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Newts POV:

I was walking towards him when he fell to the floor.

"Greenie! Greenie, wake up!" he wasn't responding, "cmon, cmon love"

"Y/n Wake up, I'm sorry." Gally was beside me also practically shouting at the boy.

'Wait. Y/n? Why is that familiar?' I thought to myself.

Clint and Jeff pushed through the crowd.

"Hurry, Newt help." He signalled to the greenie, so I quickly picked him up, rushing to the med-jacks room situated on top of the homestead.

"Gally, that was too far!"

"I know. I'm sorry. I just got wrapped up in"

"Save your excuses." I was furious. "I'm not the one that needs to hear them,"

Gally just nodded. "Is he gonna be alright?"

We both looked down at the limp body, then up at Clint.

"Yea, he'll be fine. Just reopened his cut." He replied,"But he'll probably have to spend a while in here for it to heal up. Newt, he can't keep going on like this otherwise hid leg will never heal."

I looked towards Gally, "Are you happy?"

"No, not at all. I'm so sorry."

I could see in his eyes. At this point, he was practically pleading for me to believe him.

"I'm sorry too. Just... don't do that again, alright."


Clint stepped back into the room with bandages and different liquids. "Sorry, but you guys need to leave. Get some sleep, you can see him in the morning. "

Me and Gally wandered outside of the homestead. Both were tired, but neither wanted to go to bed. The sun had already set, and it would have been complete darkness if it weren't for the moon.

I thought about what had taken place that day, Greenie and Chuck are bound to get in trouble for that 'green?' Yea, green fire. I don't even know how they did that.

Recalling the time when the boy and I were rolling around on the floor, remembering his body in my arms the first day we met.

And lastly, thinking about him and Chuck hugging by the fire. What Minho said back then felt familiar.

"Whatcha thinking about?"

I was so deep in thought that I hadn't even realised that me and Gally had somehow made it to a sitting position beside each other. Backs against the outer wall of the homestead.

"Just, today, all of it."

"Haha, I know, right? So much has happened in just the last few days. Like as much as would happen in the glade annually."

"And I think we all know why."

"That dude is a real troublemaker, eh?"

It was true, I told the greenie not to get hurt. Yet, he did.

"When he was lying on the floor, not responding. I think that was the most worried I've been for someone in my whole life. Yet, I've only known him for days."

"LoVE At fIRst SIgHt," Gally mocked.

"Love?" I had always used that word but never knew what it meant, just something about it felt connected to the greenie.

I was screaming 'Greenie, Greenie'. I felt so scared. Why is that? Wait, Gally shouted something else. What was it? Oh, yea, Y/n.

"Hey, Gally?"


"You know how when the greenie was out at the bonfire."


"Well, you were screaming something else. Not greenie."

I saw a flash of guilt, like when a child has shared a secret from a friend that they shouldn't have.

"Well, I- I can't remember what I said. Guess I was too caught up in the moment that I said whatever first came to my mind."

"Gally," I said in that tone a parent would when they know the truth, but they want you to say the truth.

He didn't respond

"Are you lying?"

"E- EH, no I wo- would never aha ha." his eyes darted around, but there was one place that they just kept landing on. The homestead.

"Is it to do with the greenie?"

"NO WAY. 0. Nope. I'm getting kinda tired, so y'know. I'll be off to bed. " He rushed.

I grabbed his shoulder before he could leave. "Just so you know, this boy means more to me than anything right now, and now that I know it has something to do with him, I'm gonna find out."

I let go of his shoulders and watched as he walked away back to the hammocks, I could only watch him go about halfway before he was engulfed by the darkness of the night.

'Aish, Greenie. Getting in trouble is one thing. Getting in trouble without me is different.'

I walked over to the tree that I've always found the boy in and sat.

'Ughhh, stop making me feel this way, I don't even remember what feeling this way is called

'What did Gally say?

L- Lo- Love?'


BTW the gladers have different amounts of memory, that's why Gally remembers what love is, but Newt doesn't.

Oki baiii

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