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Chuck threw off the covers, and I was once again suspended in the cold.

"Chuuuuuckkkk nooooooo," I whined. "I don't wanna get uuuuuuuup."

"Well, you gotta, stupid." He laughed.

"NoooOOOOOooooo!" I pulled the covers over my face. "Is this how you treat your saviour!?"

"Yup, now get uppppp." He tried dragging me from the bed, but I struggled against him, and he couldn't really do anything.

"Ugh, I'll go and get Minho if you don't get up right now," 

'as if' I thought to myself as I buried my face back into the pillow.

I felt Chuck pull my shoulder to flip me over again. "Chuuuuuccckkkk!!!"

"Who are you calling Chuck?" From that rugged voice, I knew I was doomed. I slightly flipped over. "Hi Minho, how are you doing?" I smiled at him with my most innocent gaze. He smirked at me before scooping me up into his arms. "Pretty damn good,"

The boy flung me around, hurdling me throughout the glade.

"I can walk, you know, shuck face."

"You've been skewered, we wouldn't want princess getting hurt any more would we" he placed me down at one of the tables, it was only then that I realised I was still wearing his shirt. "Who are you calling princess? You are the one who cries every time you're out of hair gel."

We got breakfast but I wasn't that hungry, I didn't even get to attend most of the gladers funerals seen as I was passed out, but whilst I was here I never forgot all the friends I had made, I usually didn't document this stuff, but I had plenty of friends. Friends who had died fighting for their home, and I have to say it's the most honourable way they could have, and I have so much respect for all of them. And even though I wasn't there to watch their bodies lower into the dirt. When I get out of here, I'm gonna tell everyone about every single one of them, my word.

I went to my job. Today, I was gonna be a track hoe again, seeing as I was still getting pushed about jobs before settling into one. But when the runners get back up and ready to go back into the maze after there 2 weeks or so break, I've got a spot with my name on. And by the looks of it, so did the new kid... Thomas?

When the griever attack happened it was almost time for the new greenie and the whole glade was apprehensive for some normality and I'll be honest I was too, although it wouldn't change anything, we all hoped that a new boy would come up through the box, not know a shuck about what was happening and clunk his pants. Because if that didn't happen, then we would have to be very scared.

I wasn't here to see Thomas's first day, but from what I've heard, It was more or less how we expected, but it didn't change the girl. How did she know Thomas' name before he came up in the box?

I have so many questions.

I didn't see Newt for the whole day, I tried not to worry about him as I knew he wouldn't want sympathy from the likes of me, but I couldn't help it, he stayed in the back of my mind for the whole day.

Nobody knew about what happened between me and Newt other than the people who were in the runner's hut, so there was no seen problem with me and Newt both being selected to do track hoes together. But since he didn't come I had to do his work as well.

Sighing, I finally moved on from my job, carrying buckets of water to and fro different areas of the gardens. If anybody needed anything, I was to deliver it immediately. So I moved on to what was supposed to be Newt's job, checking the vines of different types of plants to see if they were dead or rotting. If so, I was to cut them. I hadn't used this type of knife before, It was big and heavy, and it fumbled between my fingers in my hands.

I first went to the cucumbers, which were situated on some boards of wood structured in a diamond pattern vertically. I checked out the vines, which were surprisingly prickly and could most definitely cut through skin. Yet I was still almost entranced to touch it.

Though I easily moved on when I realised there wasn't any bruising or damage, the next board was the same, cucumbers. I looked through the vines and saw a huge patch of death at the top.

I had to reach upwards on my tippy toes to even reach it, only barely being able to wrap the edge of my knife around the plant, I cut in a sawing moving towards myself, yes I know were always told not to but whatever, Clint wasn't looking so I wouldn't get in trouble.

When I was almost fully through the limb I went left then right and cut through the last string of vine it had but I hadn't stopped the pressure on my knife, as it came towards my face cutting my cheek and making me fall backwards onto my butt.

"Ah shuck," I touched my face, which was, in fact, bleeding. Yet i got straight back up.

I continued cutting the vines further down until I had pretty much done all of it.

"Look who's finally decided to show up. Your lucky y/n is so nice. Otherwise, we would've been behind, and you would've gotten your ass whooped."

"Sorry Clint," I felt his presence move around me and to the side of me where he crouched down to my level to continue my work of the last two vines out of the fifty-two we had to do. "I slept in," I could tell he was lying. Everyone could tell he was lying.

I knew he wanted the knife as he kept switching his gaze between me and it. But no. I wouldn't give it to him because I did the work and he can go stuff himself, even if I'm worried about him, I'm allowed to be mad as well.

I was onto the last slice, and Newt stood up pretending to be checking the cucumbers, I could still feel his eyes on me, but I wouldn't even check if he was looking at me. Because if he was, shuck him. And if he wasn't, shuck him.

I had been focusing on him and hadn't realised I had finished so I almost accidentally cut myself again, though I was able to stop myself from getting cut by moving my hand away into the brambles, Why the hell did I do that? "Shuck!" I pulled my hand out of the hedge as Newt crouched back to my level, bending his body so that he could see, but also trying to be inconspicuous. He looked stupid. Stupid...  but cute.

Newt quickly "accidentally" dropped 3 bandaids whilst getting up and kept looking between me, the bandaids, and the bush that he was "searching through," even though I already had.

I ignored them and just stood up with blood now running down my hand and cheek, but I wiped it away and pushed it behind my back so as to not let Clint see it.

"I'm done," I yelled to him.

"Sheesh already." he looked at the watch the keepers had. "Alright then, you two, I guess you're off for the rest of the day."

Just as he said that, the dinner time bell rang through the whole glade.

Shuck, I love food.

The Maze Ghost   (Newt x Reader) (DCTU)Where stories live. Discover now