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It had been 2 weeks and I was finally able to walk on my own, unassisted. We were finally gonna have my bonfire.

I got away from the group and went to the forest. 'What am I gonna do' I thought to myself. "On one hand, if I go back into the maze they already know I exist and they would probably find me easily. But, I need to see Eddie. AGH" I spoke to myself only to be cut off by a twig snapping to my left.

"Who's there?" I asked, yet there was no answer. "Show yourself." This time a figure came out of the shadows.

It was that boy from the meeting, 'Gally'

"Sorry, sorry, I shouldn't have snuck up on you like that. Just didn't wanna ruin your rant."

"Please don't tell anyone" I looked up at him.

"Nah, I won't. But if it makes you feel any better I'm always here if you need to talk,"

"Thanks," I smiled at him.

"Sooooo... newt seems to like you."

I only hummed back.

He sighed "what's on your mind greenie?"



"My name, it's y/n" this was the first time I had told any of them my name.

'There is just something about him that I feel I can trust.'

"Oh, well, hello y/n, I'm Gally." He outstretched his arm for me to shake.

I shook his arm with a smile. "Please don't tell anyone that either" I laughed

"Don't worry I won't tell anyone, pinky promise" He outstretched his smallest finger and I wrapped mine around it as we both smiled wide.

With that, I made my third friend. I mean if Minho and Newt consider me their friend.

Me and Gally spent the rest of the day sitting talking and laughing about different things, I almost forgot about the situation I was in... Almost

"Hey, you okay?" Gally snapped me out of my daydream.

"Oh, um, yea" I replied

"I know your not but I understand."

We shared a few moments in peaceful silence.

"I could help you y'know"


"I could help you get out of here. If you really wanted to that is."

"Really," I chirped up.

"Yea, instead of staying here for a month, it will take at least a few days."

"How?" I asked

"Well, there's something here called a Banishing. If you do enough really bad things you get thrown into the maze hint, hint, nudge, nudge."

I was so excited, I would get to see Eddie again.

"But before you do go, at least stay for the bonfire, it's the best part of all the gladers month."

"Okay, deal." We smiled at each other.

"Then come on. It's getting dark, it'll probably start soon." He grabbed my hands and pulled me to my feet...


The Maze Ghost   (Newt x Reader) (DCTU)Where stories live. Discover now