No spoilers 22

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Newts POV:

Minho tugged me away from y/n taking me into the homestead where "it was safer" everything was eerily quiet until we heard the first wave of noises, the sounds of the boys who decided to fight.

They screamed and bashed on the door wanting to be let in, but the place was already crowded, I was situated under a table on the top floor.

Then the second wave of noises, the wood falling and breaking to the ground, the barricades that we had so childishly thought could protect us.

We didn't hear the third wave as much as we saw it, a giant griever ripped into the room dragging the wall clean off and Reaching for Alby.

We all rushed to him but it's not like we could do much, that's when I took the alcohol that was under my bed and used my torch to light it with a piece of cloth.

The whole side of the building erupted into flames, the griever let out a growl of anger yet once again stuck its tail inside thrashing around.

But then it suddenly stopped and turned around, I slightly saw the metallic reflection of a knife in the back of its head. It lowered itself towards the ground as I saw the person responsible for it.

"Y/N!!!" I shouted to him,

I ran down the stairs falling at the bottom and pushing through the others, swinging open the door, I had watched it happen, watched the griever plunge its leg into his stomach as he looked down at it almost in awe.

He pushed it further into his stomach and took a swing at the creature promptly killing it in one swift slice, then he fell to the floor.

From my back I heard a low rumbling, turning around the tail of the griever lunged straight towards me before erupting into flames, the other boys had all run out of the homestead and copied me by throwing lit alcohol on them.

The griever flung itself around before barrelling straight toward a small boy running across the Glade.

As the new day taunted us with its warm colours his ear-piercing scream echoed throughout.

Almost everyone had turned away, not wanting to witness the slaughter, I closed my eyes but peeked them open continuing to look towards it. Enough to see y/n run and slide across the floor shielding chuck. I audibly let out a sob, but the griever didn't skewer them, it just turned and continued running into the maze.

We had made it, but how many is "we"

Y/n's POV:

My consciousness returned slowly and groggily as my head spun in its husk. Opening my eyes I sat up to find myself in newts room in his bed.

Looking down at my body I had my original clothes on and a bandage wrapped around my middle.

Then Newt walked in with a sour look on his face, but it turned to one of relief as soon as he saw me.

"Oh thank Alby, are you alright? Do you feel alright?" He sat on the edge of the bed, he had a smile on his face but I could tell he was obviously troubled.

I reached my hand out and intertwined it with his, reassuring him that I was fine and I'm here.

"It's almost dark out you've slept for two days and a lot has happened, a greenies come up."

He sat beside me letting me rest my head on his shoulder.

"He's a boy, Thomas. He came up straight after the wreckage and got immediately thrown in the slammer before he even had a chance to walk."

I started slightly smiling, but there was still the weight on my heart of what happened two days ago.

I coughed slightly looking down. "Do they know how many we lost"

Newt looked at me slightly before I was able to see a few tears fall from his eyes.

I pulled him into a hug letting him cry into my chest,

"69" He croaked out.

That many, there were only around 100 gladers, probably less. I held him until his tears ran out.

"It's stupid!" He pulled away looking at the floor. "All of this is STUPID!" He stood up "The creators are STUPID" He grabbed one of the pots from the side table and smashed it on the ground.

"Newt!?" I stood up walking towards the broken pieces.

"Look, everyone's sad about it, but we can't change that it happened, they would want us to keep going, find our way out of this place."

"What do you know about what they would want, you were only in here for like 2 months, I've been in here for more than two years."

"They were still my friends!"

"They weren't they just pitied you, everybody pitied you, that's why they were nice to you, THEY WERE MY FRIENDS, YOU KNEW NOTHING ABOUT THEM!!!" He screamed.

"Get out" a mumble came from his mouth.


"I DONT EVEN KNOW WHY I LIKED YOU, YOUR JUST AN ANNOYING PRAT, this setting isn't one for a relationship, we're done, all of this is done."

"Newt, you don't mean that, you always get angry when you're upset."


I was cleaning up the ceramics from the floor when he pushed me down making me slice my knee open.

"Alright" I tried to stay composed as I opened the door, it took all that was in me to not break down crying.

I knew everything that he was saying wasn't true, it couldn't be, he gets irrationally angry when he's sad but before I left I turned around," Newt just know it's gonna be okay were gonna get out of here."

I made my way out of the room searching for Minho as I looked around the glade, try as it may cover up what happened, I knew nothing was ever going to be the same.

The Maze Ghost   (Newt x Reader) (DCTU)Where stories live. Discover now