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Newts POV:

I'd been looking for the greenie for the last few minutes and was starting to panic, he wasn't at the toilets, or the kitchen or my room, he was supposed to be in bed. Only coming out for the toilet, food and the bonfire.

'What if he went back into the maze.' I thought 'what if he didn't need any time to make her decision, what if he's already decided he likes it better there.'

My thoughts were interrupted by a tap on my shoulder "No Alby, I haven't found him yet." Alby had been asking every 2 minutes. It was seriously annoying.

"Actually," I recognised the voice as a boy's voice, but not any boys, greenies.

"I was wondering if the bonfire was starting anytime so-" he couldn't finish his sentence before I spun around and hugged him, awkwardly stepping back and brushing myself off.

"Bloody hell greenie, I've been looking for you everywhere."

"Oh, sorry, went exploring."

"Where were you?"

he didn't have a chance to answer as someone else did it for her... Gally

"With me,"

I don't know why I felt a gush of jealousy pump through me, I had never felt this way about any of the other boys before. I shrugged it off, it's probably just cuz he saved me, I'm just being protective because of that, right?

"Oh, okay." I mumbled, " the bonfire'll start soon, you's should get there."

Y/n's POV:

The bonfire still hadn't started yet Suddenly, I was pulled by Gally over to a small boy with brown hair, he looked around about 12.

"This is chuck, the biggest prankster here, with Minho close in second. You wanna get banished, he's the person to go to."

The little boy chirped up at the mention of his name and realised us standing by him.

"Hi, Chuck" I waved at him.

"Hi, greenie. What were yous talking about."

This was when Gally piped in, "Chuck, do you remember that list that you had"

"List? Which one?"

"The one that was all of the things you wanna do in the glade but can't do them all because you'd get in really big trouble."

"Yea, why?"

"Well today's your lucky day Chuckie" I was ecstatic "I'm looking to get banished."

'We do all the things on that list and they'll have no choice but to banish me.' I thought to myself.

"Well then come on." Chuck grabbed my hand and started pulling me over somewhere. "Your gonna love this"

Once we got to our destination, the hammocks, he rummaged underneath his hammock until his fingers lightly grazed something.

"Here it is!" Opening the piece of paper I was stunned, there were hundreds of pranks to pull and a lot of trouble to get into.

I'm surprised he didn't run out of ideas by the 20-mark.

He then pointed at something on the paper "they're all grouped into areas and occasions, see?"

"Wow Chuck, I don't know what to say, just, wow."

"I know, I'm pretty amazing." He had a sort of cockiness in his voice.

"Don't get ahead of yourself. We don't even know if these would get me banished," Before I quickly added on winking "Only one way to find out"

The Maze Ghost   (Newt x Reader) (DCTU)Where stories live. Discover now