed. Carlos had an idea, "Come on Charlie, lets head to my place, we can remove your stuff from here and you can stay with me." Charles agreed with the plan, he was happy to be with people who wanted him for him and who didn't pity him. It made it feel like he was wanted, something he had been longing for, something which Carlos made him feel everyday. Charles not only felt as if he was home, he knew he was home with Carlos.

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