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Luke and Michael looked at each other nervously before Michael slowly unlocked the door, the thought of anything being wrong with ashton killed him. or the fact that his mom could be at the door? his heart was racing.

but Luke grabbed Michael's hand, squeezing it tightly as they headed downstairs with Calum who was a shaking mess. Michael knew it was ashton, it had to be, why else would Calum be acting like this?

Michael looked into the living room, seeing ashton sound asleep on the couch with blankets wrapped around him. Frozen was yet again on, but it was the credits, he must have been able to finish his movie.

"what is it Calum?"

"don't worry, ashton is fine, I tucked him in he was tired but there is this woman outside. she was yelling at this man about you Michael," Calum said nervously. "and I heard some other stuff I didn't wanna hear."

"does she know you heard her?" Luke asked.

Calum shook his head.

Michael sighed, his voice breaking, it has to be his mom, but when Calum said dad, he was confused. Michael doesn't even know who else knows where he lives.

"where did you hear them?" Luke asked Calum, knowing Michael was too worked up.

"I was going to grab ashton a cup of water when I heard talking by the kitchen window, I stood beside it, and saw a man and woman. I listened to them talk, and by what I heard, it seems like it's Michael's mom and dad?"

Luke nervously nodded, hearing the front door slam.

"shit," he said loudly. "Michael."

Calum looked at Luke worriedly before running outside behind Luke, the two of them seeing Michael walking towards Karen and the stranger. but deep down the two both knew it was Michael's dad.

"get away from us!" Michael yelled at his mom.

"oh honey, how are you?" Karen asked his in a bitchy tone.

Michael rolled his eyes, looking at the man in front of him, "d-dad?"

"hi son," daryl smiled, inching closer to Michael.

Michael backed up, almost tripping, landing in Luke's arms, something he always seems to do. he couldn't process this was his dad, he's never met him, he doesn't even know his name, but he just knows.

Karen and daryl watched Michael cry, Karen smirking, daryl frowning.

"Michael, look at you, handsome and so big-"

"you left me and mom for another woman?" Michael whimpered out. "you l-left me with this piece of shit I call mom? you left me with a woman who abused me, spit means things at me everyday. you left!"

"baby," Luke cooed in Michael's ear trying to calm him down.

"what?" daryl croaked out. "son, your mom made me leave- I didn't want to I'm so so sorry. every time I tried to come near you your mom would threaten me, so I stayed distance. sure I have a wife, and a little girl but I have always wanted you Michael."

Michael widened his eyes, "I have a sister?"

Daryl nodded, "yes, she's four, and her name is Katy. she's beautiful- I've always wanted you to meet her."

Michael sniffled, "mom she-she's tried to kill me, ruin my life, and you just stood back?"

"no you-"

"shut up daryl! you need to go back where you came from or I will end you," Karen growled.

"leave him alone mom, or I will end you," Michael snapped at Karen.

"how?" Karen laughed.

"we will turn you in, with the help of Aden, and ashton, and Calum, and Michael, even daryl. we will end you by locking you up forever. why? because you fucking hurt my Michael, and for that, you will pay. you hurt ashton, and thought about hurting Calum, well you won't. never," Luke yelled at Karen, both Calum and Michael surprised.

"silly boy, you won't get away with this. no one talks to me like that," Karen replied.

Luke chuckled, "oops I just did, now get the hell off of my property."

Karen scoffed, getting into her car and driving off, Michael was a wreck. all he could so was hold his father.

"love you so much son, I promise we will be closer, you will love Katy and Emma," Daryl smiled down at Michael.

"I know I will, I love you too dad, please never leave again," Michael said weakly.

Luke smiled, he loved seeing Michael and his father reunited. Luke wishes he had a dad like daryl. accepting, loving, protective.

"let's head inside, yeah? ash is sleeping but I'll wake him up, I know he wants to meet you," Michael told daryl.

after waking ashton up, they all talked, laughed, had some beer. they talked about Katy, and Emma, Daryl's wife, how they met and all that. Michael is happy his father his happy, and has a family, Michael is apart of that family now.

Daryl told Michael about all the times he was so close to talking to him, but Karen was always around to stop it, or Aden, someone always was there to stop him.

"when can I meet Katy? and Emma? we all want to."

Daryl hummed, "tomorrow? look, here's a picture of Katy."

"wow, she's beautiful," Michael smiled at the picture.

Daryl smiled, "she's something else. so Luke, Michael, how did you guys meet?"

"school, Luke saved my life."

Luke laughed lightly, "yeah, I guess so, that's what I plan on doing- taking care of you, watching out for you."

Daryl smiled, "good, you better, that's my son you've got."

Luke nodded with a nervous smile, "yes sir."

"ok boys, I'm tired, gonna head back home. I'll see y'all tomorrow yeah?"

all the boys nodded with smiles, showing him to the door, daryl was a great man. Michael wishes he could've grown up with him. he's so impatient for tomorrow, so they all head to bed, hoping time will fly. they know tomorrow is going to me fun, amazing.


sorry I haven't updated in forever! so there you go, a crappy, filler that's very very short.

I just wanted to save the next chapter for its own.

bye lovelies

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