No spoilers 8

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Opening my eyes I realised I wasn't in the maze or the glade, I was in a white room with padding all around it. A man walked in, he had brown hair and an obviously fake smile.

"Hello James, how have you been feeling." He didn't care for my answer as he immediately looked away not paying any attention to me.

"Probably would have been better if I wasn't about to be sent to my death." I scowled against my own thoughts.

"That's nice. Oh James, your going to be part of something groundbreaking, you should be excited."

"Oh sorry," I said sarcastically "Woo yay I get to be sacrificed so that selfish manipulating grandmas can live."

"James, I know it's all a bit much, but one day you will forgive me and realise this is all for the greater good."

"What, and the 'greater good' is running around KILLING KIDS!" I shouted at him, I knew nothing I said or did would change anything, so it was nice to finally let go.

"That's the thing James-"


"Okay then (Y/n)," it felt weird to have him saying my real name, he didn't look mad like usual using it he seemed tired.

He continued," You are a bit different than the rest of the subjects, we are trying one of our most mentally and physically draining tests on you, to see if an immune body can survive being linked with a non-immune subject. We will slowly be linking you with subject A5, starting with their memories and then their physical features like temperatures and pain."

"Yea well, what does that have to do with the Death Maze."

"As you know, you were born the second the sun flares hit. One of the two tests we are surveying on you is reacting badly with our stats recordings, so we need you to feel as though you aren't being surveyed so that that bad thing will go away and we can find out what's wron- I mean 'special' about you." He added a false smile to the end.

"So you think I'm a faulty subject. You could've just said that you didn't need to go on a monologue"

I watched as Janson walked out of the room as fluids started moving towards me through the tubes linked to my body, once they reached me the world started spinning and I fell unconscious.


I shot up panting, my lungs were pleading for air yet they stung every time I inhaled and exhaled.

Many people were surrounding me, quickly scanning the room I didn't see Newt, I recognised one as Minho. He looked worried, and then I realised why I didn't see Newt. I looked beside me to see newts blond hair, he was on his knees with his face buried into the side of the bed.

He looked up and his eyes widened as he wrapped his arms around me forcing my head into his chest, "your pulse just disappeared, we all thought you were dead"

Minho picked me up bridal style once again walking downstairs and sitting me on a wooden stool.

I heard Newt shout from behind me "Careful Minho, he's got a broken shucken leg"

"First of all let's all introduce ourselves to the Ghost Greenie." One boy said.

"I'm not a greenie." I huffed under my breath.

"Well, I'm Frypan, the Keeper of the cooks." The boy furthest left started and the rest quickly followed.

"I'm Gally the Keeper of the builders."

"I'm Clint the Keeper of the medjacks."

"I'm Winston Keeper of the slicers."

"I'm Zart Keeper of the track hoes."

"I'm Minho as you already know, Keeper of the runners."

"I'm Newt also as you already know, second in command."

"And last there's me, I'm Alby, the leader of the glade..." he paused.

"Your gonna have to stay here whilst your leg heals,"

I just nodded, my neck still feeling like shuck.

'There is no way I'm staying here until my leg heals, that's gonna take forever. I guess I'm just going to have to find another way into the maze.'

I thought to myself as a smirk tugged on my lips. If they think they can control me, they are happily mistaken.


The Maze Ghost   (Newt x Reader) (DCTU)Where stories live. Discover now