The Maze ghost

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Clunkett = Greenie/ newbie
(Clunk is another word for poop and newbies are usually poop at everything.)

Scoper = Grievers
( it's a mix between scorpion and spider.)


(Y/n)'s POV

'Ugghhh, another day in the stupid maze,' I thought to myself. Rising from my sleep for another night of constant running.

The way that I got here, I'm not sure, I just woke up in a box and ran.

The only things I remember?

Sonya is my best friend,

That I have a brother,

I love someone.


I've pretty much become nocturnal. In the day I sleep on the walls and at night, I run the maze looking for a way out.

There are two reasons for this,
1. The Scopers.
2. The Boys

The Scopers because they come out at night and I don't want to be eaten in my sleep.

The boys because there are boys that run the maze. By now, I've heard all their names. It's usually Minho, Ben, or Newt that run my section of the maze.

Sometimes, when I don't feel like going to sleep, I just follow them on top of the walls, looking over them. I make sure not to interfere with the boys. Otherwise, I could be in a lot of danger.

It's not that I think that their mean, but they would probably be suspicious if a rando just appeared in the maze one day. They might even assume that I'm with the creators.

The night soon passed with a few close calls but no casualties. When the morning came I realised it was one of these days when I wasn't tired so I was going to follow the boys.

I peeked my head over the side of the wall, looking down.

There they are, Minho, Newt, and a new Clunkett. "Okay, Joan, when I say go, we run into the maze, and you stay right beside us the whole run, alright." I heard Newt say.

So the new kid's called Joan. Cool.

Well, Joan, I hope you can keep up.


I ran alongside them on the wall as they took many turns and corners. When they turned a corner that was on the other wall.

I swiftly leapt over the gap, rolling when I landed to even out the surface area. Quickly getting back to my feet, I saw Joan look back at where I had just jumped.

I'm pretty sure Joan saw me, but I didn't mind it. Almost all the runners have seen me. they always just blame it on their minds.

I wasn't looking where I was going and almost fell on the slippery vines below. The unstable terrain wasn't peculiar for me, but it did take me a while longer to jump over vines.

Before long, it was time for their break. It was earlier than usual today since they never went that far when they had a newbie with them.

They sat down to eat their sandwiches, and that was when I realised how hungry I was. My stomach grumbled, looking at the food, and I quickly pulled my head back from over the ledge.

"What was that?" Joan asked.

I had poked my head over again, hidden behind a drape of vines. The two other boys shared a look before Minho replied.

"Must've been the maze ghost,"

The boys once again shared a look and burst out laughing. I smiled at their goofiness. That's what they called me

''The maze ghost' a figure of every runner's imagination'.

"I wanted to tell you on the way, but I couldn't since the 'no talking whilst running rule'..." He trailed off.

"Well, what is it, greenie?" Newt asked the boy.

"I saw someone jumping from one wall to another." The boy replied

Minho and Newt just chuckled to themselves whilst a confused Clunkett watched them.

Newt sighed. " Yup, that'll be him."

"Well, if there's someone out here, shouldn't we look for them."

"Kid, He's been here since before I started running, I think she's doing just fine." Newt was still laughing.

"Why are you guys laughing so much?"

Minho laughed even harder, and it took all my restraint to stop myself from joining in.

"Because -" He stopped to laugh some more. "He doesn't exist." He started slapping his knee to stop laughing.

My smile dropped, and I looked solemly towards the image in front of me. Sometimes, I would imagine talking to them. Imagine I was there with them laughing along. Although, of course, I wasn't.

Newt was the first to calm down and explain to the poor Clunkett.

"Look, greenie, all of us have seen 'The Maze Ghost', the maze does crazy things to us runners. Every time we try to find him or follow him, he leads us straight to death, a griever, a closing door, the cliff, or sometimes he just disappears."

Minho quickly added "probably just another thing put in by these shucken creators to lead us to our deaths"

A tear left my eye, I never meant to lead them to danger. I was just running to get away from them.

I'm sad they don't think I even exist, I know it's for the best, for my safety, but I can't help it.

At that moment, I realised how tired I was, I let the darkness flood my vision and whisp me off to a world where everything was okay.

Newt's POV

"Wooo, welcome back guys how'd the greenie do?" Frypan met us at the kitchen.

"It's gone well, he saw 'The Maze Ghost', first sign he's gonna be a good runner," I responded, grabbing my food.

Fry just chuckled. Every glader knew about The Maze Ghost. We'd all just admitted she was another test by the creators to see if we would react, which we have... many times.

After lunch, I didn't have anything to do, so I just hit the hay early. I thought about the name I remembered. It stayed on my mind ever since I woke in this hellhole. ' (Y/n), Who are they?'' Why did I remember them before my own name?'

My thoughts trailed off, I let the darkness flood my vision and let it whisk me away to a world where everything was okay.


The Maze Ghost   (Newt x Reader) (DCTU)Where stories live. Discover now