No Spoilers 13

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I started making my way back to where the bonfire was going to start side by side with newt.

We got there just in time to hear Alby finish his speech.

"-And with this let's welcome the new greenie to THE GLADE"

As soon as those last two words were spoken the group of boys surrounding the (previously tinkered with) sticks, and threw spears, which were covered in a liquid and lit on fire, into the bonfire.

Immediately everyone noticed and was awed at the bright florescent green fire flying up into the sky.

My eyes met with chuck, he was sitting by the bonfire wide-eyed. Slowly, as not to alert anyone, I moved over and sat beside him.

Playfully shoving him in the arm to get his attention, he looked towards me. I put my hand up for a high five, only to be flung to the floor and engulfed by a Chuck hug.

Of course, I hugged back, I'll always return kids' hugs. His face came out from being buried in my neck to show his big giddy smile.

I returned the smile turning him round and sitting him on my lap, so we were both now marvelling at the fire.

Newts pov:

I had now positioned myself marvelling at the boy marvelling at the fire. 'Shuck, what is this feeling?'.

Suddenly, u was broke out of my trance. "You like hiiimmm."

"Of course I like him, he's my friend" I replied puzzled.

"Sure bud, just friends?"

We were friends, weren't we? He's cool and funny, kind but strong, badass but adorable. But, we aren't friends?

"Dude, helloooo." He waved his hand in front of my face, but I didn't respond.

"Okay, if you're not gonna respond then I guess you won't be mad if I go over and talk to him" He stood up.

I grabbed the back of his shirt, pulling him into a sitting position on the log.

"Oh, so now you're responding" he looked at me and smirked, raising and lowering his eyebrows.

"Look, Your lucky he even likes you, you are so annoying." I glared at him.

I once again found myself mindlessly staring at the boy.

"Yeah, sure," Minho said from behind me and looked between the two of us "suurrrreeee."

(Y/n)'s POV:

"LET THE BONFIRE COMMENCE" And with Alby's words, everyone was suddenly doing things.

Some drinking, chatting. Some, playing, competing. Then, there was Gally, fighting.

I walked closer to the group of boys surrounding the fight. It was between Gally and another boy I think I remember his name was Irhey (Amelia Airheart.)

After I shoved my way to the front, I stood there taking in the fight. That was when Gally headbutted Irhey in the stomach driving him backwards, like a bull.

Irhey was inevitably pushed out of the circle, and into me. I was knocked off my feet onto my butt with a dazed Irhey right beside me.

"Sorry Greenie," Irhey spoke from next to me.

"No problem Irhey"

"You remember my name?"


"Sorry, people don't usually remember me."

"Well, then I can be the first." I smiled at him.

Gally walked over holding his hand out to help me up." Irhey, you need to choose better things to break your fall, I don't think (Y/n) appreciates it."

The Maze Ghost   (Newt x Reader) (DCTU)Where stories live. Discover now