No spoilers 21

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As we neared the entrance to the door, with only a few corners left I stopped.

Both the boys heard the lack of running behind them and turned back

"Maybe it would just be better if I stayed in here,"

"It wouldn't love, and you know it"

"Y/n we know you're scared but there is no need to be, Gally's crazy,"

Suddenly both their eyes widened, "run!"

I wanted to move, I really did, but my body was stuck in place until I felt a slight nudge behind me.

Turning around I realised it was just Eddie, now the size of a full-blown scoper- wait no I mean griever, except they were fully metal, no goop.

I let out a laugh as the other two were puzzled beside me.

"you know how when you first found me, at the edge, I had a little companion," I looked back to see them nod, "Well, this is her, meet Eddie."

"If it's a girl why is it called Eddie?" Minho blurted out before being elbowed in the stomach by Newt.

"well when I first met them, I didn't know they were a girl."

We made eye contact as they lightly pushed me once again toward the glade.

"Thankyou Eddie"

Eddie let out some strange cracks and gurgles but they looked happy so I'll take that as a thank you to me.

I watched as Eddie turned around and walked down the previous hallway.

Feeling hands snake around my waist I quickly turned to see newts face only inches from mine.

"So, you ready to go, my prince?"

"I think so"

He wrapped his hand around mine pulling me to the glade.

But when we got to the final stretch there were dozens of gladers hanging around the doors but when they saw us they didn't clap or cheer like they would if someone was almost late, they continued their troubled states.

As soon as we got in Winston lightly grabbed me by the shoulder alerting the two others, "the doors, they aren't closing, you guys were like 20 minutes late."

"Wha-" Before I could speak he passed me his watch and just like he said the doors should have shut 21 minutes ago, "What the hell?"

With that, all havoc reigned loose as we hear the metal clangs on the floor behind us.

"Alby's in the homestead passed out, the griever. It got him. What do we do Newt?" Winston questioned as all eyes turned to us. His eyes darted around in a state of panic, I rubbed the back of his thumb and he looked at me, Giving him a smile I took a step away from him, subjecting myself as one of his followers.


Everyone immediately followed his requests flooding into the nearby buildings as I readied myself with a weapon, "What are you doing!?" Newt grasped my waist from behind me, "Go, Get inside and keep them safe, I'm the only one here that can kill Grievers with my own hands, I can hold them off. Don't be emotional now, it'll cloud your judgment, they need you, Go."

"No, I can't, I won't, I won't leave you to die, p- please you can't do this, you're my only reason to-" he was on the brink of tears. Luckily Minho saw as I gestured to Newt and he grabbed his shoulder pulling him away from me, I mouthed a thank you before turning my body in a circle looking for where the grievers would first come from. 

Everything was eerily still, The silence so loud it was almost deafening.

Then Small clicks and clangs from all around, echoed through my eardrums, the suspension growing like an ever-expanding balloon in my chest, as it tightened, making shapes to amuse the devil, All my thoughts, and memories from the glade all came flooding back.

The world around me seemed to stop, sharp breaths entering my body only feeling like sparks that would eventually catch in the wind. But that would not bind me, I readied my stance, the flames that singed my body never as strong as the inferno in my eyes.

The first griever came bashing through the temporary shield as time resumed, it caught my eyes and in an instant, my knife plunged into it, for the next hour's bodies plunged to the floor as I was twirled around in a daze, death being the oh-so-familiar friend I had to dance with once again.

Catching the toxic fumes of the nearby building I turned to the towering, murderous sunrise that reached into the void of the night sky. People ran away out of the belly of the beast, as I realised the griever clinging to the side of it, reaching inside. My body moved before my brain ever registered the threat, throwing the small blade into the back of its head, it seemed to let go of what it was holding, glaring at me as if I ruined its fun, my feet still uneasy I steadied myself, bending down and picking up the raw textured handle of a machete from some unfortunate sacrifices skeletal hand.

Throwing my body to the side like a ragdoll, I slipped under its tail's attempts to seal my fate. my eyes still dazed and my head still pounding I struggled to focus on the beast in Infront of me. I rushed forward for one swift knock to the head but my body stopped before I got close, looking down I saw mixes of reds and purples and greens and blues, looking like an abstract painting of how shucked I was.

pushing the griever claw further into my stomach, I swung... and my eyes became glazed red.

There was no pain, no senses, no nothing.

but my mind was running, flying even, around everything, never stopping to regain composure. peeling my eyes open I saw a slight purple roll over the walls, followed by deep red and almost orange, we had made it, well not all of us. A scream echoed throughout my mind.


ripping the griever's limb from my stomach I ran over to the voice. Chuck was being hurled at by a griever as it domineered over the boy, sprinting towards him I spun him around and locked my arms around him so that my body acted like a meat shield. but nothing came, if anything everything left, all the grievers, all the death. as the light blue rolled over the walls.

I smiled down at chuck before promptly passing out on his shoulder,

now, what in hell was that?

The Maze Ghost   (Newt x Reader) (DCTU)Where stories live. Discover now