Lando Norris & Daniel Ricciardo

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Based on a theme my wonderful friend gave me, not gonna give details, you'll see ;)
TWs: Swearing, talks of an abusive relationship, rape, depression.

Today was the day. Lando had to see him again. His boyfriend, Cody. He was the nicest guy in the beginning, that's how it all starts. Cody bought Lando gifts, cards, gave him money that he didn't need. Lando was thankful obviously, but at barely 19, he had no idea that he was being groomed and abused. Cody was 29, he had told Lando he was 23, he looked slightly older but Lando didn't question it. Lando if anything was too scared to, Cody was bigger than him. Stronger, taller, bulkier. Lando wouldn't have stood a chance.
Now at 20 years old, Lando had withstood a-lot of emotional and physical abuse from Cody. Lando hated to say his name to people because of what he had done to him. Those times when he felt trapped, alone, isolated, he had never wanted to get rid of Cody more than ever before. Lando was too weak though, he didn't have the strength to fight against Cody. He had felt like he had given up. Lando had no choice but to let Cody beat him, rape him, cheat on him, scar him for life. Lando screamed each time something happened, each scream was like a dagger being pushed deeper in before being so ruthlessly yanked out.
It was now the 2021 Formula One season. Lando's new teammate Daniel Ricciardo was friendly, funny, bubbly. Everything Lando had wanted after Carlos left. Ah Carlos, Lando remembers Cody being so jealous of him. Jealous that Carlos could make Lando smile when Cody couldn't. God everything Lando did, Cody somehow made an appearance.
Lando refocused, he was at the factory to have meetings with the team before the start of the season. When Lando got there, he had seen Charlotte first. He had asked her if they could go to her office to have a private chat. They sat down in her office, Charlotte was visually concerned. "Lando, What's going on?" Lando sighed, he had to tell someone. But he couldn't, what if Cody found out? "Nothing, I just wanted to say how much I missed you and the team." Charlotte hadn't bought what Lando had said. She played along as if she had, not wanting to put pressure on Lando. He looked way too skinny to be fine, his eyes had a purple shade around them, he looked exhausted. Not what Charlotte would've expected after such a long break.
Lando had to prepare for launch night. He loved these nights, seeing the new car for the season, seeing all the team and interviewers. He had to meet Daniel properly as a teammate rather than a friend tonight. They had had many conversations, interactions. But never had they spoken about motorsport and racing, until now. Lando was all ready, the makeup artist Giovanni had finished up on him and he was now sent to put on his race suit. He wasn't going to lie, he thought he looked pretty good for what he had endured during the break. The makeup helped hide his sleepy eyes and his bruised cheeks. Lando just prayed no one asked him to wear a shirt. Those scars would be very difficult to heal.

Lando saw Daniel walking out of the dressing room and towards him. Daniel was playing with the ends of his race suit that were around his wrists. He looked nervous, but he radiated positive energy. Lando was scared, he had done these before but he was still scared. Lando waved over to Daniel, "Hey! Daniel." Daniel smiled and walked over to Lando, "Landooo, Wassup?" Lando giggled, "Not very much, just a bit nervous for the launch." "Don't be, I'll be next to you don't worry."
Lando had not felt scared when he was with Daniel during the launch, but that was 4 weeks ago now. Lando had had to return to his house, abusive boyfriend awaiting him. Lando wasn't just scared, he was petrified. Lando had hugged many people, many women, many men. He knew Cody would be able to tell just how many. But what could Lando do? He had to hug people, it was part of his job during the launch. But Cody wouldn't get that. Lando knew the time would come when he would have to leave Cody, and never return.

Lando arrived at his house, not wanting to call it a home. He unlocked the door, his stuff was strewn about the floors. Clothes thrown ruthlessly, his computer smashed to pieces, his simulator dismantled and spread about his office, his plates, bowls all thrown on the floor and cracked to oblivion. Lando heard footsteps, "Oh you're back." Lando sighed, "Yeah, I just got finished at the factory." Lando was pulled harshly by Cody and closer to Cody. Cody sniffed him like a tracker dog, "Who did you touch?" Lando realised he couldn't lie, "I had to hug the CEO and Chairman of our team, that's all." Cody cleared his throat, "Hm, I think you're lying. And I don't like liars, bend over."
Lando was hurt. His body shook vigorously as sobs escaped his lips. His eyes were now bloodshot, his lip was busted and his body bruised, his heart torn. Lando was at his worst, he didn't know if he could come back from this. But he had too, he wasn't going to let Cody win. Lando cleaned himself up with his secret supply of a first aid kit. George had helped him a few months ago when Cody had seriously hurt him, so Lando knew what to do. It seemed to be a regular thing for Lando, he knew how to clean up his wounds. Lando had to leave for Bahrain, he hadn't even packed. Cody had fallen asleep on the couch, he was a deep sleeper when he slept. Lando hurried, he got his two biggest suitcases and packed almost everything he owned. From clothes, to his first aid kit, to his framed photos, essentials he would need, a pillow, and his George Russell blanket. Lando zipped up both of his suitcases and put them by the door. He walked back to where Cody was, he was still sleeping. Lando wrote him a note,
"By the time you see this, I'll be gone.
You have 2 days to get out of my house before I call the police and have them come arrest you for everything you've done to me.
I hope you're happy with yourself,
Yours sincerely,
Fuck you."
Lando left the note next to Cody's phone and headed back to the front door. He grabbed his keys, his phone, wallet, secret stash of cash, both suitcases and headed out the door. It was 3.45am, his flight wasn't until 7.30am. He didn't know where to go, who to call. Lando decided that he had no choice, during the launch Daniel had given Lando his number to hang out sometime. Lando put in that number and dialled.
"Hey Daniel, it's Lando." He said with a sniff. "Lando, it's 3.45am." Daniel croaked out.
"I know and I'm really sorry! I just, something happened and I don't feel safe at my house. I don't know where to go." Lando hurried out, he didn't want to say what happened as he didn't know Daniel that well. So that conversation was for another day.
"Okay, calm down Lando it's all good. You can head to mine, we'll have a cup of tea and then head to the airport. okay?" Daniel calmly said.
"Thank you Daniel." Lando said shyly.
Lando made it to Daniel's. He was nervous, but he knew he would be safe with Daniel.
Daniel let Lando in and told him to make himself feel at home. Lando did, he bought in his George Russell blanket from the car and cuddled up on Daniel's rather soft sofa. Daniel left to make them both a tea, Daniel needed the caffeine at 4am. He took the teas into the living room where he found Lando curled into a ball on his sofa. It was cute, though the blanket was terrifying. "Dude, that blanket is terrifying." Lando giggled, "I know, but it's all I had, since my boyfriend took-" Lando stopped himself, "Sorry, I don't want think about my boyfriend right now." Daniel smiled at him, "That's okay Lando, I don't want to force you to." Lando nodded and smiled, for once he wasn't being forced to do something. Daniel had let him say all he had wanted to and hadn't pushed for more. What a relief. Lando sipped his tea, humming at the sweet taste, "Thank you for the tea and for allowing me to come over at such short notice." Daniel chuckled, "You're welcome for the tea, and nah it's no biggie, you seemed like you needed a place." Lando sighed, "I didn't, but some stuff happened at my house and I just couldn't stay." Daniel nodded, "Lando it's okay, you don't need to explain. Would you like a biscuit with your tea?" Lando nodded and smiled, he liked this Daniel, as well as funny, racer Daniel.
Lando had fulfilled his promise to Cody to call the police if he hadn't left his home after two days. Lando had Max and Niran watch over his home on the security cameras he had installed. Cody didn't know he had them. They told Lando that Cody hadn't left the house yet, but was still active inside. Lando called the police, explaining everything to them. They went over, Lando's house had fallen into disrepair, Cody had destroyed it all. They arrested Cody. Lando was so relieved. He had Max go round and collect anything important or of sentimental value. Lando was just happy to be a step closer to freedom.

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