No spoilers 20

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(In the next chapters till the end of the book, things won't exactly happen in the right order.)

I opened my eyes to see the slight daylight piercing through the vines into Eddie's cave, sitting up, my back hurt from the position and my head throbbed.

I knew that if I went outside there was a chance the boys would find me but I'm sure they would understand once I told them.

Placing my feet on the ground I rose to an upwards stance, "see you later, Eddie, "

They made a happy screech, their way of saying see you too.

Pushing the vines to one side I sat, putting on my shoes, they had previously been newts but I needed new ones.

I started wandering through the turns and jumps, traversing the maze I once again call home.

I heard the doors open, I wondered if they would come looking for me.

Part of me knows they will never accept me as a glader, that I'm just a bug in the system.

But part of me wanted to run back into the comfort of newt's arms, the one I care about most, my best friend.

I started running regardless, clearing my mind, I ran and ran, the burning of my soul rushing up my body every wobbly step taken.

I continued running until I couldn't run anymore and my legs gave away, sending me tumbling to the ground.

A stone had pressed itself into my forehead a river of blood going straight down the middle of my face.

"Well, shuck!" I continued walking until I turned a familiar corner.

The pool of dried blood at the end and the handprints along the wall from my stumbling.

This was where I first "met" Newt and Minho.

I sat in front of the stained concrete, drawing a smiley face with my blood beside it.

The faint pattering became louder behind me but I didn't attempt to run.

I was shoved to the ground, two hands around my neck.


None of my blood was getting to my head and I was very lightheaded, he was shouting at me but I didn't understand a word of it.

Suddenly, his hands were pulled back and instead placed around me, he was crying.

"DO YOU KNOW HOW WORRIED WE WERE!?" His voice cracked.

"I'm okay," I tried to console him" but please Minho, understand why I'm doing this, I'm not supposed to be in the glade, I'm not supposed to be here, things are changing and people need someone to blame it on, that's me and-"

"I know," he interrupted.


"We all know, but we don't care. I don't care if Gally wants to get rid of you, I don't care if you're not supposed to be here, I don't care if that girl tries to hurt you, we'll protect you, just come home, please."

"The maze Is my home, I'm sorry." I stood up walking away from him.

I heard more footsteps running, I didn't turn around, I just replied.

"Minho, you're my friend but you can't stop m-"

Arms were flung around me, not Minho arms. Newt's.

I was turned around and pushed into his chest, "Newt?"

I wanted it to be an illusion a sick magic trick from the creators, but it wasn't I knew it wasn't.

"How could you!?" He sounded angry but only held me tighter.

"Newt, please." I tried pulling away but he wouldn't let me. "please understand, there's no place for me there anymore"

"Just because Gally wants to blame it on you, doesn't mean it's your fault." He moved his face away so that we were only inches apart, but he kept our bodies pressed against each other.

Seeing him so close again made me nervous so I looked down at the ground.

"Newt, nobody likes me there anymore, they all agree with Gally."

"Not Minho,"


"Not Alby, Not Chuck, Not Thomas, Not Zart, Not Frypan."

He paused.

"And not me, Y/n look at me," I didn't listen, I couldn't. He grabbed my chin and lightly pulled my face up to meet his eyes, but I closed mine.

"What?, What is it?" He queried not knowing how my heart was acting towards his confessions.

I don't even know if Minho is still here, to be honest. I still had my eyes squeezed shut when.

My lips met something soft, Newt's lips, we were kissing, so does that mean he likes me?

After the kiss was done, we both pulled back but I stepped back, I can't let him swoon me to my death.

"Was there something wrong? Was it a bad kiss?"

It broke my heart to hear the cracks in his voice. I don't care if I get killed by gally, I love Newt.

I took a step back forward and finally looked at him but I couldn't find too long because my heart would burst.

I smiled, actually smiled, "It was perfect"

He automatically lit up, smiling like I had never seen. Then he was.. crying?

"What's wrong?"

He took a step towards me and hugged me so I was on my tippy toes.

"Nothing love, it's just, I was scared I was never gonna see you again, so I swore if I did I would tell you how I felt. And now, 24 hours later I'm finally yours."

"But Newt, what about the others?"

"Who cares about the others, all that matters to me now is you." He kissed me on the forehead," so I guess this is the question love, will you be my boyfri- ew, the word boyfriend."

I laughed at his childish response.

"Will you be my love?"

"Yes, I will Geko"

I pulled him by the neck of his shirt and kissed him, he kissed back in a matter of seconds but just seemed to be recovering from the shock.

We parted once again, "please come back, for me."

I laughed once again "For you, I would throw myself off the shucking cliff."

Aaaaah I am so sorryyyyyyy this has taken so long, I just really didn't know how to word things to make it tense or butterfly's but I think I did an ok job, a lot of you may know I have been in the middle of my last term doing all my final tests so that is why I haven't been uploading as frequently, but now they are all done 🥳 so hopefully you's didn't struggle waiting so long. Once again rly sorry.


The Maze Ghost   (Newt x Reader) (DCTU)Where stories live. Discover now