No spoilers 23

1K 17 19

As I looked back I noticed the scorched outside of the homestead where newts room was pretty much one of the only standing parts of it, poles underneath it keeping it up.
Most of the rest was charred to pieces.

It was almost pitch dark outside and It was bloody well freezing.
I wandered through the forest when I couldn't find Minho,

But then I heard a slight chuckle from deeper in. I followed the voice until I found the map room.

I had heard of it from Minho, it's where the runners keep all their stuff, Minho also has a room off the side of it where he sleeps sometimes if he can't make it to his hammock.

I knocked on the door hoping that it would be somebody I knew. To my relief it was Chuck, but before I could say anything I was dragged into the room and was almost tackled to the floor falling on my butt. "Thankyou, Thankyou, Thankyouuuu!"

I looked around the room and recognised most of the faces other than one, there was Clint, Jeff, Minho, Winston, Fry, Chuck and another boy.

"Who's he?" I asked Minho who was sitting on a table at the side of the room.

"That's Thomas the one-day greenie" he responded chuckling to himself, "lucky guy"

"Ahh Thomas, I've heard a lot about you, thrown in the slammer before you even had a chance to talk eh?"

"Yup that's me, what's your name dude?"

"Firstly, never call me dude. Secondly, it's Y/n, what's it to you."

"Nothing, nothing, it's just your pretty."

"Pretty?" I scoffed. I had never imagined myself as pretty,
Smolderingly handsome, yes. Pretty, not quite

"Good going Thomas but he's already skipping for somebody else." Fry piped up from beside him.

"Oh shut up."

I turned my attention to chuck who you could tell was waiting to speak by his blown-up cheeks, tryna keep his excitement in.

"Yea Thomas this is Y/n, the Y/n that I was talking about, he's crazy cool, he was all like a pow wow ching slice and the grievers were all like blegh death. It was so awesome he saved my life."

"Oh please," I stated sarcastically" It wasn't that cool, I was doing my job, if I wasn't to save you, who would?"

"It was totally cool from what I've heard" Thomas piped up.

He smiled at me and I smiled back, he was fairly attractive but nothing as good as Newt and he seemed strongly familiar, something about him was homely.

Minho stood up before Offering me his hand to use to stand up I grasped it and he lifted me to my feet.

"Come to my room, it's more comfortable there." He pulled me along slightly into the side room it was small but warm.

"You can wear some of my clothes if you want, you know, erm, get out of the blood-stained stuff.

"Thanks, Min"

"No problemo bestie" He flicked his nonexistent long hair before exiting the room, earning a chuckle from me.

I picked one of his hoodies and a pair of his sweatpants quickly changing before I heard a knock at the door.

"Come in!" It was Minho again.

He sat down on the bottom of the bed as I sat next to him.

"So what happened."

"What happened?" I looked at him confused.

"What happened between you and Newt, if nothing happened you two would be snuggling like there was no tomorrow."

"He was fine..."

"Until..." Minho continued for me.

"Until I asked if he knew how many we lost in the griever invasion, he got sad and cried on me as we hugged, but then, you know how Newt is, he got mad, mad at the stupid experiment and mad at the creators and mad at everything."

He looked at me as if he'd seen this before and he knew the ending.

"Sadly that included me and he broke a pot by the side of his bed and then shoved me down as I tried to clean it up. He has said that nobody in the glade was my friend, that they all just put up with me because they pity me, I know he doesn't mean it, I know..."

"But it still hurts," he finished for me. "Your right, I do know how he is, he's done the exact- ,well not the exact but close enough, thing to me as well, and you did the right thing, he's got a bit too much on his mind right now, once there's less you'll notice him trying to talk to you but then walking away at the last second or carrying a guilty face when he looks at you."

"I know, but I can't help still feeling bad"

"Hey, it wasn't your fault, and neither was it his. You know whose fault it is, whose fault all of this is, the creators." He looked me in the eyes, "me and the two runners left won't be running the maze for a few days till we find more runners"

"I'll do it!"

"I knew you would, but anyways until we get sent back out, you can spend your days with me instead, at least till Newt's figured himself out."

"Thanks, Min," he put his hand on my knee lightly slapping it as he got up.

I let out a slight wince and he looked down at me. "You alright"

"Yea I'm good, you just got muscle behind those hands. That slap is powerful man." I decided not to tell him about my second mouth on my knee, it'll heal by itself.

There are bigger things to worry about.

He let out a laugh," Sorry Y/n/n (your nickname) Anyways get some sleep, me and the boys are. Everyone's being put to work rebuilding so get ready for some muscle pain."

I laughed slightly following him into the main room once again. "Come on Chuck" he immediately sprung up responding to his name and following me around like a small dog.

The bed was big enough for the both of us and he hugged me as he fell asleep, as soon as he started snoring I kinda started regretting my decision.

I was thinking about what Newt was doing, was he alright? Was he asleep? Or was he wondering what I was doing just like me?

I don't know but I hope he gets better soon I miss him already.



These two chapters were already ready to be published before I lost my account and I have more coming from me writing them in my notes during the lost time.

Once again to all my devoted readers I am so sorry.

The Maze Ghost   (Newt x Reader) (DCTU)Where stories live. Discover now