//back to school//

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Luke stayed that night, keeping Michael company while ashton went to his night classes. he started since he's missed a lot, but he's doing fine catching up. Luke was gonna leave when ashton came back so he could shower and all that at home before school but he ended up falling asleep on Michael.

they woke up early so they could both take showers. since Luke didn't have any clothes, Michael let him burrow a pair of jeans and underwear, Luke just ended up wearing Michael's hoodie. they were both clean, they felt great. Michael wasn't sure if he wanted people to see his ring at school, or even wear it. he knows it's plastic but it means the world to him coming from Luke.

"Luke um, can I leave my ring here? somewhere safe?" Michael asked Luke, mixed emotions flickering in his eyes.

"whatever you want babe," Luke replied.

"I just don't want anything happening to it, or someone taking it from me y'know?"

Luke nodded, kissing Michael's forehead, "Calum's here to pick us up."

it wasn't an awkward silence as the three boys sat in Calum's car, Luke and Michael together in the back as usual. but Calum was tense, and his face was a bright red. Luke wasn't sure what was going on with him, and Michael honestly didn't care at the moment. all Michael could think about was how it was gonna go being back at school.

he didn't wanna get picked on, he didn't even wanna be back, he didn't think he was ready but the doctors say he's fine to go back. Michael's scars are visible to see all over his arms. what will people say? what will people think? Michael shouldn't care but he does and it's eating him up each second. Michael feels like he's overcome every obstacle in his life, but he hasn't. there will always be obstacles.

Michael felt his stomach churn as they exited the car, girls and boys already eyeing Michael's arms. occasional whispers to each other. his face was a bright red, from embarrassment, but holding Luke's hand made everything feel better. sure being with Luke made a lot of things better, but right in this moment he needs Luke every step of the way. and Luke will be there, he told Michael he would.

Luke left sweet kisses on Michael's hand as they reached Michael's locker, he almost forgot his code. it's been so long since he's been at school. he grabbed everything he needed for his first period, smiling at Luke, assuring him he was ready.

Luke of coarse walked Michael to class. it was tough. everyone laughed at Michael, or just both of them, Luke took it well. Michael? every inch of his body was shaking and he felt like puking. he was on the verge of tears, he didn't want to be here, he wishes he could just drop out. he wishes he could just leave and stay in his room but he can't. he's gotta stop being afraid and stand up for himself. he's tired of the harassment. they can't even say anything to his face.

"I love you, so much okay?" Luke whispered in Michael's ear, giving him a tight hug.

Michael nodded, "love you Luke. please meet me here after class?"

Luke chuckled, "babe our classes are right next to each other remember? I'll be here before you get out of class."

Michael smiled, looking away shyly, "I uh- r-right."

"quit being so nervous," Luke told Michael, softly running his thumb of Michael's soft red cheeks.

Michael nodded again, a cheeky grin spread across his face. Luke kissed the boys cheek, heading into his class, letting go of Michael's hand. Michael felt okay, but he just wanted Luke by him. how is he gonna get through this day.

it wasn't five minutes into class when Michael felt like exploding. his head was hurting so bad, all the math problems he looked down at were so confusing. he had no clue how to do any of them. each word the teacher explained went through one ear and out the other, he can't concentrate. the scars visible to his sight, Michael cringes and mentally slaps himself.

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