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I had been about 5 days and I had been forced to stay in the same room until I was a bit better. They had to bandage my mouth shut because I wasn't letting my throat rest.

Newt had come in every day, making sure that I wasn't alone. He is amazing. Though I think he only did it because he was guilty, he probably just feels like he has to.

"So that's the glade." Newt had just given me a tour, there was a homestead, an outside area with a bunch of hammocks, a farm and a forest.

I was being pushed around in a wheelbarrow for the time being, until I can stand at least.

There was also a slaughterhouse that I was never gonna go near, but we aren't going to talk about that.

"Do you like it?" Newt asked.

"Yea, it's strange."

"Strange how?" He laughed.

"Strange as in, it just feels so weird. All this has been here the whole time I've been out there."

"Well, you're here now aren't you? Let's make our last stop, the kitchen." He lead me to an outside area with a bunch of benches, Everyone was there.

'maybe it's lunch or something.' I thought to myself. Newt picked me up and placed me on a bench beside a table with Thomas and Minho.

"Hey Newt, Hey greenie." Minho stopped golfing down his food for a second. "We're going to have a meeting to tell you everything about the glade a bit later. Before that you're pretty much free to do whatever you want..."

"except go into the maze." He added on. He then looked between me and the wheelbarrow. "Though I don't think you'll be able to."

A boy came over to our table with three plates placing one in front of each of us. I didn't care what it was this was one of the only "meals" I had ever had.

He reached out his hand for me to shake.

"Frypan's the name, we met at the meeting, I'm the one who's been cooking the meals you've been getting for the past few days.

"Ah, I remember you, sorry there are just so many names." I scratched my head.

"No problem and I used to get people mixed up too so don't worry."

We smiled at each other before he left saying he had a lot more mouths to feed.

I gulped down the warm slop in only a few seconds. As the two of them stared at me wide-eyed.

"What?" I mumbled out, food still in my mouth.

"You're an awfully hungry fella aren't cha" Newt blurted out causing the two to laugh.

"Hey..." I swallowed my last mouthful " You try living off cold, raw sco- I mean... griever meat for the last 2 years."

"That sound disgusting" Minho didn't even try to hide the repulsion in his facial expressions.

"Yea, it was" I laughed to myself.

Suddenly newt shoved my elbow with his. Looking towards him he pushed his plate in front of me replacing my empty one.

"It's okay," I smiled "you should eat, I'm good."

"Eat." He pointed to the food and left with my finished bowl. I didn't want to waste it so I gulped it down, smiling to myself.

Newt really is something.

Something I like.


Sorry, this is a short one, I just wanted to upload something.

I am so sorry I haven't been uploading. I have really bad writer's block and school just started up again although there should be a brake in a while so I will be uploading a lot then.

Please bear with me.🙏


The Maze Ghost   (Newt x Reader) (DCTU)Where stories live. Discover now