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Pictures, visions, swinging around me. So fast I couldn't even see what they were of.

I tried to grab one, but my body wouldn't move, I tried once again my body only flinching slightly.

Focusing on one of the pictures I saw a little boy, he looked like a younger version of newt.

If these were my memories I may have given up, but Newt needs something. I need to find out what it is, for newt.

Forcing my arm up, it barely moved. I forced it up again and it moved the slightest off the surface I was on. I was already shattered.

Mustering all my strength I pushed up my arm, I felt like I was going to faint. My arm finally came close enough to the memories.

I grabbed one and the rest stopped swarming me, they attacked my hand. Obviously wanting me to let go.

Pulling the picture closer to my face, all I could focus on was the pain coming up my arm, they were slashing my hand.

Finally looking at the picture I was confused as the corner was signed, Sam x Y/n.

The picture was of a little boy that looked like me and another little boy that looked like newt feeding each other ice cream.

Suddenly I was pulled out of the dream world I was in.

opened my eyes and sat up in the bed, I was quite familiar with the medjacks by now.

Nobody was there so I just sat legs swinging over the side of the bed. I don't even remember what happened yesterday.

It gave me some time to think over the dream, why did that boy look just like newt, who's Sam?

That was until I realised the immense throbbing in my hand, moving my arm in front of my face I was surprised to see blood gushing down it, and... slashes in it?


Today I was trying to do my job extra fast, I had to see the greenie. 'Is he alright?' Was the only thing running through my head.

Finishing my last task, getting the fertiliser, I rushed to the medhut. Gally was pacing at the door before he noticed me. "I just thought he might want to see you first."

I nodded and gave him a smile before heading inside.

I opened the door to see the greenie looking at his hand, blood was running from it, dripping onto the floor.

I quickly rushed to the cabinets grabbing a cloth and bandages.

"Shuck greenie, What happened? okay, this may hurt a little bit but I have to wash away all the blood."

He hissed at the pain as I held his hand on mine cleaning the wounds.

"How did you get these?" I asked still keeping my attention on his hand.

Once he didn't answer I looked up and we locked eyes.

Y/n's POV:

He was washing off my hand but I was still thinking about how it was possible, that was just a dream.

I studied newts features closely, he was most definitely that kid. 'Did newt have a twin?'

I was so far deep in thought that I hadn't realised him asking me a question.

He looked up and we locked eyes, I studied his features even closer. Trying to recall the picture and see any differences.

He seemed startled and looked away back to my hand, but I wasn't done. I grabbed his chin forcing him to look at me again.

The boy had a mole on his cheek, so did he, the boy had dirty blond hair, so did he, the boy had a pretty formed jawline, so did he, the boy had brown eyes, so did he, the boy had a mole on his earlobe, so did he.

The only difference was the boy was called Sam.

"Em greenie, you okay?" Newt kept looking between me, the floor and the wall. I could feel his face was so hot.

Suddenly I realised what I was doing and a pink flush came over my cheeks and I let go of him.

"Oh em- sorry"

"No worries"

Newts POV:

"No worries" I smiled to myself like a dork. holding my face, I realised how hot it was.

I turned away from the greenie holding a hand to my heart, it was beating like crazy.

I finished patching up his hand and turned back, I noticed the deep quizzical look he had on her face.

"Hey, everything okay?"

"Mhm. It's nothing."

"Well, it's obviously something."

He shuffled along patting the bed beside her for me to have a seat. I sat down as he laid her head on my shoulder.

My heart, dead.

I decided to make a move and slowly inched my hand towards his.

As my fingers made slight contact, he noticed and I quickly pulled my hand away pretending that I hadn't done anything.

He looked up at me, smiling before laughing.

Grabbing my hand he did the rest for me intertwining our fingers.

'he's holding my hand, okay, okay play it cool Newt'

"You know, ever since you arrived, everything has been so much better" I squeezed his hand. "You're my good luck charm"

The Maze Ghost   (Newt x Reader) (DCTU)Where stories live. Discover now