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"I can't wait for us to see the world when we get out of here." Newt's eyes seemed to glimmer at the thought of the outside.

"You're speaking optimistically"

"Haha, I mean if we get out of here"

"No, it's okay, I'm good with when" I smiled

"Y'know I wasn't always this optimistic"

"Naaaah shuck, you tried playing flappy Bird in real life"

"Flappy bird, you mean I tried to fly? " He laughed. "But I'm lucky an angel saved me."

"Yep, and I'm not leaving anytime soon"

"I'm not letting you leave ever," Newt said with pride, I smiled before he looked at me startled.

Newts POV:

I just realised how creepy that sounds "I mean your my friend, nothing weird" I laughed.

I saw a flash of sadness on his face before he suddenly stood up, wobbling to the door.

As soon as she opened the door Gally stared at him like a deer in headlights.

He grabbed gally's ear, pulling him inside and onto the floor.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, let goooo" Gally struggled.

He let go, leaving him kneeling on the floor holding his ear.

"DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY!" his hands went to his hips as he sternly talked down to him.

"I'm sorry," Gally replied.

"Apology not accepted" he crossed his arms

"What!? What will make you forgive me then"

"3 laps around the glade..."

"Ughh" gally sighed "really?"

"Wait, I'm not finished, whilst running with your best impression of a t-rex"

"You mother fu-"

"OI!!" I interrupted the shank" NO PROFANITY"



"...Fine" Gally finally gave in and she let out a squeal of delight.

Opening the door Gally set off running, the whole Glade laughed as he went flying past them.

'Gally must really feel guilty, he would never do this for any other occasion.'

After Gally was done his three laps he retreated to us, by now the greenie was practically rolling on the floor laughing.

"You shank, You better forgive me now, my image is ruined."

"Yea well, maybe you won't get wrapped up in it this time eh!?"

"Ahhh shut up" He scuffed up the greenies hair with his hand.

My body moved before my brain did and hit his hand away, Chuck came into view and the greenie went to say hi.

Gally looked at me with a confused gaze before something clicked and he had a ping of a realisation.

He started moving his eyebrows up and down giving me a smirk, "soooo, our little Newtie patootie is in love"

"Firstly, what in albys name is that and secondly, don't call me Newtie patootie" I scoffed.

"Staring at him aimlessly, check.
Being selfless when it comes to him, check.
Caring about him more than yourself, check.
Wanting to know everything about him, check.
And now we can tick off the final one.
Jealousy, check"

Before I could respond he ran away in the direction of the runners' hut, probably to tell Minho, 'Oh my god, how stupid is he'

Soon enough, as I had thought, Minho came running back, the fastest that I had ever seen him run, flinging himself into me.

We landed on the floor with a grunt, Minho got up and held out his hand for me as I grabbed it he started speaking.

"Our baby Newtie patootie is falling for the maze ghost, eeeee" He squealed so high pitched I swear he could perfect a whistle note.

"DON'T CALL ME NEWTIE PATOOTEE!!" I sternly shouted though it came out more like a whine.

We heard a crash in the distance and I frantically looked around for the greenie.

he wasn't there and neither was Chuck until they both came running around the corner.

(Y/n's) POV:

I ran to Chuck wanting to squeeze in a prank, to be honest, the longer I stay in the glade the more and more I don't really wanna go back to the Maze.

I only do the pranks because Chuck has fun and, if I do get banished, I can see Eddie.

As the boys were talking about whoever knows what, we had already set on our next prank, chucking rocks at people from on top of one of the nearest houses.

Climbing up the side of the building I went up first so that if Chuck fell I could pull him up.

As Chuck unsteadily climbed up exactly as I did, suddenly the building started to shake.

I could hear the sticks underneath me break as they became unsteady.

Suddenly the whole house came down I pushed Chuck off the building as he fell amongst the padded grass, hoping he would be less hurt as I fell in amongst the wood.

Immediately there was the pain in my leg again, I'm never gonna get out of here if I keep getting hurt.

I lifted the rubble off my legs and stood up, Chuck stood there swimming the rubble with his eyes and I snuck up behind him,

"BOO!!!" He jumped falling over onto his butt and I laughed.

"Hey, that's not funny I thought you were hurt"

"Sorry bud, couldn't help it" I laughed "I'm fine just a scratch"

I'm not sure he believed me as looking at me you would've thought I was in an explosion.

As we rushed back to the boys my leg stang but I kept going.

Newts POV:

"Hey Newtie Patootie." he smiled as the two boys next to me started complaining.

"So he gets to call you that but we don't, ugh, I am physically hurt" Minho put a hand to his head and pretended to faint.

I just ignored him turning my attention to the boy.

"Hey, where have yous been, you look like shuck" he was covered in some sort of grey powder and his hair was a mess.


"Come on just tell me"

"Okay... umm... Gally, I'm sorry." he paused

"What did you do?!" Gally sternly questioned.

"Well, you see..." he laughed awkwardly " maybe... just maybe I might have climbed one of the newly made buildings, and maybe, just maybe it might have crashed to the ground with me on it."

he leaned on one leg swinging his arms out to the side, lifting his previously stitched-up leg.

"And it might have undone my stitches" he blabbered out faster than I had ever heard anyone.

Looking at the boy's leg "Oh, shit. What the hell greenie!"

"Profanity!" Gally copied what I had said before.

I dragged the greenie inside making him sit down on the bed getting out the necessary materials the medjacks would need.

After the medjacks left and his stitch was back together he got up like it was nothing.

"Ah-ah-ah no," I pushed him back on the bed.


"You aren't leaving the medjacks" he had already broken his stitches twice. "Not until your leg is healed."

The Maze Ghost   (Newt x Reader) (DCTU)Where stories live. Discover now