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Y/n's POV:

Walking to lunch, with Newt following a safe distance behind, I spotted Chuck over by the kitchen, taking the food peels over to the grazing grounds and the farm. Walking over to him, I picked up one of the two bags he had from today's broth.

"C'mon bud, let's get this done twice as fast, last one backs a rotten egg!" Chuck only had to walk a few steps to get to the farm I was previously working on, yet I had to go all the way past the slaughterhouse. So I started a light jog in that direction before being swept off my feet and spun around.


"Princess, I've already told you, we don't want you becoming your holy-self again." As you could probably guess, It was Minho.

"Oh please, I'm always holy,"

"yea, you are, you clutz, but not in the way you think." He chuckled, "where are we off to your majesty,"

"The grazing grounds, I'm helping Chuck with his work since it's lunch."

He gasped, "is it, I had no idea" the sarcasm obvious by his raised eyebrows" I guess I'd better drop you here and go get my precious food" He threw me into the air causing me to scream.

"Don't you dare!"

"Ok ok ok, let's just pick up the pace." With that, he started running at full speed, causing me to scream again. Once we were there, he did a spin and almost flung me into the pig enclosure.

"Never bloody well do that again," I emptied the leftovers into the troughs.

When he went to pick me up again, I bolted. "piss off!"

as I was nearing the tables, I looked behind me, toward Minho, before crashing into somebody.

"Oh, hi Fry, how you doing, sorry didn't see you there." I gave the most innocent smile I could.

"I could tell, seen as my Broth has just gone flying onto Newt's head," 'shit' I hadn't even realised that newt had gotten soaked. "So I think he's the one you should be saying sorry to."

"Come onnnn," I grunted under my breath. It could've been anyone else.

But Newt just stood up. "I'm gonna clean myself up." Then he left, just like that.

I wondered if he was ever gonna apologise or if maybe I should for probing the topic that led to all this, but I didn't have much time to ponder as Chuck jumped on my back from behind.

"You're the rotten egg, I've been here for ages! Now, cmon slowpoke, I saved you a seat."

Minho went to the runner's table whilst I sat between Chuck and Thomas.

"Hey (Y/n), how are you?" Thomas looked at me with remorse. Even though I wasn't sure how close him and Newt were, I knew he knew what was going on.

He rubbed his hands over my shoulders to give me some comfort. To my surprise, it did. In fact, it did even more than that. I felt like I had people by my side who understood or at least tried to.

I still felt bad, though. That wouldn't change.

I looked around at the surprisingly jolly view of groups of teenagers laughing and joking. Flicking food at each other in blind acceptance.

You wouldn't have ever thought that a week ago, there were double. But it was obvious by the scarce and empty tables left around the kitchen.

I didn't have an appetite. I wondered how they had moved on so quickly, or at least appeared to. Is that how I'll be acting in 2 days, as if nothing ever happened!

I wouldn't, I couldn't let myself. We're just kids. We're all just kids. They were all just kids.

Whilst I was looking around, I spied a boy on his own on one of the tables I had remembered being packed only a few days ago.

I picked myself up and walked towards him.

"Hey, can I sit here?" I asked.

"Look, I don't want another pity party. Just go." He refused very bluntly.

"Em... okay. " I turned away and started walking back to Chuck.

"Wait!" He suddenly stood up and grasped my hand to stop me leaving. "Sorry, I didn't mean to be so blunt, you can sit... if- if you want to."

There was a sort of sparkle in his eyes that told me he wanted me to want to stay, so I did.

Taking a seat next to him I suddenly noticed where I knew the boy from, the maze, when he saw me.


"I saw someone jumping from one wall to another."


His name, what was it again?


"Okay 𝙅𝙤𝙖𝙣 when I say go, we run into the maze, and you stay right beside us the whole run, alright."


"Your Joan, aren't you?" I questioned the vulnerable boy. My voice was slow and careful as if talking to a child, I knew it was condescending, but I didn't want him to think I was gonna pretend it didn't happen.

"Yea, I- I am. And, if you couldn't tell, I- um... used to have friends." He gestured to the empty table he was now harbouring himself.

I only nodded, deciding not to judge and just listen in.

"I don't know how everyone can pretend... -that everything's alright, as if nothing happened. I wish -I wish I could, but... I can't. Accepting what happened feels like accepting that it's okay. That this whole thing is okay, when it's not! I- I just can't. " His voice was cracking, and his words were stumbled. He was holding his tongue, I knew he was.

"What's even worse? It was my fault!" I saw his eyes start to water as he talked.

I patted him on his back. "I know what you mean. It was hard and strange waking up, and everyone was just fine. As if it never happened, when it's not fine, it's anything but fine. But I'll assure you Joan, your friends wouldn't have wanted you to think that way, they wouldn't want you to blame yourself because... It's not your fault. It's not any of our faults. It's theirs, the people who put us here, they're the ones to be blamed, not any of us."

He looked up at me, and I saw his glistening cheeks with the ghosts of the previous tears. He sniffled and took a deep breathe "You're right." He sighed. "The best thing I can do now is live, not for myself but for them, I'll make it out of here. I will, for them."

He genuinely smiled at me, and I smiled back.

"Well then, here's to the future, beyond these prisoned walls." I put out my hand for him to shake.

He smiled at me fondly before gripping my hand in his own, "Here's to the future!"

The Maze Ghost   (Newt x Reader) (DCTU)Where stories live. Discover now