No spoilers 17

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Y/n's POV:

I laughed but soon realised he was serious, "Your serious" I was shocked.

He nodded his head taking a seat in the chair beside me.

"Oh, COME ONNNNN!" I groaned.

"Oh, COME ONNNNN!" He mimicked as I glared at him.


"Why!! Greenie if you go out there in 15 minutes you'll be back here with another way that you've almost killed yourself!" He scoffed, voice getting louder.

"I won't!!" I defied.

"And How Can I Tell That!?"

"Why are you getting so mad!"

"Because you're not listening to me!" He shouted. "Greenie I don't care what you say. YOU'RE STAYING HERE!"

"IM NOT IF I DON'T WANT TO!" I couldn't help but get mad, he had been cool before this. Nice and calm, what the hell happened to flip this switch?

He seemed shocked to hear me shouting.

He was quite annoyed so I decided to just shut up and lay down. It was only midday and the room was still light so I couldn't sleep I just turned away from him, body facing the wall.

We both stayed there for what felt like forever until I heard the chair creak as I assumed Newt stood up.

Looking over my shoulder I watched him exit the room as I quickly got up to follow him.

I stood by the door watching as he returned to the kitchen for food.

I was about to take a step outside of the medjacks but stopped when remembering Newts state.

So instead I just turned around and went back to bed.

Soon enough I heard the door squeak and the floorboards creek as someone came closer.

"Hey... I thought you might be hungry" his British accent confirmed it was once again Newt.

I didn't respond and kept looking away from him pretending to be asleep.

I felt him sit behind me on the bed and lean over so that he could see my face.

"I know you're not asleep." I didn't respond or even move. "You make soft snores when you are asleep and your nose twitches."

I sat up opening my eyes and meeting his before quickly looking down.

"Look, I- I'm sorry, it's just ever since you saved my life I feel like... like,  I'm yours." It was a very strange way of putting it and made me question my and Newt's relationship. "I.. well... I'm..." He shook his head and seemed to tell himself off. " I was the reason you came here, you never wanted to and I don't even know if you want to be here now." He sighed" I know it's weird and sudden. If it's too sudden or strange for you then you can just pretend I never said anything, oh god I'm blabbering, aren't I? The point is, I'm scared of losing... you."

Staring into his eyes was so confusing, what was he feeling, what was he thinking, I wanted to know.

"Well- em... thanks?" I awkwardly laughed before promptly telling myself off for ruining the moment.

Looking at each other again we promptly fell into a fit of laughter.

Suddenly there was a deafening alarm as I threw my hands over my ears and Newt placed his hand's on top of mine.

Once the sound stopped. Newt took my hand in his raising me to my feet

"What is it?"

"The greenie alarm" he looked shocked "it isn't supposed to come up for another week"

"It's that loud! in the maze you can barely hear it."

I dragged newt out the door, towards the box.

As they opened the doors on top, everyone seemed to take a step back and Newt placed his hand on my chest lightly pushing me back.

He turned smiling at me and squeezed my hand before dropping it into the box, I couldn't help but take a step forward.

I immediately gasped, it was a girl.

"Newt what is it!" Alby shouted from behind me.

"It's a girl, she's either knocked out or dead"

I dropped into the box as it shook almost sending me tumbling over but i steadied myself making my way over to the body on the floor.

I slowly signed for Newt to back up as I took his spot beside the girl.

I pulled her up so that her top half was against the wall and shook her but it did nothing. Though soon enough I spotted a piece of paper that she had in her opposite hand to me.

Reaching over I grabbed it and read it ' she's the last one ever'.

I reached it towards Newt for him to take as he moved back towards me.

Now sitting next to me he read it out loud "She's the last one ever" He paused "well what the bloody hell is that supposed to mean"

Suddenly the girl jolted up causing me to jump back into Newt as he wrapped his arms around my stomach to stop me from getting hurt.

"Thomas!" She struggled to breathe "Something very bad is about to happen"  it was even stranger seeing as I had met pretty much everybody in the maze and there was no Thomas.

Her eyes scanned the boys around the rim of the box before falling on me and Newt.

"Y/n/n! (your nickname)" She seemed surprised yet relieved to see me "You are the infection, you shouldn't be here, you're contaminating the experiment!" She lunged for me but dropped to the floor before she could get to me.

I was shocked and my whole body felt weak, I was so far into my thoughts that everything around me was just a blur, I felt someone shaking me but didn't pay attention to it.

Everything felt numb as if my heart had just run a marathon and was on the verge of giving up.

There was someone in front of me I felt a hand intertwine with mine and another one push my chin up.

As soon as my eyes met his I was out of my daze "What did I do."

I shook my head knocking myself out of this state and quickly rose to my feet.

I climbed out of the box making my way towards the homestead as I'm assuming they must have called a meeting.


I am soooo sorry this took so long I'm right now in the middle of my exams, well not right now but like I have an exam every day 😅.

Then my Wattpad decided to be difficult and not let me write anything cuz there was an "error".

But hopefully, I'm back now😊

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