//a house on the hill with the view of the town//

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"yes Mikey, how've you been?"

"s-stay away from me and ashton you got it? I-I never wanna see you again,"

"oh c'mon, I miss you, but don't worry. you won't see me for a while. I've gotta wait till the time is right. God, it was so nice to hear your voice again."

Michael whimpered when he heard the line go dead, beeping noises filled his ears. he threw his phone across his room, hitting the wall, hoping it would break. but his throw wasn't strong enough, the front just shattered. Michael heard many footsteps coming his way, but he couldn't focus. his tears were now falling freely from his cheeks into his lap, and his vision was so blurry he couldn't make out which boy was ashton or luke.

Michael heard his name being called by ashton, he could feel Luke's warm hand try to wipe away all the tears but it was no use. he couldn't stop. he couldn't talk. he couldn't breath.

"Michael, breath baby breath," he heard luke say, and suddenly he felt calm by the sound of his voice.

he held onto luke for dear life and looked up at ashton who was holding his phone, a confused expression on his face.

"why'd you break your screen?" ashton asked Michael, kneeling down beside him.

"h-he c-called," Michael said between breaths.


Michael nodded, watching as Ashton's eyes turned dark, his face red and hands clenched by his sides.

"he's been running, looking for us this whole time, now he's found us. shit Mikey, we've gotta leave."

"no!" luke blurted out, "don't take Michael, please."

ashton looked at luke and frowned, "luke I'm sorry, I can't afford to have Aden hurt Michael again, or even look at him."

luke shook his head and held Michael closer to him, Michael busted into tears again, he couldn't believe this was happening. he didn't wanna leave luke, he didn't mind leaving here, just not luke.

"you guys can't just keep running, he'll find ya'll every time. you've gotta call the police ashton," luke spoke up, voice shaky.

ashton sighed and ran his hands through his hair, "we tried last time, the only evidence we had was Michael's words and body. that's it. Aden would never turn himself in either."

"what about Michael's mother? wasn't she there when it happened?"

Ashton nodded, "yes but Michael's mother never cared for him, even when he was a baby. she put up with him, but she just calls him a drunken mistake. she probably told Aden to hurt Michael--" ashton gasped, "that's it! if we can get Michael's mother to talk, Aden can be sent to jail, maybe even her."

"so we just need to set up a court date?" luke questioned.

"yes, keep Michael occupied today while I go out and do some stuff."

"but what if--"

"he won't," Ashton cut luke off, walking out of the room.

luke looked down at Michael and smiled, helping him stand up, "hey, put something warm on to wear, I wanna show you something."

Michael shook his head, "n-no I don't wanna go outside."

"trust me," luke said kissing Michael's forehead, "I'll keep you safe, and I know you'll like this place."

after twenty minutes of luke convincing Michael to go with him, Michael finally gave in when luke told him no kisses for the week. that made Michael laugh, he wishes be could bet on that.

Michael wore his grey beanie, his over-sized hoodie that luke wore not to long ago, and his pain black skinny jeans. him and luke matched, except luke had on a black sweater.

"where do you wanna take me?" Michael asked luke.

luke smiled at Michael and intertwined their fingers as they walked down the road to where luke wanted to take Michael, "it's a surprise, but trust me, you're gonna love this place. I just recently found it, it was after the party, Dillon's party," luke frowned, "but it was dark so, I haven't seen it during the daytime yet."

Michael nodded, looking down at their hands. Michael loves holding Luke's hand, Michael loved Luke's kisses, he loves Luke's cuddles, but does he really wanna be with luke? it's been going through his mind since the second he heard Aden's voice. he wants to keep luke safe, he knows if Aden gets close to luke, he'll hurt him because they're dating. and Michael cares about luke.

he's gotta find a way to break it to him easily.

"luke we--"

"we're here!" luke said excitingly, a glimmer in his bright blue eyes.

Michael looked at the White House on the hill, it was so beautiful and Michael instantly fell in love. as you got higher up on the hill, you could see the view of the town. luke says it's amazing at night when all the lights are lit, and Christmas decorations just stand out.

"does anyone live here?" Michael asked luke.

luke shook his head, "nope, surprising huh? I have the number of the salesman, and he said no one wants to buy it cause it needs a lot of work done, on the outside. but it's beautiful, yeah?"

Michael nodded and sat on the grass beside luke, looking above at the house, awe in his eyes, "I think it'd be easy to work on the outside."

luke shrugged, "yeah, it would. maybe people are just lazy."

Michael chuckled lightly, then frowning, he needs to tell luke. he doesn't wanna break up with luke, it's killing him just thinking about it, but it's what's best.

"luke, we need to talk.." Michael told luke, who just shifted his head towards Michael with those soft eyes.

"luke I can't see you anymore."

"what?" luke asked with a laugh.

"it's not funny, I-I'm serious, I don't wanna put you in danger now that Aden knows where we are, I'm sorry."

"but Michael, me and Michael are gonna fix it. Aden isn't gonna come near you okay? I promised you I wouldn't let anyone hurt you," luke replied, grabbing Michael's hand.

tears fell down Michael's face, "no luke, you broke your promise about two times already, you can't keep this one. you don't know Aden like I do, ashton barely does, you can't help me. Aden will find a way to destroy me, or just take me back, whatever he wants he'll get. Aden promised me something, and I know he'll keep that promise if it kills him doing it."

"I-I don't understand?"

Michael wiped the tears in Luke's cheeks and frowned, "you can't, I have to fix this luke. my mom won't talk, neither will Aden, they're great lairs. we're not gonna win."

"yes we will Michael you have to believe me--"

"no," Michael said loudly, "just stay away from me luke. you don't wanna get hurt. I don't even know why you're with me. I'm never gonna be the way I was, I'll just disappoint you. we won't last."

before luke could say anything, Michael ran away, and luke was left on that hill all by himself, tears brimming his eyes.

"but I love you," luke whispered.


next chapter will be better and hopefully a lot longer.

I wanna do a character ask but idk if you guys would ask any questions so.. :(

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