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Newts POV:
I watched as he climbed out of the box, I could tell he was confused and scared like the rest of us but wouldn't show it,  I'm not one to talk though.

Walking to the kitchen, Fry wasn't there, I thought maybe a cookie would cheer him up.

'Where is everyone,'

I waited in the kitchen for fry attempting to balance a spoon on my nose.

"Sorry I'm a bit late Gally was really having a breakdown."

"Breakdown? Over what?" I'm really confused now, did I miss something?

"Oh well em, I think it's best if the greenie tells you that 'imself"

"Speaking of the greenie, can you pleeeaaassseeeee make us two cookies some bacon, and blackberry juice." They were all his favourites, though the bacon may have partially been for me.

"What?" He turned around suddenly getting to work "You finally gonna ask him out like?"

I went bright red "NO! It's not like that, he would never like me- I mean- he and me we're not like that-"

"Mhm save your petty excuses, anyways at least you ain't got any more competition" fry jumped in.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, once you see him you can ask em"

"But still, it's not like that!"

"Sure, sure," he turned away from me" I can feel the heat off your cheeks from here" He turned around with a wink.

I just groaned and grabbed the food. Walking into the deadheads we had a lot of flowers, I picked a few bunches and put them into a basket.

Sitting down I weaved two flower crowns and laid out a blanket. Planning it all out, I put a piece of paper on his bed that he'll read saying "come to the tree" he knows where it Is. Then he'll come, I'll blindfold him, take him here, and "SURPRISE!" The look on his face... I can't wait!!!

I sat there until dark, waiting, waiting, there was the sound of the doors closing, but still nothing, he didn't come.

'Maybe he didn't see the paper'
'Or maybe he stood you up'
'No, we're friends'
'he just pities you'
These thoughts, they always come when he's not here.

Walking to her hammock I didn't see him.

I didn't wanna wake up chuck but I had to find out where she is. Tapping his shoulder, his lazy eyes meeked open.


"Do you know where the greenie is?"

"You mean Y/n?"

"Y/n? Did he remember his name?" I decided not to mention the familiarity that came with it.

"Well, more like Gally did." He rolled over onto his front.

"How did gally know his name?"

"I don't know?" He yawned "Don't ask me"

"Well, yes then, Y/n." I corrected myself. "You seen him?"

"Nope" He popped the P "not since he left the meeting that was happening in the homestead, he said something along the lines of "Sorry, bla bla bla, whatever I've done bla bla bla, I was a bit shocked at first but i dont care what Gally says, i dont think he's thinking straight, to be frankly honest woth you i think he's just scared"

"Well you got any idea where he could be"

"Nope" He once again popped his P "sorry mate"

"It's alright chuck, go back to sleep."

"I was planning on it" Sarcasm oozing out of his words.

'He's learning too much from Minho' I rolled my eyes.

I searched through all the buildings creeping past sleeping teenagers, when I didn't find him I looked again, then looked again, especially in all the nooks and crannies, then I looked again but in reverse, again, again, again, again.

Every time getting more frantic I accidentally stood on a kid's hand.
Running through the glade all the thoughts were coming back.

'You're not good enough
'You can't keep anyone safe'
'Just die'
'But you can't even do that can you'
'Weak little kid'
But there was one swirling around my head that I grabbed onto it, not letting it go. focusing on it just to hear people, no, kids talking.

'Why am I always the princess Y/n?'
'Because I have to save you geko,'
'From who'
'Minho's sick, he can't be the dragon Y/n'
'But I have to save you! that's what the Knight doooeeesssssss'
'But who from!?'
'... yourself'

Suddenly I was pulled back into reality, the last line sounded older, like what he sounds like now.

I spun around trying to see if it was really him or my imagination it was coming from the maze, I sprinted to the doors. My heart and feet stopped in front of it as I realised.
'he left'
'My light is gone.'

Frustration started to build inside me. Pounding against the walls with all my might "Damn you, DAMN YOU GREENIE. YOU COME AND THEN JUST LEAVE, LEAVE ME ALONE, just come back love, please."

I fell and crumpled on the ground "go away, go away, go AWAY, GO AWAY, JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!!"
The voices were louder than ever.

I felt two arms around me but I thrashed against them.

I saw someone in my vision.
"Newt, Newt your okay, your safe, deep breaths bud, look at me, look at me," my eyes were filled with tears but I could make out Minho's voice anywhere regardless.

He held my face and wiped my tears, "You are somebody, You are wanted, You are loved."

Slowly but surely I calmed down just looking at him, "You matter,"

He flung his arms around me and I cried and cried until my throat was hoarse.

I slowly felt myself drifting as my body became weightless and someone picked me up.

I let my consciousness slip as I whispered one more time "please greenie, come back."

The Maze Ghost   (Newt x Reader) (DCTU)Where stories live. Discover now